The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

One shot during approach to Frankfurt Main:

Dappo a lot of your screenies appear to be quite blurry for some reason. Is this due to mods you are running with your sim? such as ENB etc? I didn't install these this time around, you lose a lot of crispness in the detail I find. Just my personal preference.
Thank you for the feedback.
I don't use any mods or ENB's as I now use P3D v2.3, but I do add the blur afterwards to try and make the image look more realistic. The resizing from 1920 to 1280 does make it look worse though.
Lol @ Blue's comment. Now I understand why they are as blurry as they are Dappo. I'm sure the high res, full size shots won't look anywhere near that blurred. Damn image compression.

That's a nice looking 767 too, I like it :) Nice shots!
Had a break from the more complex stuff this evening and went for a flight out of Vancouver in my realair spitfire. Visually it is a very pretty aircraft and it's fun getting it off the runway. No slamming the throttle to 100% with all that torque!

Last three pics I tweaked the contrast and brightness levels a little to give a little more depth as I am not using ENB or shader mods.








Don't you just hate it when you've spent ages setting up a flight in your FMC, follow the taxi ways and get a building crash :( Most annoying!

I've switched crash detection off for now as the VA world tour I'm following goes to some of the smaller airports and there's no updated scenery for them. I'm using ORBX Global etc but some of the buildings/Objects are invisible. I found it always happened to me at the end of a long flight. On one occasion it was just as I crossed the threshold of the runway to touch down after a 3 hour flight. I might have even swore!
Now that would be very annoying. I too have the ORBX global scenery so may follow your lead on turning off crash detection. It's rarely that I get a crash due to me. I would have definitely let a few curses fly in your situation. Lets hope that doesn't happen to me this evening, flying the T7 from EGLL to KATL. Wind sheer / change in direction pumped in by REX at my FL is causing my T7 to do all kinds of crazy things at times.
Something else I've noticed about this PMDG T7. I know it's a big bird but it never ever gets bounced around by turbulance, unlike the Majestic Dash 8 which gets bounced around plenty.

Does the PMDG T7 not demonstrate turbulance unless you're using active sky?
Yesterday I had the GEX tow truck push me back into a parked 737 fortunately because i had CD turned off it wasn't an issue. It;s a shame though that we have to dumb it down because of the stupidity of artificial "intelligence"
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