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how much of an impact does REX have on FPS?

gotta bit of dosh going spare, and sitting round at home doing not a lot is making my clicking finger itchy. Gotta admit, the efects do look pretty tasty, but i have most of the uk2000 major airports and UT2. i enjoy mostly zipping around in the uk and the FPS does get kinda choppy at times.

long story short, its either that or the uk2000 vfr vol 1 airports...
Wow - some stunning shots there. I've just bought REX and am loving the beautiful weather - though at the moment any flight around the UK involves heavy cloud and rain, and airfields flying IFR!

I'm toying with the idea of upgrading from an i5 750 (at 3.6) to a 2500k (light 4-4.2 oc) would I notice a great deal of difference in performance? Since adding REX, airport areas have got quite chuggy.


I would personally highly recommend REX, especially now that its at version 2.0 and the extra texture pack 'Overdrive' is available for free. AFAIK it has little impact on frames due to it replacing textures from lower quality to high quality, so unless you have a pretty old GFX card, most cards nowadays can easily handle higher quality textures in FSX esp Nvidia (deals with large volumes of clouds better then ATI). I you do notice a difference in FPS then its most likely to do with heavier cloud volumes and you are probably using an ATI card, reduce the distance of cloud display should help.

As for a new CPU to run FSX better, that should work. FSX is deffo heavily CPU dependent so a faster CPU (or more cores) should help it running better. As for how much better I couldn't tell you, as it also depends on GFX card, FSX addons used and tweaking FSX.cfg.

Hope that helps.
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well, ill give it a shot. Might try it on my laptop as well if it works as you say it works (1.2ghz core i series pentium and hd5450 w. 512 vram). It can play the vanilla fsx well enough (minus autogen. I hate autogen...), but forget about any vaguely demanding mods. Thing is i have the luxury of a fairly powerful desktop this week, but next week im off to arizona for 5 months so ill only have the laptop for my flight simming needs.

on the flip side im actually gonna out there to do some real flying so its all good ;)
Been sifting through a huge backlog of screen shots (mostly LDS 767s) and came up with a few shots I felt were worth sharing, enjoy:

(ps. some shots have edited nav/landing lights, the LDS defaults lights just don't look right to me, plus I added a slight blur on the last shot)










Addons: REX2.0 overdrive, ENB, Level D 767, McPhat LDS 767 World Airlines 1-6, FTX scenery/airports & Blue Sky Scenery.
I've been flying the PMDG fleet for a while, this is going to beat everything out their hands down. I wonder if they built it for MS Flight at the same time?

I hope so or it might get a short life.....

Watching the Video ringo747 posted its just amazing the modelling that's gone into the 737NG's systems and cockpit. But equally the teasers for Flight are stunning......

But I just want the PMDG 737NG flight model and systems and the 737NG 6DOF sim from Fly Engravity. Unfortunately I suspect a normal lottery win would still not be enough :D

this one :D
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Somewhere around £50 for the download and £250 for the manuals etc if you get the lot.........

That's an awful lot of cash for an addon. If it was bolted to the Fly Engravity 6DOF sim then I'd bite their hand off. As it is I think I'll take the download and get my manuals online :D
Pricing is announced:

PMDG 737NGX Base Package: $69.99* ETA: On/Before 04AUG11 Contains the 737-800/800WL, 737-900/900WL

PMDG 737NGX 6700 Package: $24.99 ETA: 4-8 weeks after base Contains the 737-600, 737-700/700WL

PMDG 737NGX ER Package: TBA ETA: 4-8 weeks after 6700 Contains the all 737ER variants.

PMDG 737NGX BBJ Package: TBA ETA: TBA Subject to interest Contains BBJ/BBJ2 variants.

PMDG 737NGX Mil Package: TBA ETA: TBA Subject to interest Contains the P-8 and "Wedgetail" variants.
I have just realised that the version of REX I am using is probably about 3 years old. I'm still on Version 1. I take it v2 is a completely new product?
TBH I can't remember, certainly didn't destroy my FSX experience or radically improve it performance wise. However each upgrade has brought better visuals. Thinking back I think V2 improved the weather engine as well as other stuff. I didn't pay for the upgrade so it's all worth doing in my book.
So I just installed FSX and wanted to know is it worth my while also installing the acceleration pack or is it not worth it? (I heard that it has some kind of DX10 update of some kind - isnt there a patch which would do that anyway?)

Thanks :)
DX10 mode is very buggy, for example when I had it turned on the game wouldnt run in fullscreen.

Its also incompatible with a lot of addons.
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