**The Official Star Wars Battlefront II Thread (PC)**

I'm still disappointed with the first one, it could have been soooooo good. Will see if this one look any good. But it needs to be very special to make my buy it.
I'm still disappointed with the first one, it could have been soooooo good. Will see if this one look any good. But it needs to be very special to make my buy it.

The game is a lot better now than what it was at the start but yeah it is still disappointing especially when a lot of the content is locked behind DLC. What made it even more disappointing was that BF 4 was so good in the end so all they had to do was a reskin of that game.....

This is still my main want list for SWBF 2:
  • soldier classes
  • proper squad system or at least expand the party/partner system than just limiting to 2 people
  • proper big conquest maps
  • vehicle loadout/selection/system from bf 3/4
  • keep heroes to their own game mode
  • I really like the card system in SWBF, however, they need to get rid of stupid cards like the wallhack
  • Do away with the perks/kill streak system i.e. stay of the mini map, increased damage after 3 kills which then increases again after some more kills, reduce damage after a few kills and all that stuff
I've been playing SWBF a fair bit lately and haven't encountered any hackers yet (I just play walker assault mode)
Do you play the base game maps only as I do? I doubt the hackers are splashing out for all the DLC. Pretty much every game has someone with a damage hack (1hit kills) or something. Chat is always full of people telling them to **** off. Hard to miss with their 40-0 ratios...
Do you play the base game maps only as I do? I doubt the hackers are splashing out for all the DLC. Pretty much every game has someone with a damage hack (1hit kills) or something. Chat is always full of people telling them to **** off. Hard to miss with their 40-0 ratios...

Yup only got the base game.

I have seen plenty of people go on high kill streaks like 60+-1/2 but usually this is down to them being heroes, ATAT or ASAT vehicle whoring etc. Saying that it is also possible to get such scores just by playing as infy. normally.

With regards to one shot kills, could be that they are using a high damage weapon like the T21 and combining it with that special perk/card where when you get 3/6/9 kills, your gun does "up to" 50% increased damage when hip firing then or something like the pulse cannon, cycler rifle etc. weapon cards?
I really like the card system in SWBF

I really liked the card system but it was like they couldn't be bothered after the first few levels and just filled it up with fluff leaving you very little that was interesting to work towards - that and a certain amount of contempt for the player finding it amusing to make them chase their own tails over tat. Typical Dice Stockholm crap - they do nice graphic work but the programming and gameplay design is awful.
The game is a lot better now than what it was at the start but yeah it is still disappointing especially when a lot of the content is locked behind DLC. What made it even more disappointing was that BF 4 was so good in the end so all they had to do was a reskin of that game.....

This is still my main want list for SWBF 2:
  • soldier classes
  • proper squad system or at least expand the party/partner system than just limiting to 2 people
  • proper big conquest maps
  • vehicle loadout/selection/system from bf 3/4
  • keep heroes to their own game mode
  • I really like the card system in SWBF, however, they need to get rid of stupid cards like the wallhack
  • Do away with the perks/kill streak system i.e. stay of the mini map, increased damage after 3 kills which then increases again after some more kills, reduce damage after a few kills and all that stuff

Everything you say is true, I remember now the heroes were one of the thing that really ****** me off about the game....
I don't mind heroes too much in their current state now, however, I hate having them in EVERY game mode, they should be limited to their own game mode or big open maps/game mode, however, saying that..... I can over look it for star wars battlefront since it is just casual/quick blast fun and they really aren't anywhere as bad now as what they were at the start especially bobba fett so with some extra fine tuning, they would be alright but then if Luke and so on can be defeated easily enough by a squad then it makes the heroes seem a bit pointless/weak.... One thing that does ruin it though is when one team gets 2 heroes....
Ah right - I mostly only played walker assault (and whatever the other bigger team game mode was) - didn't really get into the smaller game modes, etc.
Sorry, I stand corrected, heroes are only present in the larger game modes like walker assault but still they can be frustrating on a lot of those maps especially the ones with the objectives based inside with tight corridors etc. But at the same time, it does feel epic when you get to be a hero especially the likes of Luke/Darth, nothing quite like entering a room with 10 guys and wiping them out :D
Only time I really felt they needed tweaking was like those small side rooms on some of the walker assault maps where any chance of tactics went out the windows when engaging (or just running) from them - I think more should have been done really to make sure that when heroes did enter the fray they'd have to worry about the opposing team's hero as well.
Id quite like some form of walker assualt but with the ability to take down walkers without all these shield rubbish, possibly an objective to defend the base for say 10 mins with walkers constantly approaching it 2 at a time if that makes sense. Also space battles (i refuse to pay for the dlc) with some form of spaceship invasion and wall destruction (bf2142 titan style but with the option of making your own path through the wall).

I'll probably end up getting this, as I can't see myself playing BF1 for a second year. I never picked up the DLC for the first, is it worth it now? Is the join on friends still painful?
I'll probably end up getting this, as I can't see myself playing BF1 for a second year. I never picked up the DLC for the first, is it worth it now? Is the join on friends still painful?

I played the DLC when they were free for the weekend etc. except for the last DLC pack (that probably looks the best), overall DLC was nothing special really, the space one was good/different but not sure if it is really worth buying.....

As for friends/joining system, still the same system as day 1 i.e. create a party and then you can only be partnered up with one of the guys in the party in the actual game.
I played the DLC when they were free for the weekend etc. except for the last DLC pack (that probably looks the best), overall DLC was nothing special really, the space one was good/different but not sure if it is really worth buying.....

As for friends/joining system, still the same system as day 1 i.e. create a party and then you can only be partnered up with one of the guys in the party in the actual game.

Give me a nudge if you want a game sometime. I'll be rubbish as I'll fail hard with the card meta but I don't really care about stats in SW TBH.
Give me a nudge if you want a game sometime. I'll be rubbish as I'll fail hard with the card meta but I don't really care about stats in SW TBH.

Feel free to join on me if you see me online, I just play whenever I feel like it so maybe 2 nights a week or every night :p Will try to get on tonight for a few games.

And yup, for me it is purely just a quick jump in casual FPS shooter, couldn't care less about stats/losing/winning, BF is for the try hard pants ;)

For cards I use the one which increases hip fire blaster damage after a certain amount of kills, always bubble shield and jet pack and then depending on the map, either thermal grenade or pulse cannon card.
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