*** The Official Xbox One Thread ***

18 Dec 2004
North Wales
Would have to disagree there. The PS4 UI isn't great but it is significantly better than the UI on the Xbox One


PS4 offers no customisation at all, both consoles have regressed as far as the UI is concerned but not being able to choose where apps or games sit is frankly annoying when you come from a PC or even XB1
17 Dec 2009

PS4 offers no customisation at all, both consoles have regressed as far as the UI is concerned but not being able to choose where apps or games sit is frankly annoying when you come from a PC or even XB1

Can't say that had ever bothered me about the PS4

I would say so yeh. I just don't think the layout makes that much sense, in terms of ease of accessing certain settings and things. I don't have that problem on the PS4. I have also had some real issues with the sheer slowness of the Xbox One UI in loading things up, seems to take an age at times.
19 Dec 2010
Oh dear. It would appear I have upset an Xbox One fanboy :D

Fanboy? Lol, I would love for you to explain how you arrived at that conclusion from my post.

But since you arrived at that idiotic conclusion, I will keep this post simple for you.

Xbox one ui - some people like it, some don't
Ps4 ui - some people like, some don't.

He has used both, he prefers the xbox one ui, you have used both and prefer the ps4 ui. There is nothing to disagree with.
18 Dec 2004
North Wales
Fair enough, I haven't had issues with the XB1 like that yet since I've only had it a couple months (I'm sure it'll come though :p) it's been 8 months or so and my ps4 list of apps/games spans across quite a bit, if they don't change something it'll be horrible in a year. It worries me cause they didn't change much at all with the PS3 UI :/
17 Dec 2009
Fanboy? Lol, I would love for you to explain how you arrived at that conclusion from my post.

But since you arrived at that idiotic conclusion, I will keep this post simple for you.

Xbox one ui - some people like it, some don't
Ps4 ui - some people like, some don't.

He has used both, he prefers the xbox one ui, you have used both and prefer the ps4 ui. There is nothing to disagree with.

The tone of the post said it all and a quick glance at your posting history confirmed it.

Ah resorting to an insult now :D

Your attempt to patronise me really is rather entertaining, please do continue.

I am rather unsure as to why you responded to me in the first place, have you added anything meaningful to the discussion about the Xbox One and PS4 UI's?

Fair enough, I haven't had issues with the XB1 like that yet since I've only had it a couple months (I'm sure it'll come though :p) it's been 8 months or so and my ps4 list of apps/games spans across quite a bit, if they don't change something it'll be horrible in a year. It worries me cause they didn't change much at all with the PS3 UI :/

Had mine only a matter of days and it was an issue from the start. The console even froze during initial setup :(

Haven't really got that much in the way of games or apps on my PS4 yet, but can see how it would become an issue later on. Hopefully they will becoming adventurous and bring in some changes!
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4 Jan 2011
Can't say that had ever bothered me about the PS4

I would say so yeh. I just don't think the layout makes that much sense, in terms of ease of accessing certain settings and things. I don't have that problem on the PS4. I have also had some real issues with the sheer slowness of the Xbox One UI in loading things up, seems to take an age at times.

What certain settings and things are hard to access?

Certain things can take their time to load can agree on that, although I get similar issues on PS4 in that the store just loads blank half the time =/



14 May 2004
Abertillery, South Wales
I haven't got any problem with the X1 UI, I just pin the stuff I use to the home screen, but do get the odd error where things takes to long to load.

After the last update it have died down, Upload studio still takes an age to load for some reason.
17 Dec 2009
What certain settings and things are hard to access?

Certain things can take their time to load can agree on that, although I get similar issues on PS4 in that the store just loads blank half the time =/

The preferences menu is one thing that springs to mind. It is now hidden away in the settings menu, instead of being on the Xbox Guide menu as it was on the 360. Another irritant is the lack of a low battery notification, having to go the dashboard instead to check. Surely this is a step back from using the Xbox guide on the 360?
7 Jan 2014
Hello all

Say you are buying an Xbox one second hand, and the seller has got games installed on the hard drive, like 3 or 4 and they remove their gamer tag/account.

Can the games still be used with a new gamer tag and Xbox live gold for the new user? Or are they tied to the original account?

4 Jan 2011
The preferences menu is one thing that springs to mind. It is now hidden away in the settings menu, instead of being on the Xbox Guide menu as it was on the 360. Another irritant is the lack of a low battery notification, having to go the dashboard instead to check. Surely this is a step back from using the Xbox guide on the 360?

Well hitting the start button, going to settings and across to preferences doesn't seem overly tedious to me or much more effort.

Going to the dash is just as fast and as many button presses as before to see battery life as it was on the 360 for me?

I think the UI is great bar the 'featured' stuff being forced onto my main screen, everything is a breeze to find, especially with kinect. I guess its just personal preference but I much prefer it and am surprisingly pleased with my One, much more so than the PS4, but with the way sales are going I hope it doesn't end up gimped :(
19 Dec 2010
The tone of the post said it all and a quick glance at your posting history confirmed it.

Ah resorting to an insult now :D

Your attempt to patronise me really is rather entertaining, please do continue.

I am rather unsure as to why you responded to me in the first place, have you added anything meaningful to the discussion about the Xbox One and PS4 UI's?

Oh please, stop with the idiotic crap. Of course I am trying to patronise you, you called me a fanboy and have ignored what I said in my last posts. But, here I go again.

First about the fanboy crap, you couldn't be more wrong, lol. My recent post history. Oh, I would love for you to quote my recent posts that show I am a fanboy of either console. Is it the post where I said they are both good consoles? That's one of my most recent posts in the console section, or maybe it's the one where I said I was going to buy the PS4 as soon as I get the money? I will save you the bother, here are two of my most recent posts in the console section.



And about my tone, you totally misunderstood it. My tone had nothing to do with me liking the xbox one and more to do with you stating your opinion as fact. And I am talking about when you said this :-

Would have to disagree there. The PS4 UI isn't great but it is significantly better than the UI on the Xbox One

That is your opinion. And that's all it is an opinion. The tone of my first post to you was more surprise than anything else. Surprise that you choose to argue with someone who stated that he liked the xbox one ui more than the PS4. It's like arguing with someone who likes milk chocolate just because you like plain chocolate.

You want to know my opinion on PS4 UI versus Xbox one UI? I can't offer one as I haven't played around much with the PS4. But read my last post, especially the bit about people liking different UIs. No matter how good the UI is, some people will like it, some people won't. That's a fact.

Saying that, If you compared the xbox 360/PS3 UI on release to the UI now I bet most people would prefer the "now" versions. It's going to the same with the new consoles, they will improve and evolve over time.

I also think it's hard to judge between the one and the ps4. The PS4 is mainly a game console, whereas the one is trying to be a media hub as well. So the UIs are going to be trying to cater for things differently. Which one is better?

You say you are just after getting the Xbox one. Well, that might be another factor in why you dislike the xbox one ui. Change. It takes a while to get used to a different way of doing things. At first I hated the UI of the xbone, but gradually I got used to it and now I am liking it just as much as the xbox360.

Hopefully at christmas I will buy the PS4 and after I use it for a few weeks I will make sure to come back here and post my thoughts.
19 Dec 2010
The preferences menu is one thing that springs to mind. It is now hidden away in the settings menu, instead of being on the Xbox Guide menu as it was on the 360. Another irritant is the lack of a low battery notification, having to go the dashboard instead to check. Surely this is a step back from using the Xbox guide on the 360?

Is it that hard to get to preferences? Start-settings - preferences? It doesn't seem that hard to me.

The good news is that the low battery notification is coming in the next update. It's linked a few pages back. There are some other good changes as well. 3D on bluray and stuff like that.

Here is a link

17 Dec 2009
Well hitting the start button, going to settings and across to preferences doesn't seem overly tedious to me or much more effort.

Going to the dash is just as fast and as many button presses as before to see battery life as it was on the 360 for me?

I think the UI is great bar the 'featured' stuff being forced onto my main screen, everything is a breeze to find, especially with kinect. I guess its just personal preference but I much prefer it and am surprisingly pleased with my One, much more so than the PS4, but with the way sales are going I hope it doesn't end up gimped :(

It just feels like a side step to me, rather than an improvement. Yep you're correct, although coming out of the dash and back in from a game can be laggy for me which is perhaps why I prefer how the guide worked. My kinect really doesn't work very well, often takes it 3 times to recognise a command. Very frustrating :(

I will no doubt get used to how the One works, but just can't help but feel that it is overwhelmingly a side step, and in some cases a downgrade from the 360.

Oh please, stop with the idiotic crap. Of course I am trying to patronise you, you called me a fanboy and have ignored what I said in my last posts. But, here I go again.

First about the fanboy crap, you couldn't be more wrong, lol. My recent post history. Oh, I would love for you to quote my recent posts that show I am a fanboy of either console. Is it the post where I said they are both good consoles? That's one of my most recent posts in the console section, or maybe it's the one where I said I was going to buy the PS4 as soon as I get the money? I will save you the bother, here are two of my most recent posts in the console section.



And about my tone, you totally misunderstood it. My tone had nothing to do with me liking the xbox one and more to do with you stating your opinion as fact. And I am talking about when you said this :-

That is your opinion. And that's all it is an opinion. The tone of my first post to you was more surprise than anything else. Surprise that you choose to argue with someone who stated that he liked the xbox one ui more than the PS4. It's like arguing with someone who likes milk chocolate just because you like plain chocolate.

You want to know my opinion on PS4 UI versus Xbox one UI? I can't offer one as I haven't played around much with the PS4. But read my last post, especially the bit about people liking different UIs. No matter how good the UI is, some people will like it, some people won't. That's a fact.

Saying that, If you compared the xbox 360/PS3 UI on release to the UI now I bet most people would prefer the "now" versions. It's going to the same with the new consoles, they will improve and evolve over time.

I also think it's hard to judge between the one and the ps4. The PS4 is mainly a game console, whereas the one is trying to be a media hub as well. So the UIs are going to be trying to cater for things differently. Which one is better?

You say you are just after getting the Xbox one. Well, that might be another factor in why you dislike the xbox one ui. Change. It takes a while to get used to a different way of doing things. At first I hated the UI of the xbone, but gradually I got used to it and now I am liking it just as much as the xbox360.

Hopefully at christmas I will buy the PS4 and after I use it for a few weeks I will make sure to come back here and post my thoughts.

Say what you like. You just lower the tone of the debate with the insults and patronising tone.

Well in that first post for example you dismiss talk about the differences in graphics between consoles as "crap" despite not having played much on a PS4 and there now being a substantial amount of evidence that the PS4 is a significantly more capable machine, with better visuals in many cross platform games now and in the future. So you're therefore blindly believing that the One is on a par with the PS4 graphically when this clearly is not the case. This along with how defensive you were in your initial post led me to the fanboy conclusion. Dismissing other peoples views as "crap" really does you no favours in putting your points across.

Well yes it is pretty obvious for anyone to see that it is an opinion.

I disagree with that. The Xbox One is still primarily and is even more so now a games console just with lots of added media features.

No doubt I will adjust to it in time, I have simply given my initial thoughts.

Is it that hard to get to preferences? Start-settings - preferences? It doesn't seem that hard to me.

The good news is that the low battery notification is coming in the next update. It's linked a few pages back. There are some other good changes as well. 3D on bluray and stuff like that.

Here is a link


Not hard, I just preferred the way it was on the 360.
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7 Jan 2014
Hello all

Say you are buying an Xbox one second hand, and the seller has got games installed on the hard drive, like 3 or 4 and they remove their gamer tag/account.

Can the games still be used with a new gamer tag and Xbox live gold for the new user? Or are they tied to the original account?

4 Jan 2011
It just feels like a side step to me, rather than an improvement. Yep you're correct, although coming out of the dash and back in from a game can be laggy for me which is perhaps why I prefer how the guide worked. My kinect really doesn't work very well, often takes it 3 times to recognise a command. Very frustrating :(

I will no doubt get used to how the One works, but just can't help but feel that it is overwhelmingly a side step, and in some cases a downgrade from the 360.

Well at least the Xbox One has good controller life, the PS4's is the worst among anything I can remember and goodluck trying to turn it off easily too, what a step down from PS3 controller, Microsoft still realised how important that is even with amazing battery life

I find the dash a pretty decent upgrade with the pins being all on the front, the ease of launching a game from another one. Kinect can be hit and miss with certain commands though like you've said. 'Xbox record that' doesn't work for me half the time
18 Oct 2002
Hello all

Say you are buying an Xbox one second hand, and the seller has got games installed on the hard drive, like 3 or 4 and they remove their gamer tag/account.

Can the games still be used with a new gamer tag and Xbox live gold for the new user? Or are they tied to the original account?


As I understand it you will be able to use them until the guy you bought it off signs into another console and re downloads them, then he will reclaim ownership of them and your games won't work anymore.
5 May 2004
hi guys heres one for you techy chappies

i have been having serious nat problems of late in the fact i keep getting a strict nat .

my sky router has ipv6 on it which i understand is better for the one, my lad also has a xbox one

i have disabled ipv6 and had a little joy but a lot of time it says cant find a teredo addy .

i have just reenabled ipv6 and wondered if i should set ipv6 to be a dhcp server even though ipv4 already has this ticked .

will it assign an addy to my xbox one as it will see its ipv6 capable

or should i just disable it and struggle with ipv4

the problem we have is its very hard for both me and my lad to game on our xboxs and use chat feature at the same time
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