The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

Had a really nice flight in the PMDG 737 NGX last night from EGLL to EDDT - my first (non-tutorial) flight.

had a really good flight - couldn't get the ILS working for the landing, but managed a quite nice manual landing anyway (definitely aided by the Heads-up display).

Definitely want (and need) to spend more time flying this plane!

Took a couple - I'll get them up a bit later (though they're not especially exciting).

Nice amount on snow on the ground made Berlin (or at least the approach) quite christmassy. :)

I was tempted by this, what do you think of it?

I was using the freebe from IRIS.

In the 5 mins I had yesterday with the Wilco one, I had no problems with VTOL. The flight model was smooth. That was about it.. I'll have another play over the weekend and maybe get a pic or two on here. There was some promo video on YouTube. For £13 download, it aint bad.

Captain sim's classic 707 has now a 30 euro discount! The 707 was 59.99 euros now down to 29.99 euros (@£22.50?), I would personally highly recommend it. It comes in several models, high quality (2048 textures) liveries and full authentic VC.





Edit: Made a boob with the discount calculation, doh. Thanks for correcting me Rich and thanks for the compliment on the Harrier video :)
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Hmmm - seems like the expansions are €9.99, but the main (base) package is €29.99 - unless I'm missing something?

Still quite tempted...


P.S. Lovely Harrier video :)
Just a quick heads up. From the outstanding quality of the screenshots it looks like there are a number of REX users. Anyway, the developers have just announced a major overhaul - REX Essentials - which will be free to existing customers. There's no detail on the release date yet but reading between the lines it looks like it will be sooner rather than later.

Full details can be found here:
Here is a selection of festive seasonal nighttime screen shots showing off the superb night time scenery (something I normally never bother with as there usually isn't anything you can see) of the Island of Guernsey made by Earth Simulations.

Enjoy the shots (unedited apart from re-sized and JPG'd):









Rex 2 at £12.82. Is that a must buy for that price?

A no-brainer IMO... plus they apparently have a big free update coming to REX as stated in a few posts above.

Not tried AS 2012, I heard it is mainly a weather loader, no texture replacements. But apparently it does a very good job of that, better then the current REX.

Cheers Rich.
Really is a good time to get REX with that new version coming up. With the release of new products from REX and Activesky it doesn't fill me with confidence regarding the new Microsoft Flight. I'd have expected the teams to be working flat out on Flight related products as opposed to still producing addons for FSX. Hopefully I'm wrong!
OK, I have bought REX and started to use it. However, I'm finding it a bit confusing and am not sure exactly how it works. Is there any way you can tell from this screenie whether or not these are the rex textures or the standard FSX textures please:

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