The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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I mean, thats how every social media platform has died for the most part. Once momentum speeds up its very hard to arrest. You have to have a grudging respect for Facebook and how they have managed to keep revenues massive despite not being "cool" any more.
Well Facebook became part of the furniture, sadly.
"BBC comedy shows have been told to book more Right-wing guests :

The director general has signalled that shows must feature `a broader range of voices' to counter perceived bias in comedy output".

Comedy on the BBC is so homogeneous because all of the panel shows use the same comedy agency to book their guests. It’s laziness/lack of funding issue rather than a left vs right thing.
It's fine by end of the year Xitter will be making all its money from being a payment processer

What other platform would allow you to pay your bills and spread antisemitic views at the same time. That's quite the USP
Is he? :confused:
Most of his comedy is fairly left, especially shows like The Mash Report which had guests like Geoff Norcott on to try and even it out a little.

Perhaps he is, someone once told me he was right leaning, and hated by his brethren because of it. Needless to say I haven't watched him, mainly because I don't have a television :)
It's fine by end of the year Xitter will be making all its money from being a payment processer

What other platform would allow you to pay your bills and spread antisemitic views at the same time. That's quite the USP

The global financial world and antisemitism would normally be considered strange if not fatal bedfellows. I have always found the Jews to be at the very heart of succesful high finance, banking and credit. If I wanted financial or legal advice I'd not even dream of looking for any professional who was not a male Jew.
Nish Kumar was a right leaning comedian of ethnic origin. He got well and truly cancelled, (probably seen as an Uncle Tom by many).

"BBC comedy shows have been told to book more Right-wing guests :

The director general has signalled that shows must feature `a broader range of voices' to counter perceived bias in comedy output".


How would a latter day Bernard Manning go down? Or The Comedians with Charlie Williams, a black comedian threatening members of the audience to "come and live next door to you and devalue your house"?

Mainstream comedy has been sanitised to reflect only the humour of the Left. By Bill Gardner

Now that makes sense. Bernard Manning didn't really die in 2007 and is instead just hanging out on OCUK and trying to get laughs with his old sexist and misogynistic material.

edit: even thrown some Jewish stereotype humour in as well.
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Oh look, commenting on an edited video without the context. What a genius musk is.

Swap Yousless in this clip with a white person in a muslim parliament and find the context. Scotland is 96% white so what's the problem.
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You got anything else that might be...i don't know....may be legitimate deary me :D
You got anything else that might be...i don't know....may be legitimate deary me :D
this isn't for you

However, social media users have misrepresented the speech. Yousaf delivered the monologue on June 10, 2020, when he was then Scotland’s justice minister, and when protests had swept across world after the murder of George Floyd, an African American man, at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.

Yousaf’s speech was given as part of a wider discussion about racial injustice and the lack of people of colour in positions of power in the Scottish Parliament and Government. The speech did not assert that white people make up too large a proportion of Scotland’s overall population.

dismiss incoming in 3....2...
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The "speech" is nearly 10 minutes long.

You posted a 1 min clip of it.
i've just realised what we are posting against.

he asks for context, because he isn't able to find it as it's too hard. it's shown to him with a web link, and he still finds that's too many words. so the key part is quoted for him, and he, as expected, dismisses the context and calls those who share the context as deluded with an emoji.

we are not posting for someone who wants to actually know what the truth/context is.

As Oscar wild once said, "it's fair easier to realise that some people just get scared really easily by words they don't understand"
i've just realised what we are posting against.

he asks for context, because he isn't able to find it as it's too hard. it's shown to him with a web link, and he still finds that's too many words. so the key part is quoted for him, and he, as expected, dismisses the context and calls those who share the context as deluded with an emoji.

we are not posting for someone who wants to actually know what the truth/context is.

As Oscar wild once said, "it's fair easier to realise that some people just get scared really easily by words they don't understand"

What are you on about? Watch the clip and discuss it's not hard. Stop trying to all be mysterious and Russell Brandish
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