The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Oh look, more hate on Twitter incoming.
What i find intersting is that the likes of andrew tate had 150k followers prior to his banning and following all the media coverage his follower count jumped to 5 million, you could argue that the media are directly responsible for getting his views pumped out to a wider audience.
I say lets all the hate mongerers back on the platform. It just hurts the platform and Elon's investment. Unless he wants to mimic Parler, in which case he should have bought that for a tiny fraction of the price.

If it sounded the definite death knell of Twitter as an influential platform, then I'm with you. Otherwise as much as it would amuse me to see it hurt financially it's not worth the problems it brings.
What i find intersting is that the likes of andrew tate had 150k followers prior to his banning and following all the media coverage his follower count jumped to 5 million, you could argue that the media are directly responsible for getting his views pumped out to a wider audience.

Who cares if loads of right wing users decide to follow him? My problem with him is him targeting kids on TikTok. Most adults I'd hope can see him for the snake oil salesman that he is, if they can't then banning him isn't going to change their ability to see through such people. I'm sure him being arrested for sex trafficking, rape and organised crime also had his follower count grow.
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Who cares if loads of right wing users decide to follow him? My problem with him is him targeting kids on TikTok. Most adults I'd hope can see him for the snake oil salesman that he is, if they can't banning him isn't going to change their ability to see through such people. I'm sure him being arrested for sex trafficking, rape and organised crime also had his follower count grow.
Source for 'load of right wingers' please.
Who cares if loads of right wing users decide to follow him? My problem with him is him targeting kids on TikTok. Most adults I'd hope can see him for the snake oil salesman that he is, if they can't then banning him isn't going to change their ability to see through such people. I'm sure him being arrested for sex trafficking, rape and organised crime also had his follower count grow.

Andrew Tate doesn't have a Tiktok account, how can he target kids?
I don’t really care who’s allowed on twitter tbh. I can’t see how it affects anyone’s lives, apart from those who just want everyone with, in their opinion, unsavoury views to be cancelled
If it doesn't affect anyone's lives then keep it removed no? Why do they post if it does nothing..

You don't care but you do think they should be able to post. You think their posts affects no ones lives, but ignore when one of those returned has from what I understand, used social media to cause a negative affect on people lives.

You seem to be selectively down playing the value of twitter here just so that users you don't care about can get their account back, which you don't care about either.
I mean it's incredibly obvious wessimo wants to shut down legitimate speech because it goes against his personal political views, this would be some left wing Authoritarianist view, similar to states like China and North Korea. Perhaps just move to one of those states, maybe you'd be happier?
This is the 55th reminder that roar reposts posts on this very forum to have users banned from threads if they call him a cartoon tiger.
People can voice their pro immigration views on there and their opponents can voice their anti immigration views as well.

seems fair

Do you honestly think there are many with pro immigration views, I mean as in as often is cited, no limits immigration.

I dont know anyone who is "open doors" but most of the sensible people I know accept we need some immigration.
Its how thats managed and acted upon thats the utter shambles right now.

Anyway sorry back on topic.
I would personally make the UK law that social media posts are 100% expected to comply with hate speech etc.
People who use it for that often seem to have it waived away.

So be you a radical preacher, some manic lefty or manic righty, etc, it should apply to all, equally.
Could you show us some of these accounts you believe belong to him? Before you reply though, I didn't think so.

It does seem like lots of them are banned now. This one is still up, its taken over from Hustlers University after that was banned from all social media though they have the sense not to show either Tate's face anywhere. There are lots of clones from account names very similar to Tate accounts but the originals are indeed gone.
The point is that he did have accounts though. That was my issue, that he had accounts and TikTok is aimed at kids and kids were watching his content. I know you admire him but your judgement on who to admire is questionable at best and his content is not what I'd want children watching. Though there is plenty of other content I wouldn't want kids watching. In fact I'd make all social media 18+


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It does seem like lots of them are banned now. This one is still up, its taken over from Hustlers University after that was banned from all social media though they have the sense not to show either Tate's face anywhere. There are lots of clones from account names very similar to Tate accounts but the originals are indeed gone.
The point is that he did have accounts though. That was my issue, that he had accounts and TikTok is aimed at kids and kids were watching his content. I know you admire him but your judgement on who to admire is questionable at best and his content is not what I'd want children watching. Though there is plenty of other content I wouldn't want kids watching. In fact I'd make all social media 18+


The videos on that Tiktok don't feature Andrew Tate from what I could tell, then the link takes you to a website and as far as I can tell it has 1 video featuring Andrew Tate but nothing else associated with him. You said he's targeting kids on Tiktok and has several accounts, yet this could be literally anyone's account and doesn't features him at all. There's nothing to suggest it has anything to do with Andrew Tate. Please stop spreading misinformation, it's just a constant thing from you.

Community notes now notifies people who have liked, replied to or retweeted a post if the post gets community noted, so this should go some way to keeping people happy (just kidding, they just hate Musk).
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