I hadn't heard that yet. That's pretty good if they've done that. Hopefully the same is true for the flying and we've got a workable first person view when flying this time that isn't just a skin that blocks 60% of the view with no advantage at all.
I don't like or play multiplayer games, but predictably I love star wars, and I haven't been blown away by 'graffixxx!' for about 10 years. Looks absolutely stunning! Will there be any sort of worthwhile single player elements to this one?
Good to hear whats being said here, bigger skill gap etc.
Hype train is ok for now with all the videos and it's all new.... but yea we will see. All the YouTubers & Twitch Streamers on that video... "it's all great and amazing"... bla bla zzzzzzZZZZZZZZ 5 months left for them to turn it a **** again.
haha this is the part that I always love, youtubers....
"ok guys this game is really good fun, the developers have listened to our points for the last game and as a result, I feel the game plays really well now, honestly don't think anyone will find much to complain about and remember this is an early alpha build so things will change for final release"
Fast forward to release, game hasn't changed much, if at all...... They play and upload footage for the first few months saying how fun/good the game is and then a few months later, the footage slows down to the point where there is no more then comes the DLC/patch/new content or whatever, they make a sponsored video for that and then never upload/play the game until the next content is out then come the next game and the cycle starts again
Can't stand that bumboy jack frags for this (they all do it to an extent but he is the worst)
This is why I like x as whilst he also does it to an extent, he is also very vocal about the issues at the same time, especially on twitter.
Given how much I slated (well it was constructive criticism anyway) bf 1 and battlefront in their "surveys" after, they probably won't invite me again
Hope it better than the crap they pushed out last time. Just a few rounds on SWBF just for try it again after I quit it after the bespin DLC, With the whole 52 hours play!!!! Just because it was just a mess. But compared to BF1, Flying controls are still a joke, heros are a joke, DLC's spilt from normal map still a joke. Amount of players.... 3-4k....... took 5min to find a game....lol only played 20min...
After looking at the videos and information... I'll leave it till it's out. I will try the BETA, but it was the worse game I have every bought so far with a 52 hours play.
Whats with the points for vehicles and stuff? So if your good, then your just getting all the goodies, no? Great with the DLC is all in the game. There listening, because if they don't people are just not buying it after the last one.
Hype train is ok for now with all the videos and it's all new.... but yea we will see. All the YouTubers & Twitch Streamers on that video... "it's all great and amazing"... bla bla zzzzzzZZZZZZZZ 5 months left for them to turn it a **** again.
One things for sure, they can make a good looking game and trailer.
You played a game you did not like for 52 hours ? I think you liked it more than you realize.......
So the Emperor (from the looks of it) is in a red suit with a holographic face at 1:35?
You played a game you did not like for 52 hours ? I think you liked it more than you realize.......
Looks really good I have to say. Never got the hang of flying with M+KB, got thrown into the scariff map last night which started with a space battle then descended to the planet. The map progression was cool I have to say. But i have no idea how to fly so just spun about and got blown up :/. Is it possible to connect a gamepad and use it for flying only? If so might look into that as I used to love Rogue Squadron and Xwing vs Tie-Fighter back in the day. But I had a joystick back then.
Looks really good I have to say. Never got the hang of flying with M+KB, got thrown into the scariff map last night which started with a space battle then descended to the planet. The map progression was cool I have to say. But i have no idea how to fly so just spun about and got blown up :/. Is it possible to connect a gamepad and use it for flying only? If so might look into that as I used to love Rogue Squadron and Xwing vs Tie-Fighter back in the day. But I had a joystick back then.
If you loved X-Wing vs Tie Fighter then you'll hate the space combat in Battlefront....even with a joystick. I genuinely wish they'd made it a bit less casual and incorporated more elements from those good times like the power distribution, radar and targeting systems. Let's be honest though...just want an up to date X-Wing vs Tie fighter but I've long given up hope of ever seeing that.lol
To answer the question though...yes, you can hook up a game pad and use it solely for flying.