The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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In theory yes but in practice its a pipe dream. Creating a near vacuum in a tunnel 10s if not 100s of miles long is near impossible and even if it was possible imagine a train weighing hundreds of tonnes travelling at the speed of sound in a tunnel just bigger than the train and there is some failure with the vacuum, it would be catastrophic.
Oh there's some humongous hurdles and issues around both of the ideas and i'm not suggesting there isn't but, given the usual drivel that comes from Musk's thinking, they're certainly some of the saner ideas that could potentially work (in a few generations/lifetimes etc).

What a pathetic person Elon can be. Is this another funny meme that will make roar laugh?
LOLWUT, I can't believe someone would take that so far out of context to conflate it with cancer/AIDS..

But then we live in a world where a particular type of person will spend all day hanging off every word of someone they hate and finding ways to be offended by them, even if it means spectacularly missing the point.. I don't know if people do this on purpose, or they are just dumb.. The 11 plus requires greater comprehension skills than this.
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LOLWUT, I can't believe someone would take that so far out of context to conflate it with cancer/AIDS..
did you accidentally miss the original "take so far out of context" tweet from elon with regards to the "disease you have to be tested to know you have", which of course isn't true either. no fault with that? i mean, my 7 year old niece understands it better than elon...
did you accidentally miss the original "take so far out of context" tweet from elon with regards to the "disease you have to be tested to know you have", which of course isn't true either. no fault with that? i mean, my 7 year old niece understands it better than elon...
Just stop, you can’t take the latter part without taking the former as well, and since when did we have a vaccine for Cancer/AIDS? Selectively quoting is very much deliberately taking something out of context.

And are you seriously saying that you didn’t instantly know the post was about COVID and the COVID vaccine?

I’m fully vaxxed, I don’t even agree with his point because it comes from a place of hindsight, but I got the context within milliseconds.

Its disingenuous and says as much about them as it does Musk, I don’t like Musk, I just don’t hang off his every word frothing at the mouth to a point I have to twist what he says or tweets to literally make up ways to be offended by him.
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Just stop, you can’t take the latter part without taking the former as well, and since when did we have a vaccine for Cancer? Selectively quoting is very much deliberately taking something out of context.

And are you seriously saying that you didn’t instantly know the post was about COVID and the COVID vaccine?

I’m fully vaxxed, I don’t even agree with his point because it comes from a place of hindsight, but I got the context within milliseconds.

Its disingenuous and says as much about them as it does Musk, I don’t like Musk, I just don’t hang off his every word frothing at the mouth to a point I have to twist what he says or tweets to literally make up ways to be offended by him.

It's perfectly OK to critique both parts of elons meme separately.
Of course I know he's talking about covid, but he's making the point about testing by implying that we all know it's ridiculous that there would be any deadly diseases that would require testing to know that you have it.
This is plainly wrong so the tweet was pointing that out by giving examples of some deadly diseases that benefit from early testing before symptoms show up.
This weakens the messaging that elon clearly wanted to make with his pathetic anti vaxxer meme.
The first half of the meme is also worthy of critique, but the second half is so quick and easy to debunk its hard not to have an instant response to it.
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LOLWUT, I can't believe someone would take that so far out of context to conflate it with cancer/AIDS..

But then we live in a world where a particular type of person will spend all day hanging off every word of someone they hate and finding ways to be offended by them, even if it means spectacularly missing the point.. I don't know if people do this on purpose, or they are just dumb.. The 11 plus requires greater comprehension skills than this.

LOLWUT tell us you can't comprehend the post without telling us

It's funny to call others out for trolling by trolling yourself isn't it
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Just stop, you can’t take the latter part without taking the former as well, and since when did we have a vaccine for Cancer/AIDS? Selectively quoting is very much deliberately taking something out of context.

And are you seriously saying that you didn’t instantly know the post was about COVID and the COVID vaccine?

I’m fully vaxxed, I don’t even agree with his point because it comes from a place of hindsight, but I got the context within milliseconds.

Its disingenuous and says as much about them as it does Musk, I don’t like Musk, I just don’t hang off his every word frothing at the mouth to a point I have to twist what he says or tweets to literally make up ways to be offended by him.

Man you're really not understanding that post at all are you. Keep going, double down its fun to see
It's perfectly OK to critique both parts of elons meme separately.
Of course I know he's talking about covid, but he's making the point about testing by implying that we all know it's ridiculous that there would be any deadly diseases that would require testing to know that you have it.
This is plainly wrong so the tweet was pointing that out by giving examples of some deadly diseases that benefit from early testing before symptoms show up.
This weakens the messaging that elon clearly wanted to make with his pathetic anti vaxxer meme.
The first half of the meme is also worthy of critique, but the second half is so quick and easy to debunk its hard not to have an instant response to it.
No its not, the second half starts with the word 'For' which immediately implies it's related to the first..

And it's not Elons meme either, it's done the rounds many times, it's on bloody T-Shirts for christs sake..

LOLWUT tell us you can't comprehend the post without telling us

It's funny to call others out for trolling by trolling yourself isn't it
If only you read the next post I made.. LOLWUT tldr?
Man you're really not understanding that post at all are you. Keep going, double down its fun to see
If I also squint and ignore the first part of that meme, and forget the specific subject matter its referring to and just selectively take the second part totally in isolation and therefore completely out of context, then of course I get the response being made..

It's just so ridiculously out of context that it's the work of a 7 year old mind as you've pointed out.
No idea but they exist. Cancer vaccines are used during treatment rather than as a preventative measure.
Well, sure, some very specific cases, and they are normally given after you have cancer but used to stimulate the immune system to help fight it, but I'm not aware of any for HIV.. and no one is threatened to have any of them..

There is no way you can have a straight face and pretend anyone doesn't know this meme is purely about COVID..
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If I also squint and ignore the first part of that meme, and forget the specific subject matter its referring to and just selectively take the second part totally in isolation and therefore completely out of context, then of course I get the response being made..

It's just so ridiculously out of context that it's the work of a 7 year old mind as you've pointed out.

What's out of context? Why would anyone need to I gore the first part of the meme to not see it's a ridiculously dumb view to take. No need to split the meme into 2 but you keep insisting that that is the case
What's out of context? Why would anyone need to I gore the first part of the meme to not see it's a ridiculously dumb view to take. No need to split the meme into 2 but you keep insisting that that is the case
When this meme (about COVID) started doing the rounds well before Elon set eyes on it, being fully vaxxed and having had COVID 3 times (the first being quite an ordeal), I didn't agree with it, but crucially there is no scenario in which I would have not understand the simple fact that this is specifically aimed at one virus and its vaccine..

It's actually OK to not agree with the meme but point out the obvious low brow attempt to take it out of context in this way..

I'll sum it up by saying the response to that meme is meme'able itself, it's exceedingly similar to 'But think of the Children'..

BTW, had it been obvious that this was a general statement aimed at all diseases and vaccines (that we are threatened to take?), I'd whole heartedly agree and (if possible) would think even less of Musk..
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When this meme (about COVID) started doing the rounds well before Elon set eyes on it, being fully vaxxed and having had COVID 3 times (the first being quite an ordeal), I didn't agree with it, but crucially there is no scenario in which I would have not understand the simple fact that this is specifically aimed at one virus and its vaccine..

It's actually OK to not agree with the meme but point out the obvious low brow attempt to take it out of context in this way..

I'll sum it up by saying the response to that meme is meme'able itself, it's exceedingly similar to 'But think of the Children'..

BTW, had it been obvious that this was a general statement aimed at all diseases and vaccines (that we are threatened to take?), I'd whole heartedly agree and (if possible) would think even less of Musk..
Jesus you have no clue.

Why do you keep taking it out of context and making out as though anyone thinks it's about all diseases and not covid.

It's really not hard to understand
Jesus you have no clue.

Why do you keep taking it out of context and making out as though anyone thinks it's about all diseases and not covid.

It's really not hard to understand
Yeah I don't know why Demon doesn't get it.

We all know it's a meme about covid.

The meme is using a dumb and incorrect view on how diseases testing works, to infer that it's ridiculous that covid should be considered a dangerous disease because we need a test to know if we have it.

The tweet debunks this part of the meme with examples.

The meme itself is invoking comparison with other diseases, that's how it's attempting to ridicule the mainstream approach to covid testing.
HPV vaccine is a cancer vaccine. Given when girls are still children.

As for the meme, all I'll say is this is the man who told us Covid would be gone in 3 months. I'd take medical advice from my mothers ashes before I'd take it from Elon because no advice is better than advice from someone who thinks they are an expert on a subject they know **** all about. Every day he continues to show us what a god complex looks like in real time. His eventual fall is going to be fun to watch.
Yeah I don't know why Demon doesn't get it.

We all know it's a meme about covid.

The meme is using a dumb and incorrect view on how diseases testing works, to infer that it's ridiculous that covid should be considered a dangerous disease because we need a test to know if we have it.

The tweet debunks this part of the meme with examples.

The meme itself is invoking comparison with other diseases, that's how it's attempting to ridicule the mainstream approach to covid testing.
I can perfectly follow the (illogical) reasoning being presented, however:

This is specifically aimed at an aspect of COVID (and its handling) which does not apply to other (fatal) diseases.

I don't agree with the Meme, but I can see the point, there was a discussion about vaccination and the decision was made to effectively coerce people in to having the vaccine even if you where in a group that were unlikely to have anything other than minor cold/flu like symptoms, or in many cases, no symptoms at all..

To just plainly boil this down to COVID = Disease, Cancer/HIV = Disease, therefore it's valid to scrutinise the meme based on cancer/hiv as completely different types of diseases is just ridiculous.

Do I need to point out that if you develop cancer or contract HIV, you will require treatment or it will manifest itself as terminal (in all but some very edge cases), therefore screening is imperative for those diseases.. but the same is not true (by a country mile) of COVID.

HPV vaccine is a cancer vaccine. Given when girls are still children.
Sure, but no one is forced/coerced/threatened to take it are they?

Again, if we talk about fatal diseases as as whole, that Meme is incredibly incorrect/dangerous.. but if we take the meme in the context it is meant that we now all agree is the topic, COVID, and only consider that, then it's perfectly within scope of a meme...
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