Here's a link to the Aerosoft site --->HERE<---
Navigation has just been a natural progression, again if I got stuck I would Google and learn from there, I think have the A319 has helped though.
As for the radio, you don't need it too much if you are flying offline, maybe atis, but essential if you are flying VATsim.
They more teach about the subsystems in the aircraft. But it helps build up a solid base of knowledge for how stuff works.
What are you wanting to learn to fly? Big aircraft, small GA aircraft? I used to just jump in and fly big aircraft with no real idea. Then I went back to GA and started learning things properly, with less systems to confuse me, then as I went on, went to bigger and bigger aircraft. Now I enjoy flying both, in either VFR or IFR.
When I used to fly with FSX, I just went through the flight school, it will give you a good idea of what to do. You can then just take that knowledge and apply it to aircraft with better simulated systems.
If you want to learn radio, you can fire up things like VATsim and just listen in, you'll get a general idea. As well as using the AI ATC in offline flying. Won't teach you everything, but you'll know what to generally expect.Thanks bud. Any recommendations about where to learn about radio? Also about taxiway etiquette and rules?
Thanks for your insight bud. Sorry what does GA mean?
Im looking to start from the ground up, Im running through the FSX tutorials at the moment to start off with but I guess this doesn't scratch the surface?
If you want to learn radio, you can fire up things like VATsim and just listen in, you'll get a general idea. As well as using the AI ATC in offline flying. Won't teach you everything, but you'll know what to generally expect.
As for taxiway etiquette, I have no idea how serious it is taken in multiplayer, however there are general rules real aviation (I'm actually learning to fly at the moment).
Give way to aircraft landing or taking off, so don't cross an active runway that is in use.
If you're approaching head on with an aircraft, both aircraft will turn to the right.
If you're merging , the aircraft which has the other on its right, must give way and avoid crossing directly in front of the approaching aircraft.
An aircraft that is being overtaken has right of way, and the overtaking aircraft must leave plenty of room.
But like I said, I have no idea how real multiplayer ATC take things lol.
General aviation, so smaller aircraft like Cessna, Beechcraft, those sort.
I found them to be pretty useful at getting the basics down of what you're looking at doing to start. Once you have them sorted, it's easier to pick things up after searching online.
General Aviation
Couple of freebee things you could look at,
FreeMeshX -
for a better terrain mesh, and
Tileproxy -
Tileproxy can take a bit of setting up and, depending on where in the world you are, you'll get differing quality of images. You'll also find many who don't like photo scenery as it tends to lose all the 3D trees/buildings, has lack of seasons etc.