The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.


Latest flight sim toy has arrived! :D

Finally took the plunge and got Prepar3d v3.2.

Installed great, runs great, UK2000 EGPH looks fab, Carenado B1900D looks great, all round performance is lovely locked at 30fps, even London is generally smooth around 25-30...that is until i installed FTX england. Now i did a trial flight out of Bournemouth and the fps was rock solid no problems. I then did a test flight out of Heathrow and i was down in the high teens :(. It's not a huge problem as i don't generally fly out of Heathrow, but I'd like to be able to at decent frames should i want to.

Does anybody else struggle with London (generally)?

I'm running all this on an i5 3570k oc'd to 4.2ghz, GTX970, 8gb ram.

I'm thinking i might bin off FTX england, and get the default scenery looking nice plus add on airports as these seem fine. Although does FTX global base have an impact on fps?


Yeah I have a similar system with 3770 and I avoid flying over london if possible. I have UK2000 Gatwick and that's fine but when I'm actually flying overhead central london it drops below 20fps and gets really stuttery. I like the higher levels of autogen it runs great locked 30fps everywhere else so I just put up with it.
I thought London ran pretty well considering... not that I fly there often... You may have to accept using lower setting in this area, or putting up with it. Global does have less of a hit, even with OpenLC than the full fat region, but you won't get the full detail, which sadly doesn't come for free...

Some recent snaps.


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Wow those are some cracking screenshots. I think I've got it running smoothly now. I took off all ai traffic and over clocked my pc a little more. Locked frames at 25 foster and it's pretty stable flying the b1900.
Please tell me those screenies are edited somehow and not actual ingame graphics with no touching up whatsoever.

They are not :D

I am running a lot of mods to make it look like this, including some shader mods to improve the look of the clouds, darken the cloud shadows and change the terrain lighting. I'm also using custom sky's to alter haze colour and terrain shadow depth... so quite a lot of mucking about.

However, someone over at Avsim is putting a shader pack together gathering most of the above, with various options to change the look, if you don't like messing with shader files etc.

So keep an eye on this thread. There are also some files to try now, but some have a few issues.

I should add this is all for Prepar3D 3.2 and not FSX.
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Does it make much different visually between PrePar3D and FSX?

There is a lot more going on graphically in P3D... a vast array of shadow options, making the biggest difference. Cloud shadows, and full autogen/object shadowing give great depth to the terrain. You also have HDR with UI options for brightness, bloom and saturation... pop free autogen and tessellation, which are all things lacking in FSX.

FSX can still look good, but P3D is streets ahead.
Took a few screenshots last night after getting everything running smoothly. Also managed to get the default FSX 737 running in P3D as well, so did a quick hop from Edinburgh to Heathrow.





Now to consider the next add ons, I'm thinking Active Sky Next next.
Downloaded the ASN trial last night, ooh that's a bit good isn't it. I setup a big thunderstorm over Heathrow (basically trying to max out the cloud coverage etc to find my system limits) and it all ran flawlessly. So i guess I'm going to have to stump up for a full licence.
ASN is very good, though I've never bought it as I like to set my own conditions. Its certainly great for those doing long flights, and wish to experience what is really happening at that moment.

Three more shots.


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