The **Official** Test Drive Unlimited for PC thread

Well, finally got to Champion after 2 corrupt profiles at Expert. Have learnt to make daily backups as a result!

Money rakes in now, but I've already got most of the cars I want - don't like the A class cars much. B,C and G classes work for me.

So decided to go for a cruise last night in my Vanquish, tuned into the classic station, and off I went. 2 hours later I'd pretty much toured the whole island with Mike_OSX, beginning in the city and picking people up as we went. Seems most people prefer the A classes, but being light and twitchy they crash far more often than I did in my heavy Vanquish!

Nice to see a group of different A,B and C class cars cruising, and waiting if we got too split up. No-one had the same car either.
people who cruise in class A cars are just trying to show off

tbh i love cruising in B,C or G cars, no fun in trying to drive round the island at 230mph, 180 or 150 are much nicer speeds, love cruising in a convertible now and then aswell...just seems more, hawaii
I've played this for about 2 weeks now kinda getting fed up with it already as the controls are poor indeed, the old logitech ps2 pad doesnt work that well at all , i cant turn quick enough even with the keyboard :( is the 360 pad better? how does one achieve this?
what about tweakingthe "steering linearity" setting? i *assume* that decreasing this would make the steering less linear, and maybe enable you to turn more sharply when at max steer?
I found that the controls were ok with my wheel, after a bit of fine tuning, however the biggest problem was the cars all taking of if you hit a bump at over 40mph. The mountain sections of track were far too tricky because the road surface doesn't have a smooth gradient causing the wheels to lift up every few yards :(
Souness said:
what about tweakingthe "steering linearity" setting? i *assume* that decreasing this would make the steering less linear, and maybe enable you to turn more sharply when at max steer?

Its on max :P saying that as it is max i cant control the car as much as i would want. I skid everywhere ill decrese it and see what happends , where do all the ocuk'ers hang out ?
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sorry if its been asked before(i aint got time to search everywhere) but how do you get to the island at the bottom right of the map. i'm about 50% complete and have reached champion level.
stifler said:
sorry if its been asked before(i aint got time to search everywhere) but how do you get to the island at the bottom right of the map. i'm about 50% complete and have reached champion level.

google search TDU secret island, there's a youtube video showing you how to get there.
woot I finally got online mode to work, my in game name is soldeed (couldn't use an name with Behemoth on for some reason, so used the game name I used to play my WOW character with)

You may see me driving around in one of these 4, am about to buy a bigger house soon so I can get the 288 GTO, really love that car.

The gay looking Merc I bought but is lots of fun to drive


The Pontiac GTO which i use as my main mile cruncher


The Pontiac Firebird which is a lovely car, well I like it anyway have always loved a Pontiac


The Audi A3 I started with, thinking of flogging it to be honest now

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Just put my order in, played the beta and only just got around to the retail.

any ocuk club? I need to meet a few of you guys to get you on my mates list.
i've yet to come across an OcUK member on there, and i've been playing about a month. There really should be an easy way to find people, like a search facility to see who's online etc. I can usually be found at the race circuit - wez130 is my name on it. You have to be at champion level to access the race track though.
Hi all I just got this game installed. It just about runs smoothly on my old 9800Pro and 3200 Athlon 64 however sometimes it can just hit periods where the framerate dies for 5-10 secs and jerks me about usually at high speeds. Has anyone got any tips for keeping the game fast? I know my machine is old but it has to do for a few more weeks!

Anyway I'm really enjoying the game, I love the concept and the liscenced cars and although the handleing isn't like on a sim there is enough there to have fun with. I am playing with the driver aids off and a steering wheel! Only thing I don't like is how easy it is to lose it at high speed (realistic) compared to how easy it is to just boot a car out a corner and not spin (unrealistic) Curently driving a Lotus Esprit as it is cheap good looking and fast (well 171mph so far) but still really on the newbie challenges!
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