Any of you lot suffered from floating particles (like fireflys) appearing during the fort frolic level ??
I'm not sure if they are supposed to be there or not, but if I stand still I see a fair amount of the floating particles around me lol ?
GPU is not overheating and sitting at around 75C.
I have tried back-reving to 162.18 driver, but have the same problem.
Are they supposed to be there ??
As soon as I use the bathysphere to go back to say, Arcadia, they disappear.
I thought it was meant to represent the whole "cinema" slant to the story around that area.
I completed game with the Save Little Sisters method, if anyone did other way to get alt ending could I get the SAVES, so I jsut do last part of game and see ending.
Just watch the ending on youtube.
I found this out for myself while looking for the ingame movies as i wanted to see the bad ending in full quality and I must say its amazing. I did a quick search but couldn't find it posted here.
For those of you with the PC version download the RAD Video Tools and then browse to the "BioShock\Content\BinkMovies" folder e.g. C:\Program Files\2K Games\BioShock\Content\BinkMovies.
Now open attractMovie.bik (simply double clicking it should work if you have installed RAD tools which allow you to play the blink movies).
The beginning is exactly like the intro, but after the intro you get to see some what i believe is previously unseen footage, that is defiantely not in the game itself.