The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Not even if the consequences of his unqualified opinion being, yet again, wrong may well have resulted in more deaths than if he'd just never said anything, or said something, but sided with science and not tried to gain the likes and clicks from, well, people like you.

I remember Elon advising* consultant doctor’s on how to ventilate patients…
I doubt the financiers will want to take the keys to X. Musk has remodelled the company in his image. He’s the only one who can realise dig the company out of its hole now.
That assumes that Musk is able to both recognise that he's dug Twitter into that hole, and has any idea how to get out of it or is willing to listen to advice on how to do so. I don't have a magical 8 ball handy, but I suspect it would say "unlikely".

If the choice is between the banks losing everything they've put into it, or taking it off him and trying to at least get a significant portion of their money back they basically only have the one option under the duty to their shareholders. Companies with shareholder legally have to try and make money and do the best for their shareholders, so willingly losing billions is not something they can do, nor will shareholders generally allow it if there is any other option.
IIRC it's the reason for at least one of the lawsuits against Musk by investors and shareholders in Tesla, they were querying why exactly he was worth what he was getting paid and he was claiming to basically live at the plants and being the only possible reason Tesla was making any money (ironically he was making those claims about the same time he "moved into Twitter to save Twitter").
From memory the banks were getting reluctant to loan him the money or having second thoughts before he finally signed the deal (when they saw what his talk was doing to the people that spent money at Twitter), the only reason they did was they'd already signed contracts with him.

The funniest thing would be if Musk were to dig his heels in and decide to buy out the banks by paying off the loans early, after all we keep hearing how he is the richest man in the world ;) however doing that would require selling shares in Tesla and SpaceX and that will likely lead to the rest of the shares losing value and him paying taxes on the shares he's sold (so could cost him a lot more than the headline 13 billion he borrowed), in which case he would probably have lost a lot less if he'd simply either paid off the get out clause in his contract, or at least tried to get a lower payout arranged (if the report is accurate he's already lost around 75% of what he paid and that loss is likely to increase).

It must be a hard life for musk being a super genius whose brain appears to be rotting from the weed and horse tranqs.:p
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That assumes that Musk is able to both recognise that he's dug Twitter into that hole, and has any idea how to get out of it or is willing to listen to advice on how to do so. I don't have a magical 8 ball handy, but I suspect it would say "unlikely".

If the choice is between the banks losing everything they've put into it, or taking it off him and trying to at least get a significant portion of their money back they basically only have the one option under the duty to their shareholders. Companies with shareholder legally have to try and make money and do the best for their shareholders, so willingly losing billions is not something they can do, nor will shareholders generally allow it if there is any other option.
IIRC it's the reason for at least one of the lawsuits against Musk by investors and shareholders in Tesla, they were querying why exactly he was worth what he was getting paid and he was claiming to basically live at the plants and being the only possible reason Tesla was making any money (ironically he was making those claims about the same time he "moved into Twitter to save Twitter").
From memory the banks were getting reluctant to loan him the money or having second thoughts before he finally signed the deal (when they saw what his talk was doing to the people that spent money at Twitter), the only reason they did was they'd already signed contracts with him.

The funniest thing would be if Musk were to dig his heels in and decide to buy out the banks by paying off the loans early, after all we keep hearing how he is the richest man in the world ;) however doing that would require selling shares in Tesla and SpaceX and that will likely lead to the rest of the shares losing value and him paying taxes on the shares he's sold (so could cost him a lot more than the headline 13 billion he borrowed), in which case he would probably have lost a lot less if he'd simply either paid off the get out clause in his contract, or at least tried to get a lower payout arranged (if the report is accurate he's already lost around 75% of what he paid and that loss is likely to increase).

It must be a hard life for musk being a super genius whose brain appears to be rotting from the weed and horse tranqs.:p

I suspect if he started selling enough Tesla stock to pay off his debts, the price would fall so much he would hardly make enough to clear them!
I suspect if he started selling enough Tesla stock to pay off his debts, the price would fall so much he would hardly make enough to clear them!
That I suspect is true.

Tesla is at this point basically a pie the in sky software house that happens to make some of the worst quality cars in the west. I've said it before but people seem to ignore basic build quality problems with Tesla that even the likes of a Kia at 20% of the price don't have*, not technically hard stuff but the really basic things like keeping panel lines to a standard, and applying paint properly that Ford, Kia, GM, Vauxhall etc all got right at least as far back as the 80's.

*I'm serious, I had a £7k (at new) kia that had far better fitted panels etc than seems common in £40k tesla's.
I have no experience of Teslas beyond having to look at them on the road, which is bad enough.

I always said I thought he'd struggle when the big car makers got their heads round electric, even if his cars are average, he just doesn't have the sheer scale and expertise the big boys do.

He'll survive on brand alone I think and be a niche provider.
I have no experience of Teslas beyond having to look at them on the road, which is bad enough.

I always said I thought he'd struggle when the big car makers got their heads round electric, even if his cars are average, he just doesn't have the sheer scale and expertise the big boys do.

He'll survive on brand alone I think and be a niche provider.
I'm not sure he'd survive on brand even, not when the only real reason to get a tesla was it was electric.

He seems to have very deliberately ignored every lesson about reducing the production cost for a car, and improving the consistently getting the same quality that has been learned over the last century.
It's one of the reasons I'm not sure he's going to be able to admit the mistakes he's made with Twitter, let alone do anything to correct and get some of that value or market share back.

As it stands twitter is now basically impossible unless someone has actively added information to tell if it's a picture or a link to an external site until you click it.
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As it stands twitter is now basically impossible unless someone has actively added information to tell if it's a picture or a link to an external site until you click it
Yeah sorry about that :p I user imgur to get my news, plus, I don't like how long twitter takes to load, where as the images for me are much faster and still get the content across.

when the only real reason to get a tesla was it was electric
It's why I won't now buy any tesla stock any more. I don't see how they can compete. Tesla had a few things going for it, mainly it was the only electric vehicle, the brand tesla was strong, and the Elon brand was strong.

Elon brand has been totally ruined, and other manufacturers are making better electric cars.

All you have left is tesla brand, which is slightly damaged too by being attached to Elon so strongly.

How long before he's complaining that it is the deep state/mainstream media/democrats/liberals/trans people/immigrants (one, a combination, or all of the usual boogeymen) trying to cancel/silence him?

Not long i bet...
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Thats what happens if you order a "meat feast" pizza from the wrong pizza place
Suddenly your upto something dodgy, I bet thats what he did ;)

In regards the loans, it would depend on what the security is.
Very large loans may not actually be secured against Twitter itself, but IMO quite likely against other personal assets.
That said, I think he did the classic buy a business and burden it with the loan itself approach, so in that case it is levered against Twitter itself.
There would be a load of conditions and expectations, often in regards debt ratios etc, so its quite likely that at renewal or review (depending on loan terms) they may be in breach of the loan conditions.
Another funny meme for roar to enjoy


I can't imagine his Saudi paymasters would be happy about this. I'd be looking around to see if I were standing on plastic and there isn't a bone saw on the desk if this happened and Elon had a meeting with them.
This is all starting to remind me of Mr Bean trying to fix that painting in the Bean movie.
Or for those that are a bit older and potentially more cultured ;) :p Frank Spencer whenever he did anything that went wrong;) (I still get cognitive dissonance from seeing Michael Crawford as something like the Phantom).

I truly get the impression with some of the changes that Musk is making to how twitter looks that he has no clue about UI or usability. Mind you don't tesla's require you to jump through hoops to do things in their cars via multiple menus on a touch screen that in most other vehicles you can do by pressing a single "messy" physical button without taking your eyes off the road? (and yes I'm old, but even as someone who is not a car fanatic I like to have physical controls for stuff in my car, so I can use them by touch and muscle memory whilst driving).
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Now that Musk has removed headline previews, Twitterx users are taking advantage of it to troll him relentlessly.


I genuinely think he wants to discredit the press and media and then drive them off the platform for his "citizen journalist" types. Then "facts" can be what they want them to be. Would seem like madness but so much of what he is doing seems like he is off the reservation and no one is prepared to tell him to stop.
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