The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Imgur, not twitter link.

Just when you think Elon couldn't be any more stupid.


Does this mean if I write down my religion is wokeness in the census, I can claim tax benefit from donations to woke causes? So I can get tax back when I buy a movie ticket to watch a Disney movie?
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I watched the whole talk he did with Rishi. Crazy how a room full of people in the technology and AI field went to hear him speak to the PM, yet according to most people in this thread he's an idiot.
I watched the whole talk he did with Rishi. Crazy how a room full of people in the technology and AI field went to hear him speak to the PM, yet according to most people in this thread he's an idiot.

The real world doesn't have the level of balance as this thread does though.
I watched the whole talk he did with Rishi. Crazy how a room full of people in the technology and AI field went to hear him speak to the PM, yet according to most people in this thread he's an idiot.

Did he say anything interesting or insightful on this talk
Did he say anything interesting or insightful on this talk

So I would say so, he spoke about how governments would need to introduce a universal basic income for people, however he called it universal high income because he said resources would be so abundant due to AI that everyone would have a very high standard of living, the PM spoke about how governments would need to support people through the transition due to AI making a lot of jobs obsolete. He spoke about how open source AI and closed source AI is about 18 months apart, so we're seeing tech that is 18 months old, however AI is developing so fast that AI that's 18 months ahead is 10 times more powerful. So according to that I'd expect AI to radically change the job market in the next 2-5 years.
I watched the whole talk he did with Rishi. Crazy how a room full of people in the technology and AI field went to hear him speak to the PM, yet according to most people in this thread he's an idiot.
We're a country run by morons going meeting to meeting with chronic main character syndrome, this is just another event for them to be present at.
We're a country run by morons going meeting to meeting with chronic main character syndrome, this is just another event for them to be present at.

Maybe you should actually listen to the talk and then form an opinion afterwards so your opinion at least has some basis in reality rather than the one you've created in your head.
I watched the whole talk he did with Rishi. Crazy how a room full of people in the technology and AI field went to hear him speak to the PM, yet according to most people in this thread he's an idiot.

Roar still not grasping the very simple concept that you can be an expert in one field and still an idiot in other matters.

I mean, we have rooms full of people paying a lot of money to hear Boris that's not really a metric on whether someone is an idiot or not.
Maybe you should actually listen to the talk and then form an opinion afterwards so your opinion at least has some basis in reality rather than the one you've created in your head.

I watched the interview and I just don’t trust what Musk says. It’s all attention-seeming hyperbole.
I watched the whole talk he did with Rishi. Crazy how a room full of people in the technology and AI field went to hear him speak to the PM, yet according to most people in this thread he's an idiot.

Has anyone denied he's incredibly intelligent? That doesn't mean he can't be an idiot and do/say idiotic things.
So I would say so, he spoke about how governments would need to introduce a universal basic income for people, however he called it universal high income because he said resources would be so abundant due to AI that everyone would have a very high standard of living, the PM spoke about how governments would need to support people through the transition due to AI making a lot of jobs obsolete. He spoke about how open source AI and closed source AI is about 18 months apart, so we're seeing tech that is 18 months old, however AI is developing so fast that AI that's 18 months ahead is 10 times more powerful. So according to that I'd expect AI to radically change the job market in the next 2-5 years.

Did he explain how any of this was actually going to happen? How he would make resources so plentiful? Or is this just like the Hyperloop, where he claims to have invented something first devised a century beforehand, tells everyone it's the best way forward and it's not that hard, but does none of the actually engineering, design or even starts a project to make it? I mean, we all know he only did it so the California High Speed Rail would get shelved and he'd sell more cars, and so far no hyperloop has come into existence (and never will) so I fail to see why anyone would pay any attention to him at this point.
So I would say so, he spoke about how governments would need to introduce a universal basic income for people, however he called it universal high income because he said resources would be so abundant due to AI that everyone would have a very high standard of living, the PM spoke about how governments would need to support people through the transition due to AI making a lot of jobs obsolete. He spoke about how open source AI and closed source AI is about 18 months apart, so we're seeing tech that is 18 months old, however AI is developing so fast that AI that's 18 months ahead is 10 times more powerful. So according to that I'd expect AI to radically change the job market in the next 2-5 years.

What empty rhetoric. Like a universal basic income is coming anytime soon. More chance of Labour winning every seat in the next election and then installing Corbyn as PM, so zero chance. Is Elon going to give up $b of his wealth to pay for this basic income? I think not. Sounds like he's been reading Iain Banks Culture novels and believing that utopia is around the corner for us and its a post-scarcity world. Where are these abundant resources coming from exactly? That is pure drivel for the cameras and press.
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Did he explain how any of this was actually going to happen? How he would make resources so plentiful? Or is this just like the Hyperloop, where he claims to have invented something first devised a century beforehand, tells everyone it's the best way forward and it's not that hard, but does none of the actually engineering, design or even starts a project to make it? I mean, we all know he only did it so the California High Speed Rail would get shelved and he'd sell more cars, and so far no hyperloop has come into existence (and never will) so I fail to see why anyone would pay any attention to him at this point.

He didn't say he would personally make the resources plentiful, this is infact a product of artificial intelligence in general. Not sure why you've launched a bizarre attack on Hyperloop. AI isn't isn't some wild fantasy of his - it's pretty well understood that AI will transform society. If you have robots with artificial intelligence that can provide unlimited amounts of extremely low cost very efficient labour, what do you think will happen?
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What empty rhetoric. Like a universal basic income is coming anytime soon. More chance of Labour winning every seat in the next election and then installing Corbyn as PM, so zero chance. Is Elon going to give up $b of his wealth to pay for this basic income? I think not. Sounds like he's been reading Iain Banks Culture novels and believing that utopia is around the corner for us and its a post-scarcity world. Where are these abundant resources coming from exactly? That is pure drivel for the cameras and press.

Nice opinion, I'll file it in the "Rocket man bad" category.
He didn't say he would personally make the resources plentiful, this is infact a product of artificial intelligence in general. Not sure why you've launched a bizarre attack on Hyperloop. AI isn't isn't some wild fantasy of his - it's pretty well understood that AI will transform society. If you have robots with artificial intelligence that can provide unlimited amounts of extremely low cost very efficient labour, what do you think will happen?

Because like him, you have failed to explain HOW this happens. How does AI make resources plentiful? It's not going to be true AI anyway - if it was, then forcing it to do manual labour would be slavery. The point about Hyperloop was an example of why there is no reason to listen to anything the man has to say, as it's an old idea that people know will never work, yet for some reason others gush over it because Musk said it, and here we are decades down the line and (to the surprise of no-one with a brain) nothing has happened, with Musk contributing nothing because he knows it's all ******** he made up.
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