The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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You disagree with the data Roar?

Maybe they are in a conspiracy to prevent Trump being elected in 2024 :rolleyes:

Tell us was Elon right? Was there zero cases by April? Or could it be that he couldn't of made a worse guess on something he had zero knowledge of and as per usual tried to make it sound like he had an understanding of the subject. There is nothing more dangerous than someone pretending to know something about a subject they are completely ignorant of.

I agree that it was on the death certificates of 1.1million Americans alongside things like cancer and dementia. I don't care Elon Musk incorrectly predicted something 3 years ago
I agree that it was on the death certificates of 1.1million Americans alongside things like cancer and dementia. I don't care Elon Musk incorrectly predicted something 3 years ago

Not even if the consequences of his unqualified opinion being, yet again, wrong may well have resulted in more deaths than if he'd just never said anything, or said something, but sided with science and not tried to gain the likes and clicks from, well, people like you.
I agree that it was on the death certificates of 1.1million Americans alongside things like cancer and dementia. I don't care Elon Musk incorrectly predicted something 3 years ago

So you think they didn't die from covid? Just say that rather than dancing around it.

You should care Roar because its just one of many terrible thoughts that he spews out without any thought or care. For someone you respect so much I would have thought him engaging his brain before engaging his mouth would be high on the list of qualities. But hey that's just me.
So you think they didn't die from covid? Just say that rather than dancing around it.

I think some of those people died directly due to Covid, I think the actual numbers would be very difficult to say. The 1.1m figure is confusing because it's counting anyone who died and also tested positive for Covid, dying of Covid and dying with Covid are obviously not the same thing. For a lot of people Covid was a very mild illness they recovered from within a week or 2. For others, like my ex partner, it was a very severe illness.

As of April 26, 2023, the number of both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of the COVID-19 disease reported in the United States had reached over 104 million with over 1.1 million deaths reported among these cases.

The data listed on for example is using "presumptive positive cases", then taking the deaths of those people which is inclusive of the presumptive cases. So essentially if a Doctor thought you had Covid, and you later died, you would be among these cases. It's completely flimsy data.

You should care Roar because its just one of many terrible thoughts that he spews out without any thought or care. For someone you respect so much I would have thought him engaging his brain before engaging his mouth would be high on the list of qualities. But hey that's just me.

I think Elon was looking at what had happened in China, which bizarrely suffered far fewer Covid deaths than we did in the West, expecting a similar outcome here. Given he runs factories in China employing thousands of people he would have direct knowledge.
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I think some of those people died directly due to Covid, I think the actual numbers would be very difficult to say. The 1.1m figure is confusing because it's counting anyone who died and also tested positive for Covid, dying of Covid and dying with Covid are obviously not the same thing. For a lot of people Covid was a very mild illness they recovered from within a week or 2. For others, like my ex partner, it was a very severe illness.

The data listed on for example is using "presumptive positive cases", then taking the deaths of those people which is inclusive of the presumptive cases. So essentially if a Doctor thought you had Covid, and you later died, you would be among these cases. It's completely flimsy data.
Roar there is no shortage of data on huge excess deaths during the covid pandemic.
I think Elon was looking at what had happened in China, which bizarrely suffered far fewer Covid deaths than we did in the West, expecting a similar outcome here. Given he runs factories in China employing thousands of people he would have direct knowledge.

So this genius thought we would have the same outcome as a country that literally welded its citizens inside their homes. I know I'm not a genius and I could tell you that was a terrible take on what was to come.

You only need to look at the excess deaths in the US per week when the peaks of COVID were hitting to see the numbers are realistic.
Same as the UK.

Its a weak sauce attempt to deflect to quote death certificates.
There were weeks in 2020 where excess US deaths were well into the 20-30k region.

China's COVID figures are hugely suspect anyway.

I personally couldn't hold much by Elon having factories in China to reveal much of the true situation between he likely doesn't have that level of insight into their operation and his attitude towards worker wellbeing, etc.
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You have to question the judgement of someone who, if we believe for 1 second he cared about the workforce, had insight into China's covid pilicy and still thought a completely different strategy for dealing with covid in a completely different culture would somehow play out the same.

It's almost as if, as I've said before, he has a laser focused intelligence in 1 field and is thick as pig **** in most others.
You only need to look at the excess deaths in the US per week when the peaks of COVID were hitting to see the numbers are realistic.
Same as the UK.

Its a weak sauce attempt to deflect to quote death certificates.
There were weeks in 2020 where excess US deaths were well into the 20-30k region.

It's not me quoting death certificates though, that is literally where the data is coming from?

Excess deaths due to Covid definitely happened, we saw large spikes in the UK and US which were almost certainly directly caused by Covid. Yet we also continue to see high excess deaths this year and last year when compared to 2019 while there obviously isn't a deadly Covid epidemic, likely due to the knock on effect of people being unable to access healthcare or having issues they didn't seek medical care for.

You can't attribute all the above excess deaths to Covid, surely that's obvious? I could barely get a call back from my GP for an issue I had last year, I had to call them 3 times just to get a 5 minute phone call with a GP after being told they'd call me on multiple occasions.

Anyway, the only figure I'm disputing is the dumb stat put out by the CDC saying 1.1m, the truth is they have no idea because it's completely obfuscated, but it's almost certainly much lower than that.
No more headline previews for news posts. Absolute stupidity.

Elon pushing this far right fantasists latest work of complete nonsense to follow up to his hilariously bad 2000 Mules that was pure propaganda in support of Trump's attempt to steal the 2020 election.

If the US was a police state, he wouldn't be allowed to produce and release this film. D'Souza really is one of the most unscrupulous grifters.
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It's not me quoting death certificates though, that is literally where the data is coming from?

Excess deaths due to Covid definitely happened, we saw large spikes in the UK and US which were almost certainly directly caused by Covid. Yet we also continue to see high excess deaths this year and last year when compared to 2019 while there obviously isn't a deadly Covid epidemic, likely due to the knock on effect of people being unable to access healthcare or having issues they didn't seek medical care for.

You can't attribute all the above excess deaths to Covid, surely that's obvious? I could barely get a call back from my GP for an issue I had last year, I had to call them 3 times just to get a 5 minute phone call with a GP after being told they'd call me on multiple occasions.

Anyway, the only figure I'm disputing is the dumb stat put out by the CDC saying 1.1m, the truth is they have no idea because it's completely obfuscated, but it's almost certainly much lower than that.

Excess deaths ie a deviation from the trend is accepted by the medical profession and statisticians affiliated to this area as the best metric in order to approximate the impact from one off events.
Week by week figures can be a little ropey, but eg a quarter are highly accurate.
Its how we measure for example a bad flu season.

The point of excess deaths is to pick up the impact of an event. Thats not necessarily always directly the event itself.
If someone died from say a heart condition due to the NHS basically being semi shut down for months that IS a result of COVID. Its a death caused by COVID even if the medical condition that killed the person wasn't COVID.

From what I can see the CDCs number is pretty reasonable. Again look at the sheer number of excess deaths over some of the key COVID periods.
The motive for those 2 cretins blowing smoke up Gbeebies **** is obvious, they’re just grasping desperately for their next job once this government gets the much deserved bullet at the next election.
Na I disagree - I didn't post at the time, but it has become so obvious now Rishi has come out with the anti-Trans stuff (whatever your views may be). They are doubling down on the right wing mouth frothers.

Could you imagine the melt down from his simps.
Oct 3 (Reuters Breakingviews) - X is still worth something, but not for the people running it. Boss Linda Yaccarino is set to present her plans for the social network formerly known as Twitter to bankers holding nearly $13 billion of its debt, the Financial Times reported. Looming over talks is the likelihood that X’s value is substantially less than even that figure.

This week’s meeting with seven banks led by Morgan Stanley (MS.N) that supported Elon Musk’s $44 billion acquisition of the platform caps off a tumultuous first four months for Yaccarino, a former advertising executive at Comcast-owned (CMCSA.O) NBCUniversal. That includes a contentious interview last week in which she seemed caught off-guard by Musk’s announced ambition to charge X users a monthly fee to combat bots.

Despite Musk’s big pronouncements about pushing into subscriptions, X has historically relied on advertising, which contributed over 90% of revenue when it was a public company. But that business is spiraling, and the platform’s shifting policies could threaten more branding deals. In July, Musk posted that cash flow was negative because of a 50% drop in advertising sales.

The apparent strategic disconnect between the company’s ad-focused chief executive and its subscription-hungry owner comes as valuations are falling. TikTok parent ByteDance was recently valued at $224 billion, down by about a quarter from a year ago, the Information reported. Disappearing messaging app Snap’s (SNAP.N) market value has slumped by more than 10% over the past year.

Put it all together, and X isn’t just worth less than Musk paid for it, but likely less than its debt. Assume that the company’s revenue last year was $4.7 billion, based on results before it was taken private. If advertising has dropped by half, then this year’s sales should be a bit over $2.5 billion. Put that on the same enterprise-value-to-sales multiple as Snap, which is down to a mere 3 times, and X is worth around $8 billion.

The company is so far covering its hefty interest payments of $300 million per quarter, and Yaccarino sees profitable days ahead. But between Musk’s impromptu product shifts and the need to woo back advertisers, her task is daunting. If things deteriorate further, the company’s bankers - already nursing billions in on-paper losses - face the prospect of taking back the keys to a diminished platform that is worth less than even their claim on it. Like a financial black hole, X threatens to consume most of whatever value it once had.

Linda Yaccarino, the chief executive of Elon Musk-owned X, is planning to meet with bankers to lay out her plans to kickstart growth at the social media platform, the Financial Times reported on Sept. 28.

Yaccarino is set to meet with a group of seven banks, led by Morgan Stanley, that provided $12.5 billion in debt financing to fund Musk’s $44 billion acquisition of X, then known as Twitter, in 2022

Another funny meme for roar to enjoy

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I doubt the financiers will want to take the keys to X. Musk has remodelled the company in his image. He’s the only one who can realise dig the company out of its hole now.

Get the previous, or just “normal intelligent” management in and it will be fine. He’s tried to burn it but I don’t think it’s beyond rescue
Get the previous, or just “normal intelligent” management in and it will be fine. He’s tried to burn it but I don’t think it’s beyond rescue

The financiers could literally just remove Musk and it'd increase in value, this is common for stock prices when a ceo with a bad direction is kicked out. They rename is back to twitter (which was a brand worth billions in its own), and all of a sudden the financiers can sell it for more money and move on with limited if any losses
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