Am I the only wuss that finds this game really freaky?
me too mate, im craping myself half the time

it so reminds me of when i first got doom 3
Am I the only wuss that finds this game really freaky?
Just completed it! Loved it. What a brilliantly well put together game.
Spolier Warning!
how the hell do you save the game?
It wont let me map the quick save and quick load keys in the options
anyone know anyplace online that still sells the LE tin (£24.99)? everywhere is sold out and im pretty sure they dont sell em in the high street.
how the hell do you save the game?
It wont let me map the quick save and quick load keys in the options
Saw the Pc tin on sale today for 29.99, so there are some around i noted.
He probably means the LE tin with the big daddy figure.
The Tin version is readily avaliable everywhere.
On the desk there is a button (you could push it if you were sitting in the chair). Push it and the screen to the left opens letting you get the nitro........also raises a turret
edit - actually it might be on the side of the desk.....not too hard to find tho