To those of you moaning about the UI (which is rather poor) there is a mod which makes all the elements draggable in game. In fact, the whole game seems to run off lua scripts which should make for amazing mods. Indeed, I'm even tempted to try my hand at making one myself.
To those of you still not sure about the game, let me tell you about a unit I built. It was basically, a mobile, unit building, shield wearing, armed to the teath vehicle on tracks. It takes ages to build, but can churn out tech 2 tanks in a few seconds. It can also build normal construction units as well.
And then there was the nukes. They were big and powerful in TA, but even bigger now. I built so much, I had a job squeezing everything in my multiple tech 3 shields ....
(Have I got your interest again now?)
To those of you still not sure about the game, let me tell you about a unit I built. It was basically, a mobile, unit building, shield wearing, armed to the teath vehicle on tracks. It takes ages to build, but can churn out tech 2 tanks in a few seconds. It can also build normal construction units as well.
And then there was the nukes. They were big and powerful in TA, but even bigger now. I built so much, I had a job squeezing everything in my multiple tech 3 shields ....
(Have I got your interest again now?)