Unfortunately I don't have MAME installed so I can't test that. Does adding it via desktop not work?
Worked it out
Target - "/usr/bin/flatpak"
Start in - /usr/bin/
Launch options - "run" "--branch=stable" "--arch=x86_64" "--command=mame" "org.mamedev.MAME" "/run/media/mmcblk0p1/Emulation/roms/arcade/game.zip"
A tangential answer to emulation issues - check out EmuDeck at
https://www.emudeck.com/ It takes all the guess work out of emulation. Adding games is (generally) a matter of dropping the rom into the correct folder
EmuDeck is basic, you cannot do important thinks such as set a specific emulator per rom, so you end up having to switch emulators in EmulationStation DE or in desktop mode. Plus is good learning to curate my list of games how I like.
I missed that. Fair enough! While I enjoy mucking about and learning new things as much as everyone else here, I’d rather be playing games on the SD
I’ve never noticed an excess of shortcuts being created but that’s maybe just me. Once I’ve added an emulated game to Steam I just add it to my Favourites list so I only see what I want to see
I do have a few favourite but most my games (emulated are inside emulation station de) but adding shortcuts I can add games from win9x, win10 and all other systems too alongside steam games.
Received my Deck yesterday, can't quite believe I hadn't gotten one before now. I love it!
I haven't bought a new SSD yet, so that's at the top of my to do list.
Its a great device. By far the most annoying / worst thing though is the on screen keyboard. I cant believe how crap it is.
Takes of half the screen when you enable it, need to mash steam and x about 5 times for it to appear sometimes then need to hold in the steam button to use the trackpad for the cursor ...but dont hit the steam button too many times or it activates big picture mode. Having an iPhone style OSK would be a dream in the new Steam OS update.
I end up using SteamLink or a wireless keyboard half the time (like now) to write on it.
Granted its not really a typing device but a good on screen keyboard would help sometimes with basic configuration.
The only other thing thats broken/bugged is the non steam game link paths when in game mode. They're 2 characters wide (so not usable) and 'browse' doesnt work at all.
Also, Emudeck doesnt have all systems and setups.
Sega model m2 and m3 for example have some of my favourite games, no support for them that I know of. Amiga Workbench with a full RTG config and HDD for fast loading. I believe in retroarch its just PUAE which is pretty basic