The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Well, look at how AI can improve breast cancer screening.

Instead of using 2 radiologists to check for cancer you can use 1 plus AI. The results were effectively the same as 2 Radiologists. Oh look, you've now effectively doubled the amount of Radiologists in the NHS. Now do that for almost every job imaginable.
Well, look at how AI can improve breast cancer screening.

Instead of using 2 radiologists to check for cancer you can use 1 plus AI. The results were effectively the same as 2 Radiologists. Oh look, you've now effectively doubled the amount of Radiologists in the NHS. Now do that for almost every job imaginable.

Well no, you now have infinite radiologists and a load of unemployed doctors.

It was in fact sarcasm. I think levels of depression have likely decreased over time, it's just that we're actually now identifying it as an illness and trying to treat it. I'm sure people were very depressed while they were watching their family members die of the Black Death and wondering if it would be them next for example.
Nice opinion, I'll file it in the "Rocket man bad" category.

You do what you need to do.

Where are all these resources coming from though? Is AI going to crack fusion so making cheap energy plentiful? Or will it be Elon's usual line about building massive solar fields in somewhere like Arizona and that will supply all their energy along of course with Tesla batteries. Hardly need AI for that.

Is it going to get us the raw materials and refine them for our endless consumption? How is it going to do that?

Like I said it sounds like it was blather for the press with zero actual detail and Rishi is happy to sit there and grin as he is desperate for anything that might him and his party look good/relevant when they are anything but.
It was in fact sarcasm. I think levels of depression have likely decreased over time, it's just that we're actually now identifying it as an illness and trying to treat it. I'm sure people were very depressed while they were watching their family members die of the Black Death and wondering if it would be them next for example.

Then you entirely do not understand depression or mental illness then.
Careful, this is surely one of those "veiled personal attacks" I was told to avoid. I didn't report your post but other people might.
You need to Google what those words mean. Surely you don't consider Dr Roar a personal attack!?! Though with that said, you do think Biden saying he wouldn't build the wall and then doing it at a later date, be it due to force, changing mind, trying to win voters, as disinformation so who knows with you.

Like I said it sounds like it was blather for the press with zero actual detail and Rishi is happy to sit there and grin as he is desperate for anything that might him and his party look good/relevant when they are anything but
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Why would they be unemployed? They can simply retrain. I expect people will still want a Doctors appointment with an actual human, it's just your Doctor will be able to use AI to assist with their work.

Retrain as what, an AI?

You've just put radiologists and oncologists on the dole unless they just want to be the face that relays what the AI has come up with to the patient. Hardly what they spent years of training and possibly $100k plus to end up doing. Maybe they just sign up for UBI like all the lawyers, accountants, etc. Though they could just join the nurses as AI isn't going to be wiping people's arses.

I don't think you've thought this through. This would put billions out of work and so we'd need to change our whole economic system. Sounds like we'd end up more like Earth in The Expanse where the vast majority are given just enough to maybe survive but their lives are worthless while the likes of Musk and other elites reap the benefits. Sounds like hell to me.

If governments don't get ahead of this from a regulation point of view they are mad... oh who am I kidding, they will be lobbied by the likes of Musk and take the directorships after leaving office or buy up the stock and let them exploit it for themselves while the average person gets screwed over until the public outrage forces them to bring in some half arsed regulation to appease the masses. Little will change and they'll then spend years chipping away at that same regulation for their benefactors.

Elon's future for humanity sounds amazing if you are in the top 3%. For everyone else it sounds *****.
Well, look at how AI can improve breast cancer screening.

Instead of using 2 radiologists to check for cancer you can use 1 plus AI. The results were effectively the same as 2 Radiologists. Oh look, you've now effectively doubled the amount of Radiologists in the NHS. Now do that for almost every job imaginable.

And these artificial intelligence machines won't be being distracted from their "profession" by the apparent burning need for throwing dye on dinosaur bones in support of the Just Stop Oil oiks, won't be going on protests for even more money or going on strike in times of this country's sick being in desperate need of timely medical help after so many doctors did a disappearing act during and post the Chinese virus' arrival.

I'm liking this Musk chap and his thinking more and more :)
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And these artidicial intelligence machines won't be being distracted from their "profession" by the apparent burning need for throwing dye on dinosaur bones in support of the Just Stop Oil oiks, won't be going on protests for even more money or going on strike in times of this country's sick being in desperate need of timely medical help after so many doctors did a disappearing act during and post the Chinese virus' arrival.

I'm liking this Musk chap and his thinking more and more :)
OK of that I'm glad. When you like something, I'm fairly certain I'm right not to. I wasn't sure but you've helped thanks.
Depression is a recent illness caused by mobile phones.

In today's competition of "who is wrongest?" Roar wins with a landslide :D

The earliest written accounts of what is now known as depression appeared in the second millennium B.C.E. in Mesopotamia.

OK of that I'm glad. When you like something, I'm fairly certain I'm right not to. I wasn't sure but you've helped thanks.

I have said in several threads that the left nowadays seem to have no nuances, no shades of grey, they speak as one, individualism seems hard to find. It's probably shunned and seen as a weakness in the world of group speak.

ANY opinion from someone considered right leaning is to be vehemently disagreed with, not even to be discussed. To be mocked, preferably banned. Your reply is rather demonstrative of this.
In today's competition of "who is wrongest?" Roar wins with a landslide :D


Wild how people lack not only the ability to spot sarcasm, but also don't even read the rest of the thread before replying.
ANY opinion from someone considered right leaning is to be vehemently disagreed with, not even to be discussed. To be mocked, preferably banned. Your reply is rather demonstrative of this
You want my opinion not be said because I'm right leaning? That's a rather low thought, even for you Chris.

Have you talked to a professional about these group speak lefties that haunt your thoughts? Do you often find yourself labelling everyone as a group that you don't like, even if they are in the group you try to identify as?
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I have said in several threads that the left nowadays seem to have no nuances, no shades of grey, they speak as one, individualism seems hard to find. It's probably shunned and seen as a weakness in the world of group speak.

Yes you have and they weren't relevant there either. See also: this thread.

ANY opinion from someone considered right leaning is to be vehemently disagreed with, not even to be discussed. To be mocked, preferably banned. Your reply is rather demonstrative of this.

You can't cry Et Brute? when 'ANY' opinion is, paraphrased, 'why cannot I be a racist on a public forum?' I mean, you can, and for surety, you are viewed in that light, but I can see why moderators might look at almost all of your postings and think: hmm.

What is your point, if you have one?
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