The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Most of us have developed past school ground humour

The actual humour is that Elon Musk, a billionaire tech CEO and richest man in the world, is making silly dick jokes on Twitter - not the silly dick joke itself. The irony isn't lost on him that he should be a very serious individual, so making a stupid dick joke while in that position is actually the humour. I'm sorry that escaped your evolved sense of humour.
The actual humour is that Elon Musk, a billionaire tech CEO and richest man in the world, is making silly dick jokes on Twitter - not the silly dick joke itself. The irony isn't lost on him that he should be a very serious individual, so making a stupid dick joke while in that position is actually the humour. I'm sorry that escaped your evolved sense of humour.

yeah, um, no.
The actual humour is that Elon Musk, a billionaire tech CEO and richest man in the world, is making silly dick jokes on Twitter - not the silly dick joke itself. The irony isn't lost on him that he should be a very serious individual, so making a stupid dick joke while in that position is actually the humour. I'm sorry that escaped your evolved sense of humour.
The joke isn't that I was calling anyone a fake cereal tiger, but that when someone pretty bds to be big and tough on the Internet, and pretends they have a loud roar, when in reality they are just as fake as the cereal tiger, and they would do better to be real and not just act tough to Internet users on a forum. Sorry that escaped your genius sense if humour.

The second meta joke is that I'm lightly mocking your nonsense last post, as that is all that it requires given that every word in it is silly nonsense.

Elon made a penis joke. It made me laugh, it made you laugh. It didn't make others laugh. That's OK. No need to add your genius act into it. It's OK that some found it funny and others didn't. The trouble with humour is that it's not just what is said but also who said it. And people don't like Elon, which is OK. I'm again sorry that was this is lost on your genius sense of humour.
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I would also point out how many comedians are "left leaning", then point out this is going massively off topic once again.
You've seen how many "right leaning" comedians have had shows/talks cancelled, and how they have all disappeared from TV in recent years. You'd have to be crazy to consider a career in mainstream comedy unless you are left leaning. But as you said, this is off topic so this should be the last post on it. :D
right wing comedy is barely a thing and it’s been that way for decades, fascinated to know of all these right leaning comedians who got cancelled.

Jim Davidson lol ?

Nish Kumar was a right leaning comedian of ethnic origin. He got well and truly cancelled, (probably seen as an Uncle Tom by many).

"BBC comedy shows have been told to book more Right-wing guests :

The director general has signalled that shows must feature `a broader range of voices' to counter perceived bias in comedy output".


How would a latter day Bernard Manning go down? Or The Comedians with Charlie Williams, a black comedian threatening members of the audience to "come and live next door to you and devalue your house"?

Mainstream comedy has been sanitised to reflect only the humour of the Left. By Bill Gardner
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For 99% of human history comedy has been the purview of those who would criticise the church, monarchy and the landed gentry (or more simply wealthy and powerful), now this usually meant being the opposite of a conservative - a rebel.

Things are a bit more muddy now but the moment a comedian stops critiquing actions of individuals or groups and starts attacking them for physical traits is when it stops being funny.
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