I just bought FSX on steam, couple of questions:
- My FSX worked fine yesterday, today it reset the res to 720p, disabled AA and AF and it won't go into fullscreen, I just get a black screen ( when I press alt+enter), I can play windowed fine though, any ideas why ?
- Is there a way to increase the field of view ( in both the 3rd person and the cockpit views)?
- Is there a way to increase the draw distance for the ''high'' textures ( over the default max I mean ? ) I can see popup in the distance/blurry rubbish textures until I get closer even though all the distances are maxed out.
- Is there a way to make the make the ailerons self center when not pressing any of the arrow keys ? ( without manually having to do it every time, like in most arcade flying games), when flying with the keyboard.
- Is there a way to un-invert the right analog stick for looking around on the 360 controller ? The left analog is fine and logical, but why on earth would you want to invert the camera controls ?
- Where do I go getting these beautiful high res sattelite ground textures ? I want Holland in high res like I've seen on many screenshots here. Also my water is very ugly compared to what I see here!