Finally took the plunge and got Prepar3d v3.2.
Installed great, runs great, UK2000 EGPH looks fab, Carenado B1900D looks great, all round performance is lovely locked at 30fps, even London is generally smooth around 25-30...that is until i installed FTX england. Now i did a trial flight out of Bournemouth and the fps was rock solid no problems. I then did a test flight out of Heathrow and i was down in the high teens

. It's not a huge problem as i don't generally fly out of Heathrow, but I'd like to be able to at decent frames should i want to.
Does anybody else struggle with London (generally)?
I'm running all this on an i5 3570k oc'd to 4.2ghz, GTX970, 8gb ram.
I'm thinking i might bin off FTX england, and get the default scenery looking nice plus add on airports as these seem fine. Although does FTX global base have an impact on fps?