See thats another thing I wanted to ask. How do you know what every single button does? (Even with the vanilla planes in FSX!)
Does it explain this in the tutorial as you advance through?
Flying one of these complex addons properly is something that you don't learn overnight. I used to work up at a local airport and learned the older generation 737s in a fair bit of detail from talking to some of the FLS Engineers who worked on them. I used to read up more on my addons, ask the engineers some questions, then go back and sort it out. That was in the earlier days of FS addons. I wouldn't know the systems from an engineering point of view or couldn't really explain them in detail but had enough of a grasp to understand how they worked operationally for flight.
This new one will take realism to a new level. As almost everything is modelled you can fly the thing exactly as the real world crews would. PMDG have published a whole heap of flight manuals to help teach about the aircraft. You won't believe how much reading there is to do:
You can for around $300 dollars get the following:
-PMDG 737-NGX Flight Crew Operating Manual Vol. 1 & Vol. 2
-PMDG 737-NGX Flight Crew Training Manual
-PMDG 737-NGX Quick Reference Handbook
-Three 737-NGX Cockpit Posters
-PMDG 737-NGX Aircraft System Schematics
-Bound set of Jeppesen Training Charts for your Type Ride
Normally I will use some 3rd party tools to generate real world weather, print charts, print weather briefings, file flight plans and only then start up the aircraft at the gate in flight sim. I use real world charts and routings to make sure I follow the real world procs fairly closely.
Unless you want to learn about the aircraft in detail it probably would be a waste of money. I remember getting a 767 addon and it took me over 30 minutes to work out how to start the thing. I didn't read any manuals but wanted to try to work it out myself.
You can run through all the checklists, real world procedures if you want to to make it 'as real as it gets'. On a forum such as this you will of course get tagged with 'you armchair pilots know nothing' but actually it's amazing just how much some flight sim pilots actually know about aircraft and their systems.
I am hoping to buy and download this puppy tonight and get some screenshots uploaded. Cannot wait!