The **Official** Test Drive Unlimited for PC thread

Hi there
i bought this game a couple of weeks ago and it`s superb,i`ve finally been around all the car showrooms and now have at last bought a bike,
Currently off work sick so getting a few hours in while my chest infection gets better
Any news on the patch?

wow i love this game!

quick go with keys

now ive plugged in my PSX pad (USB) Im not sure how to get it working usin gthe analogue stick for brake,acc,left,and right

any one for it working?

ShiWarrior said:
wow i love this game!

quick go with keys

now ive plugged in my PSX pad (USB) Im not sure how to get it working usin gthe analogue stick for brake,acc,left,and right

any one for it working?

Any luck with this? Can't you go into the Controller area and for each function just move the analogue stick in the direction you want it? Eg. forward for accelerate, backwards for brake etc?
MarcLister said:
Any luck with this? Can't you go into the Controller area and for each function just move the analogue stick in the direction you want it? Eg. forward for accelerate, backwards for brake etc?

no idea

Im waiting for a reply to this, you’re the first one :p ;) :D

I tried to go into the control area in the game, and it says to push the stick or something, and I push it forward for Accelerate, ok, but when I try and use brake (pulling the stick down) it says axis in use so the whole stick is one axis according to them, so im using keys still, hut got upto $200,000, still 1 house, and 2 cars!
ShiWarrior said:
no idea

im waiting for a reply to this, your the first one :p ;) :D
Hehe. I thought I'd put you out of your misery.:cool:

ShiWarrior said:
i tried to go into the control area in the game, and it says to oush the stick or something, and i poush it forward for Accelerate, ok, but when i try and use brake (oulling the stick down) it says axis in use so the phole stick is one axis according to them, so im using keys still, hut got upto $200,000, still 1 house, and 2 cars!
Well I don't know what a PSX pad looks like but with the XBOX 360 pad I reckon it would be very hard driving with the same stick being used for acceleration/braking AND steering.

Could you not use a trigger for accelerate and brake and the stick for steering?
MarcLister said:
Hehe. I thought I'd put you out of your misery.:cool:

Well I don't know what a PSX pad looks like but with the XBOX 360 pad I reckon it would be very hard driving with the same stick being used for acceleration/braking AND steering.

Could you not use a trigger for accelerate and brake and the stick for steering?

They have 2 sticks, i was using one stick for acceleration and braking, but it doesent accept it

ShiWarrior said:
They have 2 sticks, i was using one stick for acceleration and braking, but it doesent accept it
Ah right. Sounds like you need some special drivers then. Does XP automatically install the PSX pad drivers?

To get the XBOX 360 pad working in TDU the MS drivers will suffice, but to be able to change the buttons etc around you need the XBCD drivers. You might want to google and see if there is an equivalent for the PSX pad.

That and try out the TDU forums. You surely can't be the first person trying to play TDU with a PSX tbh. (Three letter acronym overload)
MarcLister said:
Ah right. Sounds like you need some special drivers then. Does XP automatically install the PSX pad drivers?

To get the XBOX 360 pad working in TDU the MS drivers will suffice, but to be able to change the buttons etc around you need the XBCD drivers. You might want to google and see if there is an equivalent for the PSX pad.

That and try out the TDU forums. You surely can't be the first person trying to play TDU with a PSX tbh. (Three letter acronym overload)


Yeah XP detects its fine

people say dont use the drivers for this, becuase it makes it worse (and its true) so the default XP ones are fine

i'll have a play tonight

i use the psx pad with TDU, i use the analogue stick to steer and X to ccelerate and square to brake.
TBH I have yet to see a better pad than the X360 pad - used to use a PS2 pad but thats so inferior...

I use one analogue stick for left/right and the analogue triggers for accelerate/brake...

ps3ud0 :cool:
ps3ud0 said:
TBH I have yet to see a better pad than the X360 pad - used to use a PS2 pad but thats so inferior...

I use one analogue stick for left/right and the analogue triggers for accelerate/brake...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Ditto. :)
I dont like Xbox pads at all, dont like were the analouge sticks are and I dont like the triggers and I think it looks ugly.
Well an unfinished, unofficial, leaked release of the patch is out, but i would advise against installing it. From what people have said, the new cars are pretty pants, but the game runs a lot smoother and there is an FPS increase.
Oh dear. I wonder how many noobs will have downloaded that and start complaining to Atari.

So I wonder if this means its going to be out fairly soon. Its meant to have been in testing by some users so presumably one of them leaked it.

Good news that even the leaked patch is an improvement on TDU vanilla.
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