Anyone know how to kill the two tanks at the school? I have three shots with a missile launcher and that's it.
Anyone know how to kill the two tanks at the school? I have three shots with a missile launcher and that's it.
Will this run it ok
Going by this thread it seems hard on the old computer.
2.4 CD
8800 GTS 640
4 GB
Will it run ok on high?
Anyone playing this on an Old Grandid rig like mine and if so what sort of performance are they getting?
I'm amazed how much Crytek promoted Dx10 and Quad Core.
1) It runs like **** in Vista compared to XP
2) Directx10 runs slower than 9 in Vista when using the same settings
3) It barely uses a Dual Core let alone a Quad.
Full game runs much better with the new Nvidia drivers, Post Process & Shadows on High, everything else Very High, 1680*1050, getting 30-25 FPS.
A GTX must be faster in crysis than the reviews say coz even with my GT overclocked I could never run it at very high with shadows and post process on high.
You in DX9 or 10?
I'm amazed how much Crytek promoted Dx10 and Quad Core.
1) It runs like **** in Vista compared to XP
2) Directx10 runs slower than 9 in Vista when using the same settings
3) It barely uses a Dual Core let alone a Quad.
DirectX 10, really impressed so far.