Finished it yesterday. Good game but did get a bit samey and dragged slightly at the end. You could see the Deus Ex heritage with the hacking parts, but because it was so linear I don't think it was nearly as good a game as DE.
is there any mods site yet?
wanna keep my eyes out for the mods im hoping for before i give this game another whack.
You get to see that vid if you leave Bioshock on the menu for so long.
I havent read this whole thread but Im having some kind of problem with my copy of the game, havent reinstalled as of yet but im going to if I cant fix it. The problem is that all text from any menu screen has dissapeared upon starting up a game, I can guesstimate where the menu links are and through that I can load into the game and play as normal, only without any menu text / subs or anything.
My rig is
8800gtx with bioshock drivers and 162.52 (think) the bug is the same on diff drivers anyway
core2/ 2 gb ram , all system is fine,
Anyone else having this issue?!!
I've just encountered my first big-daddy fight, and lost, any hints for taking it dowm, it had just 5 health left when I died, and why the **** are they so fast lol?
Got fire and telekinesis; shotgun, revolver, tommy with all kidns of bullets, whats best?
It keeps hitting me, I lost 5 health kits before I died by the big daddy: normall dificulty.
Is the demo a decent representation of what performance is like in the final game?
So is performance better in the retail version?
I've just encountered my first big-daddy fight, and lost, any hints for taking it dowm, it had just 5 health left when I died, and why the **** are they so fast lol?
Got fire and telekinesis; shotgun, revolver, tommy with all kidns of bullets, whats best?
It keeps hitting me, I lost 5 health kits before I died by the big daddy: normall dificulty.
The crossbow with Steel bolts and the Ice plasmid (Winter Shock or chill iirc) works great on Big Daddies. In fact you become pretty much invincible when you have loads of eve, Winter Chill 2 and a stack of crossbow bolts/mods. I finsihed off an elite bouncer BD with 5 crossbow bolts to the head (modified damage upgrade) after first freezing him
The best thing about big daddies is they don't attack you until you attack them, so make sure you have reloaded all yoru weapons and eve before you start, then when one weapon needs reloading switch to another and get blasting !