The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Let me guess looking into it?
It started as that as Elon was also surprised by it (first time he knew about it) and started by saying that was indeed one of the embarrassing things that would likely be discovered and that it would be removed straight away.
Later in the talk it was answered by twitter engineers directly.. 2:50 ish from the end if you're bothered listening
It's for stats tracking purposes only, nothing to do with the algorithm it was there to make sure they WERE NOT BIASED one way or other...
Elon still thought it was weird it was there.
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It started as that as Elon was also surprised by it (first time he knew about it) and started by saying that was indeed one of the embarrassing things that would likely be discovered and that it would be removed straight away.
Later in the talk it was answered by twitter engineers directly.. 2:50 ish from the end if you're bothered listening
It's for stats tracking purposes only, nothing to do with the algorithm it was there to make sure they WERE NOT BIASED one way or other...
Elon still thought it was weird it was there.

Lol, so either way, either Elon wanted it there and lied about not knowing, or he didn't know, but it's something added since Elon took over, and the engineers felt the need to have a metric just for Elon, to not upset the poor man baby. They don't have one for obama, Biden, trump etc.

You can just imagine how the engineers came about feeling the need to put it in

Elon walks into their office one day all upset "why does no one pay attention to my tweets any more, I have millions of new followers and less activity. Do people hate me. Why do they boo"

And the engineers are like "no daddy (he makes them use this word) people love you, they weren't booing, they were saying boo-urn the establishment down!!"

And I love that whole "it's for stat tracking purposes only" well no it's not just for that. It's so that they can better target/make algorithm changes based on the stats.

It's not like they just sit in a room and see the stats and go "hmm interesting, any way..."

They obviously look at them and say, is elon going to cry today because his tweets aren't popular enough. Let's check the stats. Uh oh, someone else got more likes than him. Let's alter the algorithm.

It's like OCUK store tracking the most popular county where they get purchases. The tracking isn't just for stats, it's so they can make changes, advertise more to big seller county's etc.
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It started as that as Elon was also surprised by it (first time he knew about it) and started by saying that was indeed one of the embarrassing things that would likely be discovered and that it would be removed straight away.
Later in the talk it was answered by twitter engineers directly.. 2:50 ish from the end if you're bothered listening
It's for stats tracking purposes only, nothing to do with the algorithm it was there to make sure they WERE NOT BIASED one way or other...
Elon still thought it was weird it was there.

Two short videos back to back about twitter...
It should auto play both...

Edit, OK it doesn't auto play, here's the second one

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He's like that snotty kid in class who's just got knocked down by a girl - "I never liked her anyway"


Am surprised he hasn't created stink over the White House also not paying for blue ticks.

So I'm guessing some of you on here are coders...
Dig into it then... Lets see what you make of it?

Twitter source code is open...
Code scrubbing, which is quite funny, and internal references, which is a bit of a no-no for a public repo, in commits is about the only thing i've seen having had a very quick flick through.
Saying that, i'm not any one is particularly shocked by what they're finding though :cry:
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