The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

FSX alas is well known for CTD with out of memory errors during long haul flights. Depending on both hardware/addons and which tweaks you have, FSX can CTD during a long flight (again, some systems can cope with more then others). I heard a tip about reducing the frustration for long haul flights by using FSUIPC (can be used free just not fully functional) and using the autosave option within the FSUIPC menu. So save every 10 or 15 or so and you can even choose how many saves you want to keep. That should at least not waste your entire flight if suddenly FSX ctd after a hour+ flight.

I Think the main cause of my CTD was REX was updating weather in the middle of the city, as i dont over an hour flight yesterday and it was perfectly ok,
Greeting folks,

Thank for the above comments & praise, glad you folks enjoy my work.

Let me update you with with 3 new FSX videos I recently made. The first 2 videos are identical apart from the time of the day but it shows you how different the sunlight reflections are on the fantastic UHDT skins. Anyways, here are the link, they are best viewed at their full 1080p full screen, enjoy:

Super 80 Pro with UHDT liveries on parade at Manchester @noon:

Same video but taken at @late afternoon:

And finally some more complex tarmac action with the MD-80s:

Thanks for watching.

I do have many shots that I have taken over the past year involving military planes. Will post some of my best here over the next few weeks but in the meantime simply browse my Photobucket folders, all my images are stored there, simply pick a relevant directory. Here Setup/FSX/FSX Resized/ and here Setup/FSX/2010/

Here are just a few in the meantime:





Thanks and yes you must check those both out, the NL2000 scenery is free, just very large in size and the ENB mod is something you won't be able to live without once you used it a few times.

Thanks and I use Just Flight's Traffic X although I recently purchased AirtrafficFX from Flight1 as they has some neat features. Look forward to your shots.

Soya where did you get the b-52 addon from cannot seem to find it???
Soya where did you get the b-52 addon from cannot seem to find it???

From Captain Sim,, it only has the exterior model atm, the VC is in the works. The model is however superb, as seen in mu shots.

SSD waiting at home for me today - can't wait to see what difference it makes to FSX!

Grats and have fun. Remember to read up about how to best install FSX on SSD (I remember reading about a certain way to format it) should be plenty on it in either nick's guide or on avsim hardware section.
From Captain Sim,, it only has the exterior model atm, the VC is in the works. The model is however superb, as seen in mu shots.

Grats and have fun. Remember to read up about how to best install FSX on SSD (I remember reading about a certain way to format it) should be plenty on it in either nick's guide or on avsim hardware section.

excelent so it doesn't use VC but does it use the the default B747 Cockpit?
excelent so it doesn't use VC but does it use the the default B747 Cockpit?

Correct, they only brought out the external model due to the fact they weren't sure if there was enough interest for them to design the entire model (which requires more time and money to be invested). Hence why it is only 10 Euros, but a new B-52 model is being build complete with VC and proper flight models as we speak. Check out the CS forums to keep up to date on that account.

Going through NickN's guide at the moment. It's terribly long!

Only bother reading the part under Storage Performance plus there is a link there as well worth checking out.
From Captain Sim,, it only has the exterior model atm, the VC is in the works. The model is however superb, as seen in mu shots.

OMG, got the C130 thinking "oh should be a laugh, would be nice to have a pretty long-haul plane now that I've got the hang of these heavies". I was so out of my depth it was hilarious. Saying that, it is so far the most fun I've had trying to figure out (mid-flight of course :p) what each of the panels controlled and how to set altitude in the AP. When I discovered the airdrop bay worked I nearly creamed myself. Stalled it just before the runway on my first landing attempt and crashed, but am looking forwards to many hours of flying this beast! Thanks for the link!




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No problem, CS is one of the best makers of aircraft addon albeit somewhat expensive. You can also buy their products via other Etailers like Just Flight. In fact, I believe they do a special Light version of most of CS product, cheaper but more simplified flight system as CS products are pretty complex.

I just bit the bullet and bought CS 707-300, they just released service pack 1.1 for it and the video here makes it look very nice. It is expensive but then again, you are getting a pretty detailed aircraft with complex flight model.
Omg i love REX 2.0 OD, i almost creamed my pants, i flew from egypt to cyprus with Cloud 62HD and sun set as scorcher set my resolution to 1980x1080. the cloud's looked stunning, they looked thundery with the sun reflecting of the tops of the cloud and darker shades where the sunlight doesn't hit it. Very realistic then dropped to 7,000 and the sun reflected onto the sea in between the clouds, should post some pics up soon.
Followed NickN's guide completely - still getting the microstutters even with the SSD! Not really impressed I have to say. Texture loading is great, flights load up in about 10secs but still these stutters annoy the life out of me.
Followed NickN's guide completely - still getting the microstutters even with the SSD! Not really impressed I have to say. Texture loading is great, flights load up in about 10secs but still these stutters annoy the life out of me.

when do you stutters, is it by any chance when you view the plane from a spot view?
when do you stutters, is it by any chance when you view the plane from a spot view?

Nope, mostly inside view and especially when looking out the side windows! I think its UTX to be honest. I tried flights at Boston in torrential REX weather and frames nicely locked at 30fps.
thats strange, never get that at all. i must agree microstutters are highly annoying. also thanks for providing link for ENB couldnt live without it.

have you tried tweaking the settings? i always find that doing tweaks may ease the microstutters, the other thing i would do is defrag the HD, which i need to do this weekend
Soya - I was one of the many people who said you should create a thread all about your FSX endeavours and I am so glad you have made a place I can visit and admire the excellent shots you post, as well as Videos now!

Very well done :)

A suggestion, could you list up all your hardware and software that you use you in your first post?
ringo or soya i have a slight issue with rex, when i generate a thunderstorm it only generates over a small area, however rex generates an image from the departure it shows a low front with lots of rain & embedded thunderstorms, but when you load the map it's a small blob off the map somewhere, am i missing something here?
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If you're patient CS have a yearly sale were most stuff is a fraction of the normal price.

This is something I forgot to mention, if you are patient then nearly all major FS Etailers, even Captain Sim, will on occasion offer some real bargain, usually around the holidays or special events. Best thing is to either be on the mailing list of your favourite FS Etailer and/or keep a regular eye on their sales. Also both the news page on AVSIM and FlightSim will often have these special offers listed in their news. Thanks for the reminder.

Followed NickN's guide completely - still getting the microstutters even with the SSD! Not really impressed I have to say. Texture loading is great, flights load up in about 10secs but still these stutters annoy the life out of me.

You should try the FPS limiter program, I am pretty sure it is mentioned in Nick's guide, if you cannot find a DL link just do a google search for FSX FPS LIMITER DOWNLOAD. It works really well for many FSX users especially when it comes to micro stutters. It is a small external mod that force DX9 to limit its frame output within FSX, lets say you set it to 25, then you set FSX fps to unlimited. The results are a more even FPS and smoother for most folks that use it. Give it a try.

Soya - I was one of the many people who said you should create a thread all about your FSX endeavours and I am so glad you have made a place I can visit and admire the excellent shots you post, as well as Videos now!

Very well done :)

A suggestion, could you list up all your hardware and software that you use you in your first post?

Thanks, glad you enjoy it and I hope there will be some tips in this thread if you are a FSX user. Will try to update my first post with the hardware I use (I did make a hardware list on a reply on page 2) but for software, there is simply to much to mention. I usually list the addons for the screen shots I post or there are many suggestions if you read through this thread.

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