I think the issue is that Elon is treating twitter employees as though they are committed like a spacex employee might be.
People will be farore into working at a company like spacex,ayne they'd even take a pay cut to be part of what spacex is doing.
Twitter however is different. It's not exactly something people dream to be part of. Of all the big tech companies, it's one of the bottom, least exciting one.
There is nothing revolutionary about twitter.
However with that said, giving staff the choice to work longer hours and stay over night, I can't see the issue with. My work preference is to finish at 3pm so that you a good chunk of day left to go do something, or finish at midnight and really earn some serious money. None of this, finish at 5/6, go home have dinner watch TV bed nonsense.
If employees want to stay and work late, why not give them that choice.