is paying for 3 subs Twitter policy? Are some of you dense or just obtuse. Seriously, how hard is it to understand.
Is Twitter owned by Musk?
Does Musk set policy for twitter?
Is Musk's policy with the blue ticks continually backfiring on him? (we're now at regressed version 0.6alpha* or something given the various u-turns and changes)
Is Musk getting told by the high profile accounts they refuse to pay for his vanity project?
Is Musk now exempting an untold number of those accounts from paying to have a tick in a manner that very misleadingly indicates the account holder is paying for it? (even when the account holder has refused the offer after they've been contacted on behalf of Musk)
The answer to all those is yes.
That means that it is by default a Twitter Policy as it's Musk who on his own is setting and deciding on those policies.
The difference is that it's not an open and public policy, it's one that is meant to either at best try and hide his embarrassment at how few of the big names are willing to endorse his policies, at worst it's a deliberate attempt to mislead the public into believing those accounts are endorsing his policy when many of the account holders have previously stated they do not.
I honestly wonder if he even considered the potential issues he's opening up for himself, given how much an endorsement by the likes of Lebron James or Stephen King is normally worth. I've seen a few American lawyers suggest he is treading on thin ice given how the statement that now accompanies a blue tick states the account has paid for it not even that it's a "gifted" sub (and that there is apparently zero way to refuse such a "gift", nor was it made public that you could get given such a "gift").
The really stupid thing about all these tick schemes of Musk's is that a lot of people, including some of those high profile accounts were willing to pay for additional services from Twitter previously (and many did indeed pay for third party apps/services that did things Twitter's default app did not).
The reason they're so dead against paying now is because there is less than nothing in it for them, the blue tick is utterly worthless and Musk continues to demonstrate a complete lack of awareness of both why those accounts used to be varified and how fortunate Twitter was to get so many very high profile people on their service working for free to pull in people to see the adverts.
A lot of people joined/used twitter primarily to keep an eye on things like local news, local weather reports, and their favourite creators etc with a chance to sometimes give feedback, Musk has utterly gutted many of the reasons that a lot of Twitters user base opened the app on a regular basis as things like local weather services and emergency services in the US now have their content utterly buried by paid for dross (and no way to tell if you're actually looking at the feed of your local police/fbi/fire department or some scammer, as the scammer is now more likely to be promoted than the actual real account).
*I suspect version 2.0 will be like the original 1.0 blue tick, but with a new colour and symbol once the court cases start coming in from people and companies that have been impersonated by the current paid for ticks.