***The Official Starfield Thread*** (As endorsed by TNA)

That's certainly one way to do it although I'd consider that more an exploit.

It's perfectly possible to build a fast 5k+ cargo ship with 1200 mass and end-game shields and weapons (I spent a lot of time tinkering :D) and negating cargo space as a part of your build kinda cuts out a large part of the challenge in efficient ship-building.

Not knocking it though - part of what I love about the game is that everyone's playing it their way :)

See, I think a single huge cargo ship is much more realistic than the infinite storage box or safe found in The Lodge which, on the face of it have barely enough physical space to hold a packed lunch.

At least the cargo ship geometrically looks like it could store the contents.

As for accessing it, there is no logic whether it's accessed from a tangible cargo capacity home ship or not. Ie you can instantly sell or transfer to and from your ship to a trader or use inventory to build an outpost etc regardless of proximity to the ship and if the ship can hold the cargo or not.

Thus, I view the inventory as a digital record and access is either by gravitational transport tech or a convenient for the game & plot moment. Like being able to walk around infinitely over encumbered.

@keyser van someone the game weapons and ships scale significantly as levelling but only once going through NG+. At lvl 85 weapons are noticeably stronger each level, eg a modded advanced magsniper now does over 1k damage for me but a few levels ago it was 1/3 less. Ships available are better consistently too. Even with a top spec ship on very hard difficulty, I still die in space combat very easily.
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I'm around 100 hours in and getting a bit bored. It's getting a bit repetitive and dry at this point.

I tried setting up an outpost, but found it very frustrating and gave up.

The ship design also irritates me.

The inventory/ carry limit is driving me spare, too. I've maxed my strength out, and payloads, too. I'm constantly forced to return to the lodge to clear out, and that's very annoying.

What's this zero weight mid/ cheat I see mentioned? Can anyone point me at that?
I'm around 100 hours in and getting a bit bored. It's getting a bit repetitive and dry at this point.

I tried setting up an outpost, but found it very frustrating and gave up.

The ship design also irritates me.

The inventory/ carry limit is driving me spare, too. I've maxed my strength out, and payloads, too. I'm constantly forced to return to the lodge to clear out, and that's very annoying.

What's this zero weight mid/ cheat I see mentioned? Can anyone point me at that?

Solution to cargo/inventory on previous page

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So, i mod up a second ship with loads of cargo modules at new Atlantic and use that as a dump? Then just keep it parked up and don't use it?

And them I transfer from my "main" ship to my second ship at new Atlantis?

Not sure I'm understanding this, sorry!
As your main ship will have less cargo than the storage ship, you wont be able to add anything to its inventory. So you will need to switch ships to unload your character/followers inventory. Then switch back again. Not sure I could be bothered really. When I collect too much resource I just start selling them off and store spare equipment and weapons at an outpost. My main ship has 4k+ cargo without compromising anything else and its more than enough for me at end game.
Spent the last hour having crash to desktop on the mission revelation. So frustrating!
It's like the game does not want me to push to NG+ and stay on the first story line.
So I've plonked an outpost down. All my materials are in the lodge now though so I can't expand it. I fly to lodge pick up my materials and now cant fast travel so need to walk to the ship. Then I'm supposed to fly to the outpost, build whatever I need and then take all the leftover resources back to the outpost. Is that right? Seems like a massive chore.
So I've plonked an outpost down. All my materials are in the lodge now though so I can't expand it. I fly to lodge pick up my materials and now cant fast travel so need to walk to the ship. Then I'm supposed to fly to the outpost, build whatever I need and then take all the leftover resources back to the outpost. Is that right? Seems like a massive chore.

You could keep the resources on the ship.
Also you can transfer inventory when you are in a certain vicinity of the ship but not sure how close you need to be.
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You could keep the resources on the ship.
Also you can transfer inventory when you are in a certain vicinity of the ship but not sure how close you need to be.

If you within 250m of your ship you can access the ships inventory and dump your stuff onto the ship.
the game weapons and ships scale significantly as levelling but only once going through NG+. At lvl 85 weapons are noticeably stronger each level, eg a modded advanced magsniper now does over 1k damage for me but a few levels ago it was 1/3 less. Ships available are better consistently too. Even with a top spec ship on very hard difficulty, I still die in space combat very easily.
Hah ok thanks, can we just take a moment to reflect that the game really starts to open up after 200+ hours and at lvl 85?! It's a slow-burn game I guess.

If they could create some kind of ship-building / design game with a better interface I'd be up for that. Just walk into a room and it's full of bins of habs, weapons, drives, etc, pick em up like lego and they connect like items in the game.
Clearly I have been doing it the long way :D
Or I have, I think you can also just press H but I'm not sure if you have to be on the ship for that one to work.


Sorry for the large format of this, I cant seem to change it.
Hit escape, go into your menu and I think the ship options in the bottom left, then go into cargo where you should be able to switch to your inventory and dump your items.
Will have to try this as since changing ships I have been known to wander around my ship looking for the tiny single screen where yuo can access the ship's inventory! Only been playing for 60 or so hours...
Will have to try this as since changing ships I have been known to wander around my ship looking for the tiny single screen where yuo can access the ship's inventory! Only been playing for 60 or so hours...
Hit H anywhere in your ship and you get your cargo, not sure if it works outside the ship though, I'll try tonight.....if I remember.
Had a bug (I assume) last night. I have 20/24 powers, it said 4 temples left to discover but then changed to 12 and when I go to them, I am not getting new powers. I suspect it wants me to do all of them until I get to the ones that have the powers I don't actually have. Not sure I'll bother tbh,
Had a bug (I assume) last night. I have 20/24 powers, it said 4 temples left to discover but then changed to 12 and when I go to them, I am not getting new powers. I suspect it wants me to do all of them until I get to the ones that have the powers I don't actually have. Not sure I'll bother tbh,

A solution would be start the game from the beginning again and do it all over again :cry:
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