The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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I have no interest in Musk, have never really paid him any attention, but I do use Twitter and so have been seeing stupid Musk posts constantly for a few days.

It seems clear to me that he's another example of what's ****** up in our capitalist world: a total weirdo, an objectively bad person, who, because of those bad traits, is the perfect vessel for extracting wealth from the rest of us.

Twitter will become bad, but he will make money as it collapses. Society will be worse, and worse off. The rich will be richer.
I have no interest in Musk, have never really paid him any attention, but I do use Twitter and so have been seeing stupid Musk posts constantly for a few days.

It seems clear to me that he's another example of what's ****** up in our capitalist world: a total weirdo, an objectively bad person, who, because of those bad traits, is the perfect vessel for extracting wealth from the rest of us.

Has he changed Twitter so we have to read his posts? I never got any notifications before from people on twitter but all his are in my pulldown notification bar on Android.
Did any of this happen outside of your head?

Except for the fact that none of that actually happened.

Of course it's you two, it always is :D

I know you both have great difficulty making that old grey matter work like a normal persons should so I'll make this super easy just so your single brain cell isn't worn out. Now I know some of these words have more than one syllable but it's fairly easy if you just sound out the words -


No-one knows what will happen to Twitter in the future, so when people like myself post about things that may happen to it in the future, thats a opinion not someone quoting a fact. Even a 5 year old can tell the different between present and future, if you can't then I wonder what else 5 year olds know better than you pair :)
It seems clear to me that he's another example of what's ****** up in our capitalist world: a total weirdo, an objectively bad person, who, because of those bad traits, is the perfect vessel for extracting wealth from the rest of us.

I don't think Musk is an "objectively bad person". He's, like most people, a mixture of good and bad, and he's done a mix of good and bad things. But you take a person of ordinary character, make them a multi-billionaire and give them a screaming fan base that cheers for them no matter what they do as well as an equally screaming band of haters who criticise them whatever they do, and you'll soon amplify those normal flaws to caricature levels.

Twitter will become bad, but he will make money as it collapses. Society will be worse, and worse off. The rich will be richer.

He stands to lose tens of billions. He'll be lucky to get out 10% of what it cost him to buy Twitter (although that was mostly loans so I don't know how much of it his personal wealth is on the hook for). Which will leave him, oh, just as rich for any practical purpose.
The word that I didn't say. But Karen is also pretty apt for that users comments.

"don't x have better things to do"
It got banned after the B word your not allowed to mention

I've looked everywhere and I don't see anywhere mentioning it about it been banned!


Of course it's you two, it always is :D

I know you both have great difficulty making that old grey matter work like a normal persons should so I'll make this super easy just so your single brain cell isn't worn out. Now I know some of these words have more than one syllable but it's fairly easy if you just sound out the words -


No-one knows what will happen to Twitter in the future, so when people like myself post about things that may happen to it in the future, thats a opinion not someone quoting a fact. Even a 5 year old can tell the different between present and future, if you can't then I wonder what else 5 year olds know better than you pair :)

Just digging yourself a bigger fail hole.
I don't think Musk is an "objectively bad person". He's, like most people, a mixture of good and bad, and he's done a mix of good and bad things. But you take a person of ordinary character, make them a multi-billionaire and give them a screaming fan base that cheers for them no matter what they do as well as an equally screaming band of haters who criticise them whatever they do, and you'll soon amplify those normal flaws to caricature levels.

He stands to lose tens of billions. He'll be lucky to get out 10% of what it cost him to buy Twitter (although that was mostly loans so I don't know how much of it his personal wealth is on the hook for). Which will leave him, oh, just as rich for any practical purpose.
Completely agree.

I said the same sort of thing earlier in the thread. This guy is the richest guy in the world. To not change a person would be incredibly lucky. He's just at this moment, very publically showing his negative changes, and he's showing more and more to be disconnected from reality that is plain as day to see.

He should just sell twitter for pennies and go back to what he's done a good job at. He might lose 20 billion. Didn't he make that in 1 day in 2020?

Better to lose that now and move on, than potentially harm the reputation of everything he runs, and cost himself far greater given how much of his wealth comes from Tesla
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