**The one and only Official BioShock Thread**- now with added **SPOILERS**

The crossbow with Steel bolts and the Ice plasmid (Winter Shock or chill iirc) works great on Big Daddies. In fact you become pretty much invincible when you have loads of eve, Winter Chill 2 and a stack of crossbow bolts/mods. I finsihed off an elite bouncer BD with 5 crossbow bolts to the head (modified damage upgrade) after first freezing him :D

The best thing about big daddies is they don't attack you until you attack them, so make sure you have reloaded all yoru weapons and eve before you start, then when one weapon needs reloading switch to another and get blasting !

Yeah those Elite Bouncers are pretty tough, much stronger than Rosie or the boggo Bouncer... well he done me in more than the normal ones anyway.... and those elite bouncers are fassssst!

As they dont attack until you attack I lay down loads of prox mines in a straight path bewtween me and him. Shoot him with some armour-piecing bullets, as they are not very intelligent they run towards you thru all ya mines... those mines and frag grenades HURT them!

Thats what you can do for later BD's mind you, cos as Aekeron says above, this wont be applicable in ya first BD fight cos you wont have the grenade launcher!
Ok, been running this a week or so and saw my first glitch.. This may have been already covered but I get small flashing black box sometimes? Latest drivers have been loaded on a 8800GTX

Anyone had this?
I had that briefly but it seemed to go away all on it's own.

Or it may be that I uninstalled the bioshock beta drivers and went back to the last whqls. not sure ;/
I had hacked the turrets nearby, which helped.

Shock is quite good if you want to stun it briefly..or if you attack it and get it to chase you into a water-filled section, you can do rasonable damage with it. Incinerate is very useful - just throw on at it and then try and give it the run around for a bit ;)

Basically, using the walls for cover is your main thing. Blast away with shotgun at point blank (and at the head) and try to keep the walls between you and it as much as possible to minimise damage. Make sure you've also stocked up on medkits/know where the health stations nearby are in case you run out.

If you have any electric buck for your shotgun I'd also try that out. Works a charm on them.

You can discover more about their weaknesses later in the game but if you want any spoilers, just ask away and I'll provide them :p

The lame lame lame way to do it is to let yourself get killed a lot and just respawn at the vita chambers. The Big Daddies don't regen. I really recommend against this though - it can really spoil the tension of the game (I'd avoid VCs all the way through if I were you)

Okay I'm askign for help then, not minding spoilers, just been killed once too many by a big daddy.
I'm in neptunes bounty now I think my 2nd big daddy (of that mission), just after when u get the 2 proximity mines ( altho can't use em).
I want to be able to kill em without dieing, I have freeze, burn, elec shock, telekinesis, mg, shotgun, pistol, wrench and 9 medkits.
My tactic and has been from the start is to use cover, scout out the surounding first and see if there is somewhere where the daddy can't get, balcony etc. Anyway, makes life a lot easier.:D
Well thats it, i've just finished Bioshock. Got the good ending, and then went back a few saves and harvested a few little sisters so i could see the bad ending. Good ones better. :D

Loved every minute of it.
it's just all the levels seem the same to me and i only found 2 of the pismaids useful

and i Finshed it because i just paided £25 for it seem like a waste if i didnt Finsh it
it's just all the levels seem the same to me and i only found 2 of the pismaids useful

and i Finshed it because i just paided £25 for it seem like a waste if i didnt Finsh it

What difficulty did you play it on? On easy then its a bit pointless cos you end up with 9 eve hypos and 9 health packs all the time cos no matter who you fight, they do minimal damage! Also, you only use a few weapons/plasmids on that difficulty, cos they all do enough damage to take out most enemies pretty quickly! on hard you have to find out what weapon/ammo type/plasmid etc does the most damage to specific enemies... so much more fun, and challenging!

If you did play it on easy, play it thru again on hard... will be a diff story then :)
it's just all the levels seem the same to me and i only found 2 of the pismaids useful

and i Finshed it because i just paided £25 for it seem like a waste if i didnt Finsh it

...I don't think this is the sort of game for you. It's probably as simple as that.

its collecting dust until it gets modded so its not a console port.

It's quite consoley but really not that bad. Which particular parts were too much for your tastes?

That said, I really do hope they bring out the SDK...well, ever. There's a lot I'd like to change about the game myself.
Well i cant even kill the first big daddy in the medical pavillion on normal, he just bangs on the floor or summit so i go git slow, then he charges in and wallops me, i can shock him a couple of times, then blag him with shottie, but he just does the same, bangs on the floor, charges in, wallop, wallop, wallop, tata im dead. :p
Are you fully stocked on health packs?

There's lots of ways to do it but one way is to have all the turrets hacked...then hit the big daddy with incinerate. Give him the run around (use the walls lots...even if you move slowly, creative use of the terrain really really helps) and bang away with the shotgun. Use electric buck preferably..and maybe armour piercing rounds for the pistol/machine gun (these aren't that great but electric buck rocks). Re-ignite him now and again and keep your health topped up. It's not too hard once you get the hang of it.
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