I'm having a bit of a love/hate relationship with vPilot and its model matching. I've discovered why it beeped at me all the time. I'm using P3D and had loaded the FSX Basic Rule set, this meant it tried to display a C172 model I didn't have. I've now used vrmgenerator to make a rule set based on the models I actually have installed but it still draws stupid models and doesn't match some other. Last night I saw a Taxan (P3D default plane) as a C172 and a Carenado C172 as a regional jet. Trouble is I can't see how in vPilot I can see an explanation of the rule it used so I can fix it or to create another rule. At least FSInn had that Pla screen where it showed the information the other end sent to describe the aircraft being flown.I'd recommend VPilot these days. It is great.
vPilot doesn't work in full screen mode and you have to alt-tab to get to it for text messages etc.
No plans for it to be made full screen either apparently.
Client PC has USB headset and is running VPilot.
FSX PC runs the traffic proxy and has a PTT button.
2000 is fine. Any time that suits the majority.