***The Official Starfield Thread*** (As endorsed by TNA)

Being on a planet at sunset is cool, except when the shadows animate that's just weird, the planets/shadows should be going around smoothly with Newtonian physics, pretty sure we had that in the 80s with Elite. I take it this is because the game engine hasn't been updated to be able to do that. It should have been for a space based game.

The engine looks like it's from Skyrim. Cities like New Atlantis look average and are easy to get lost in.

Some shop fronts are just solid with a door whereas others are open, that seems inconsistent, and also why? Does the shop contain a billion polygons of fine detail, coz it doesn't look like it.

I don't understand why it runs so bad and looks average at the same time - what's the game calculating? It's not the planets orbits.

Later on **** goes down and there are random bodies lying in the streets, some but not all are cleared away, then the everyone is acting like nothing happened with bodies still hanging around.

There are supposed to be some iconic moments with NPCs except the animation is glitching it just makes it comical :)

I do question the logic of having any AMD/Nvidia backed game if that just means you're only going to get DLSS/whatever the other one is. But then wait, DLSS patch incoming. You mean incoming after I've finished the game? err thanks?

Ship battles are boring, I wish there was a NO button. There kind of is, you yeet out of there with the grav drive.

The UI. :) You want me to press how many buttons to return to the game?

It's not hooking me like Skyrim. But I'm still playing it for now :)
That would be lovely yes :p

On a serious note. What I think people want is others talking about the game and going into detail of what they like or don't.

Reason people are getting tired of your posts is you hardly ever seem to do that. Seemingly you just pop in to bash the game.

Rarely do you say I am on this mission, this or that happened which was disappointing. Xyz should have been like this or that etc.

At least that's what I think the problem is anyway :D

You are joking right? Many of my posts do go into detail on my experience of the game. Talk about gaslighting.
Just to back up my point that Starfield is a mid game at best:

Fallout 76 is now higher ranked than Starfield on SteamDB.


In fact there is only one other Bethesda game rated lower than Starfield and that is Fallout 4 VR.

And yet people on this thread call me a d**k head for having an opinion shared by most others who have played the game.

Can we actually talk about the game yet? Stop spamming the thread with this over and over again.

Now for those who actually want to talk about the game. I am doing the UC Vanguard missions and they are turning out to be more fun than I expected. Certainly better than the 5-6 main story missions I have done so far anyway.

Maybe @lovelyhead you should give them a go and come discuss with us your thoughts. Would be fun to see which way you bash these quests :p

The best quests I’ve come across. Huge revelations throughout.

Nah, he’d rather wallow in misery. Imagine posting over and over again in a thread about a game that you don’t like rather than just moving on and enjoying something that you do. I have far too many games on gamepass to care about games I don’t enjoy.
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I’m considering finishing the main quest now to do NG+ but the thought of redoing all the stuff I’ve already done is not one i relish. The only upside is that I haven’t really done anything with outposts or shipbuilding.

Outpost building is not properly implemented anyway, it has a very frustrating bug where your extractors can stop working for no reason which messes all your supply lines up.

It's also, outside of manufacturing quite basic.

That bug needs patching and it either needs modding support or some official updates.

Shane because it was an aspect of Fallout 4 I loved, and I did invest a fair amount of time on this game, but that bug basically really ****** me off, so I'm going to leave it, and maybe go back at a later date when it's sorted out.
Outpost building is not properly implemented anyway, it has a very frustrating bug where your extractors can stop working for no reason which messes all your supply lines up.

It's also, outside of manufacturing quite basic.

That bug needs patching and it either needs modding support or some official updates.

Shane because it was an aspect of Fallout 4 I loved, and I did invest a fair amount of time on this game, but that bug basically really ****** me off, so I'm going to leave it, and maybe go back at a later date when it's sorted out.

I’m yet to workout why we need outpost building? Was expecting a quest to start it off, but maybe I’ve not gotten to it yet.
I’m yet to workout why we need outpost building? Was expecting a quest to start it off, but maybe I’ve not gotten to it yet.

To be fair, the two things worth building a very basic outpost for are storage and the ship builder is really handy.

Otherwise it's basically pointless.

Also you get storage in the lodge apparently, so even that......

The ship builder is good though, because outside of a few special components which apparently you do need to go to the faction specific vendor, the one at your outpost basically has all the modules from all the factions available. So you have far more freedom to build what you want.
So anyway, whilst comparing Mass Effect to Starfield last night it struck me that the first major hub area that you go to in both games is kind of similar too...

It also stood out to me how Starfield's graphics are kind of dated. I mean just compare these two images. One is from a remaster of a 13 and a half year old game and the other is a game that released a few weeks ago:



I am able to run Mass Effect at 4K on my 3060ti with maxed out graphics and it is as smooth as silk. Starfield is crushing my GPU at 1440p dropping below 30fps sometimes.

Just compare the water in the Mass Effect screenshot to this screenshot from Starfield:


It is pretty pathetic in 2023.
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To be fair, the two things worth building a very basic outpost for are storage and the ship builder is really handy.

Otherwise it's basically pointless.

Also you get storage in the lodge apparently, so even that......

The ship builder is good though, because outside of a few special components which apparently you do need to go to the faction specific vendor, the one at your outpost basically has all the modules from all the factions available. So you have far more freedom to build what you want.

I still can’t get my head around the ship builder.

So anyway, whilst comparing Mass Effect to Starfield last night it struck me that the first major hub area that you go to in both games is kind of similar too...

It also stood out to me how Starfield's graphics are kind of dated. I mean just compare these two images. One is from a remaster of a 13 and a half year old game and the other is a game that released a few weeks ago:



I am able to run Mass Effect at 4K on my 3060ti with maxed out graphics and it is as smooth as silk. Starfield is crushing my GPU at 1440p dropping below 30fps sometimes.

Just compare the water in the Mass Effect screenshot to this screenshot from Starfield:


It is pretty pathetic in 2023.

It’s not just based on what you see though. You can’t go to half of what you see in mass effect and nothing is happening in the world.
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It is pretty pathetic in 2023
It is absolutely pathetic.

It was my first thought too when I arrived in new Atlantis.

I saw someone lost about the great view from the penthouse in new Atlantis, so I went and got my penthouse, want to the balcony and it was dross (though I'm on xbox series x)

I'm pushing the main story to get it done, and I don't understand why there are so many "go to x empty planet to find the same exact building you've seen many times already, to go inside the door, float around, and then do this stupid float to the gathered orbs things 10 times for the rings to work" missions, to then have to return to base, to get another exact same mission. It reminds me of the boring missions from oblivion where you have to constantly go into the oblivion gates to get that central orb, but they all felt a copy paste, and you just end up having to do those and nothing else for the main story that it gets boring.

Surely there's more to the main quest then this repetitive task?
I tried CP 2077 with the new upgrade, graphics are amazing with all RT effects enabled on my 4080 at 4K. Try it with RT off and it looks very dated. Though the AI update and the wanted system are laughably bad. It really puts into perspective that the enemy AI in starfield is actually pretty decent.
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Not joking, I honestly don’t remember reading anything like that of recent and unlike your buddy keef I can’t be asked to dig around posts :p

All I’ve seen is the same post on repeat harping on about Falliut 76 that has been developed for years post realise and a decade old game that all of us played years ago and is one of the greatest games of all time (minus the ending and exploration that was crap).
  • Haha
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I still can’t get my head around the ship builder.

Yup took me a couple hours messing with it, but once you learn it, it's actually not bad at all, I can whip up a ship from scratch pretty quickly.

The biggest tip I can give you, is try and avoid just placing modules in the screen then trying to attach them.

Instead hover your mouse over the anchor points and for pressing G it'll say "attach" rather than "add". That way it'll only list the things you can attach to that anchor point.

So if you start by adding your cockpit first, them hover mouse over the anchor point at the back of that, attach the next module, then find the anchor points on the next bit you added and work that way, it's sooo much easier.
It’s not just based on what you see though. You can’t go to half of what you see in mass effect and nothing is happening in the world.

You can go to everything you see in Starfield but there is nothing to do when you get to most of it. How is that any better than Mass Effect (a 16 year old game!). I would rather have the content that is there be in a tight knit area like Mass Effect rather than vast spaces with sparce content like Starfield.

Not joking, I honestly don’t remember reading anything like that of recent and unlike your buddy keef I can’t be asked to dig around posts :p

Let me do it for you. See below.

All I’ve seen is the same post on repeat harping on about Falliut 76 that has been developed for years post realise and a decade old game that all of us played years ago and is one of the greatest games of all time (minus the ending and exploration that was crap).

See below.

I have to admit I am very disappointed with the first couple of hours of Starfield. Been looking forward to it for a long time now but my god is it boring to start of with.

Lift ride. Drill rock. Touch magic space rock. Shoot pirates. Loading screen. Shoot spaceships. Loading screen. Shoot pirates. Walk back to ship. Loading screen. Walk to train. Loading screen. Walk to constellation place. Loading screen. Floating magic space rocks. Loading screen. Walk to government building. Talk to man. Walk to train. Loading screen. Walk to ship. loading screen. Go to mars. Loading screen.

That is the first two hours. You could probably do all that in an hour but I spent ages having to add mods for DLSS, controller deadzone and to try and fix the overly saturated image (which I didn't manage to fix).

I have played every Bethesda game since Oblivion and so far this has been the most bored I have been at the start of any of those games (including Fallout 76).

The graphics are quite poor as well. Nothing spectacular and nothing that justifies the terrible performance on PC. Really disappointed so far. I hope it gets better.

I am pretty sure you can say you never saw anything after touching the weird space metal and you still get given the keys to the ship. Not only that you can spend the 10 minutes beforehand blasting everyone in the head with your laser with no consequence. It is atrocious writing.

Jesus. Third temple exactly the same as the first and second. Even my companion asked me the exact same question as soon as I left the temple! What were Bethesda thinking? You would think these temples would be the reward at the end of a quest line or something. Nope. Fast travel, fast travel, walk, enter temple and get your prize.

These temples were clearly just programmed into the game on a Friday afternoon a few week before launch.

It does doesn't it. The weird thing is that all the main story NPC's treat me like I am some special chosen one, when me as the person playing the game feels nothing. All I have done is touched a piece of metal, watched a cut scene, walked across a barren planet, floated through a ring and now I have Jedi powers.

This is what ruins the best thing about Bethesda games for me, the sense of discovery and journey. You don't get the feeling of the journey in this game. You simply load into the box, use your scanner to look for the points of interest walk across a boring proc gen planet for 5 minutes in a straight line until you reach the POI which most likely will not end up being very interesting.

Your own ship isn't one whole continuous space as you walk up the ramp into the cargo hold and if you want to go into the main cabin you need to go through a loading screen. Because of this it doesn't even make your ship feel like a proper space ship. It makes it feel like a building that is static on the world.

This exact thing happened to me today too. I used my gravity power in the Neon lobby which the security didn't like. I retreated into the lift and kept getting mobbed by magically appearing guards. Pretty cheap. Ended up having to load a save and lost about 15 minutes of playtime.

A good game would probably not have endlessly spawning guards like that.

Anyone else notice the terrible hit boxes on the enemies in this game? You are clearly hitting the enemy but not doing any damage. It's like you are playing a multiplayer shooter with terrible lag.

Latest session on the hunt for shiny floating metal things for the purpose of, em, not actually sure.

Got told to go to a couple of planets to find two more relics. Loading screen, loading screen, walk a short distance to a cave. Enter the cave and I find it full of enemies and I'm thinking to myself, ooooh I'm going to have to fight my way through all of these guys to get to the relic. Then I noticed the quest marker was only 30 meters away with no enemies between me and the marker. So I head straight for it and the relic is right there in front of me. Then all of a sudden a starborn decloaks beside it. Ah so you need to do battle with the Starborn before getting the relic... nope. You just give the relic a quick blast with your laser ignoring the Starborn, grab the relic, turn around and head straight back to the ship. Exciting stuff.

The second relic was on another planet. Long walk across a barren moon. Find a cave. No obvious enemies. Walk up to another relic a very short way inside the cave. Guess who decloaks in front of the relic and guess who gives the relic a quick blast with the mining laser, grabs it and heads back to the ship.

Two relics within less than 15 minutes, with no story telling attached, which can be easily cheesed. Riveting stuff. 10/10. GOTY.

More plot spoilers:

Continuing on the main quest line and am tasked with getting a relic thing from a guys ship who collects artifacts. Guy doesn't want to sell the piece or donate it. His ship is full of his heavily armed crew. How do I get the relic? Take the leader hostage and demand the relic in exchange for his life? Maybe offer one of his crew some money to steal it for me? Disable his ship and set it on a collision course with a star with the only way to stop me destroying his ship is to hand over the relic? Have a massive battle through the ship killing everyone and then take the relic?

Nah. Just pick up the relic from it's stand then sprint past all of the guards back to your ship without firing a single shot then leave.

Next part of the story has one of the cloaked guys attacking your base. Sounds exciting! Not really. You stand under a balcony waiting for an NPC to finish a task then you make your escape by jogging back to your ship easily avoiding the cloaked guys attacks because the AI is basically broken. Then you go up to the space station where you find out that one of the companion NPC's has been tragically killed by the cloaked folk except it totally falls flat because you have only spent 10 minutes with the slain character on one solitary previous mission.

This game can't be for real can it? This can't be the game that is being awarded 10/10 by multiple publications?

Perhaps instead of constantly whining about my posts upsetting your feelings, just pop me on ignore and you no longer need to hear from me. I will put you both on ignore too so I won't be replying to your moan posts anymore. Enjoy your game and I will enjoy writing about how poor it is. Bye.
It is absolutely pathetic.

It was my first thought too when I arrived in new Atlantis.

I saw someone lost about the great view from the penthouse in new Atlantis, so I went and got my penthouse, want to the balcony and it was dross (though I'm on xbox series x)

I'm pushing the main story to get it done, and I don't understand why there are so many "go to x empty planet to find the same exact building you've seen many times already, to go inside the door, float around, and then do this stupid float to the gathered orbs things 10 times for the rings to work" missions, to then have to return to base, to get another exact same mission. It reminds me of the boring missions from oblivion where you have to constantly go into the oblivion gates to get that central orb, but they all felt a copy paste, and you just end up having to do those and nothing else for the main story that it gets boring.

Surely there's more to the main quest then this repetitive task?

So far in my playthrough of the main quest there has only been one single mission that stood out for me. It wasn't because it was particularly good or anything, it was because it was clearly ripped off from a famous Titanfall 2 level. Every other mission has been completely forgettable fetch quests. Ok maybe there was a second memorable mission, the one where you have to go talk to a guy at Neon to do a deal to buy the artifact from them. But again this mission was basically just the same as one in Cyberpunk 2077 but Cyberpunk did it way way better.

There is a bit of a recurring theme with Starfield where Bethesda have just blatantly ripped off stuff from other games. You can clearly see they ripped off Mass Effect with the whole touch an artifact and see a vision thing but once again Mass Effect does it better.
Finished the game and was happy with what I got out of it. I have zero interest in the base building so can’t comment on that. Like all RPGs I do see people complain about not having enough inventory space, but this happened in BG3 as well. Complaining you have no inventory space in an RPG is only a thing if you insist on picking up every rusty knife, or basic spec weapon and armour you come across. I wouldn’t be surprised if all this junk lying around didn’t exist and the same people called the environments “lifeless”.

Every RPG (at least for me) has those epiphanies somewhere around the quarter way point, when you realise all these rusty axes, shoddy rings (nothing worse than a shoddy ring), or basic weapons are getting me maybe 200 credits at a vendor and taking up half my carry space/quota. Or when you finally drop that 30kg “ion battery” that might come in handy so you’ve been lugging it around since hour one, but you still haven’t found a use for it.

Don’t overburden your soul by overburdening your physical existence. Free yourselves from the never ending RPG cycle of the battle for inventory space. Become one of the unburdened :p
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I think the one thing we can all agree on, whether you think Starfield is a 5/10 title or a 10/10 title, is that its a game hampered by its engine and that Bethesda REALLY need to put this engine to bed and use a modern engine for their next title.

No I don't blame the engine!

If it was the engine, why have modders done more for both Skyrim and Bethesda than the developers ever have. It's not the engines fault it doesn't have FOV,DLSS,high quality graphics and character designs etc. The engine is at fault when it comes to poor PC usage! I was going to mention the loading, but then you have open cities in Skyrim which takes away the loading.
I think the one thing we can all agree on, whether you think Starfield is a 5/10 title or a 10/10 title, is that its a game hampered by its engine and that Bethesda REALLY need to put this engine to bed and use a modern engine for their next title.

Yeah, it had some nostalgic charm but it’s time to nail that coffin shut.
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