I really encourage the others to come join us. It really is a lot of fun flying on-line.
Soya - brilliant.
If you can see planes overhead, you might be able to get a designated portable radio to listen in. I don't know anymore than that...
ATRs tonight..? Prepping them is half the fun. We've got to go from 'cold and dark' to 'hotel mode' which, reading online, no one seems to trust..
I'll be online about 8pm on Mumble.
SV, turn on the ILS glideslope display from one of the menus. It'll then draw the boxes in the sky in FSX. You can then see for yourself where you'd need to be to intercept the ILS.
Do you mean from the drop down when i press 'alt' then views/axis indicator? I dont see anything else relating to ILS.
Hey V, have a look here..... http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?205432-Windows-7-Scenery-Addon-Installation-Bug-Fix
Managed to get set up for vatsim again. They've re-activated my account and I tested it out this evening with a quick VFR trip around Exeter.
All seemed to work ok.