The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

On Monday, 1st December, I did my rw passenger flight on the Exeter to London City service.

The criteria was met:

1) Go on a Dash-8 Q400
2) Fly into London City
3) Be a complete nerd that wants to do this flight, even though it means driving away from London to Exeter to go back to London.

It was so much fun. RWs 08 at EGTE and 09 at EGLC were in use. There was lots of cloud cover.

I went with my Dad. We went on the DLR and Underground to Greenwich to finally see The O2. We had dinner.
And then we did the return journey.

I'd recommend VPilot these days. It is great.
I'm having a bit of a love/hate relationship with vPilot and its model matching. I've discovered why it beeped at me all the time. I'm using P3D and had loaded the FSX Basic Rule set, this meant it tried to display a C172 model I didn't have. I've now used vrmgenerator to make a rule set based on the models I actually have installed but it still draws stupid models and doesn't match some other. Last night I saw a Taxan (P3D default plane) as a C172 and a Carenado C172 as a regional jet. Trouble is I can't see how in vPilot I can see an explanation of the rule it used so I can fix it or to create another rule. At least FSInn had that Pla screen where it showed the information the other end sent to describe the aircraft being flown.
Whereas I bought Traffic 360 in the sale this year.

I then found a nifty script that copied the planes in there to a the required format for Vpilot.

I then loaded that ruleset into VPilot and it all worked.

There's some bits on the Vatsim forum that I posted here including the some model match screenshots:

Of course, I'm still using FSX. It could be different for P3D.
That's what I've already done Andrew :( vmrgenerator seems to ignore the actual P3D simobjects folder though so I have tried forcing it to look there as well but I'm still having issues. I've got Traffic360 and the IVAO MTL set installed in to P3D.
I've been flying in Windowed mode, pretty sure the vPilot window doesn't stay on top though in my setup and I can't remember if that is an option.
Xmas Fly-In dates for me:

From 7pm

Monday 8th
The Vatsim Santa Fly-In is on Saturday 13th (if any of you are interested, we can set off together)
Monday 15th
Tuesday 16th
Monday 22nd
Monday 29th
Tuesday 30th.

All dates are negotiable.
vPilot doesn't work in full screen mode and you have to alt-tab to get to it for text messages etc.

No plans for it to be made full screen either apparently.

Cheers mate. I downloaded it and it went in easy. I discovered the lack of full screen support shortly after, to be fair I'm no worse off than before as FSinn only worked full screen if it was started inside the sim I believe and it's that that kept crashing the job.

I'll give it a try tonight hopefully to check my comms are working.

Blue how do the comms work if it's running on a network?
Client PC has USB headset and is running VPilot.

FSX PC runs the traffic proxy and has a PTT button.

I might give that a try. Then I can keep FSX in Full screen. I'm available all of those dates except the 29th. What sort of time are you thinking. I'm usually available from about 2000.
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