The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

Enjoy these latest shots from me using FSX and a bit of cross process and grain effect added to the shots in an attempt to make them look like old aviation photographs:









Folks your kind comments and praise is heard and very much appreciated, it is a good feeling sharing my screen shot work with other like minded people who enjoy flight sim for what it is.

It fascinates me reading other people's opinion on what they see as their 'favorite' shot, although we all see the same images, we all have our own way of seeing beauty within those images, hence 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' really does hold true. For me personally, both the first and last images appeal to me the strongest, if I had to pick 1 then it would probably be the Concorde but that is mostly due to the fact that I miss her.

As for her nose down in that last shot, IIRC that shot was taken just after take off, her gears was just put up and climbing to cruise level.

IMO the best and most complex Concorde would have to be the one by FSLabs, which is the one showing in the picture. Link
used to love working on the Electra cargo planes
sadly we dont see them much here at ema anymore
Greetings fellow simmers,

Where would the FS community be without the enormous amount of freeware software for flight sims? Whether this freeware software is made by talented individuals or a company, they all enrich the world of flight sim. These talented people give up their passion, skills and free time to give us hours upon hours of enjoyment for our flight sim world. My humble appreciation goes to all of them and in tribute to them, I will be doing the occasional freeware spotlight pick and do a series of screen shots on it.

So here is my second freeware spotlight, this time showing off the wonderful FSX KLM Lockheed Electra II by the very talented Team FS KBT & paint job by Fabio Cabral. I fell for the beauty of this aircraft as soon as I loaded it up in FSX, it is elegant, it is a classic and it is shiny! The model and paintjob are excellent, IMO nearly payware standard. Also in the spotlight is a freeware scenery package that is fast becoming my favourite scenery, from the NL2000 team, the excellent NL2000v4 photo-real Netherlands. Other addons used were REX2, FSWC & ENB mod and all shots are unedited apart from resize & JPGed.

So please enjoy this series:










Thank you for taking the time to view these.
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