The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

Gixer - To be honest when it comes to affinity masks, I don't bother with putting it in the .cfg. Doesn't seem to ever agree with my system for some reason.

If I do it from task manager though, for some reason that works a treat. Still haven't figured out why that is.

In December as far our rotas have been done at work, I am on hols from the 7th to the 16th December. Then I am free most evenings except for Wednesdays and Fridays. Be quite cool to jump on VATSIM for a bimble.
The 182 is fan bloody tastic!!

A quick question for you. I only have REX V2 as a weather engine and it no longer seems to be getting the weather. Same with the Default wx download. Any ideas? I can't see the missus going for me investing in a new wx program having just got the 182..LOL
Right I think it's about time I looked at the brave new world of weather after way to many years. What are people using at the minute? There are some good deals about on REX Essentials and ASN. Batfink I saw you was using Opus, has anyone done a good comparison??
I'm using REX Essentials Plus Overdrive. I'm waiting for the patch, but tempted to go ASN.

The new REX Weather Direct should be out before Xmas.

The PMDG T7 uses ASN to inject the weather into the Flight Display.

Aersoft's Airbus' can do this without anything special.
A few random shots from my recent flights on P3Dv2.4










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ASN looks pretty good. I'm using the trial for 7 days during which I'll enter negotiations ;)

Here's a few shots from the 182 IFR on a foggy day in the north.




Chaders, I have AS12 (I think that I no longer use) compared to Opus, I just find Opus seems to replicated real weather almost exactly with minimal faffing about compared to AS.

I've not looked at direct comparisons between the two, but Opus also bumps you about to simulate turbulence with info it gets from the weather. Works quite well.
Chaders, I have AS12 (I think that I no longer use) compared to Opus, I just find Opus seems to replicated real weather almost exactly with minimal faffing about compared to AS.

I've not looked at direct comparisons between the two, but Opus also bumps you about to simulate turbulence with info it gets from the weather. Works quite well.

I've downloaded the trial of ASN (a whole 7 days unrestricted use) and after the few hours I've messed around with it I'm quite impressed. There is turbulence included and it's not the silly FSX speed jumps. It feels more fluid, I'd need to check it with a none accusim aircraft so I'm sure it's the wx not the aircraft doing it.

I think the Opus trial is a lot more restrictive but I might give it a go. Good deals on ASN at the minute though..LOL
So, got a refund on the RMA's GTX770 and paid the difference to get a GTX970 in the Black Friday deals..

What a beast!

Looks familiar?

I think I am in love!
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