The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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...Elon will make it bigger and more successful...
What makes me laugh - someone links to a post on Twitter, open the link and the page has so many missed opportunities - no ads, no teasers of why you might want to use Twitter beyond reading that post, no teasers of advantages of having a Twitter account (beyond a small line mentioning personal timeline which someone who doesn't use Twitter might not even have a clue what that is), several features just show as "unavailable", instead just tries to beat you with a stick to make an account if you try do anything. Elon utterly fails and to admire Elon as some still do is to love failure :s

EDIT: Also if you click through to the account of the person who made the post, about 70% of the time it tries to force you to login and the other 30%, for no apparent rhyme or reason, takes you to an old version of their page with posts from randomly either 6 months or older or 12 months or older...

EDIT2: The best bit is if you are half-clued up about the internet you can still get a full read-only, ad-less, experience of Twitter anyhow, without having to deal with the ******** policies and changes that have been made under Elon.
It's terrible. You can't even read any comments. Comments now doubt encourage engagement and increase user activity. So if I randomly read a post shared on here, click it to view, I can't read the comments. I may read something like "twitter is successful because free speech has returned" and think, jesus, forget the times when Elon complies with governments that require him to stop users being able to use twitter at all, my IQ has reduced reading that, and I need to share that ti he the case, but now I don't even get to read those ridiculous comments on twitter. Nothing that encourages me to join in.

It is however easy to sign up to twitter so at least it has thst going for it lol.
I'm just not sure making a basic Twitter should require some hard sell when it's completely free lol. If you don't have a Twitter account currently it's out of stubbornness or sheer inability to use technology

Engagement is Twitter's life blood at the end of the day - and that only properly happens when people have accounts.

Twitter is the one which wants people to make accounts, and there are always going to be people who've not used Twitter before and don't have accounts. Sure making an account is easy but people won't necessarily do so and/or just be put off by the way Twitter tries to beat them with a stick for no actual good reason. (EDIT: Also doubly so - if we take your side of the argument there is no reason for Twitter to make it so difficult for people who don't have an account...)

Personally I don't have a Twitter account due to the silly games they play - and can fully use the site read-only wise without hindrance better by using other sites which strip the **** out for me. That does however mean I'm engaging less with the site so not a useful user for Twitter when I could very well be and engagement only helps Twitter, in fact as above it is its life blood.
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I'm just not sure making a basic Twitter should require some hard sell when it's completely free lol. If you don't have a Twitter account currently it's out of stubbornness or sheer inability to use technology

Requiring an account for basic read functionality shows a complete and total lack of understanding for why the platform was successful.
We're simply being presented with the perception that Twitter is "less relevant", yet there's a US election next year and the only relevant place of discussion will be Twitter; just like any issue of importance. Twitter isn't going anywhere and Elon will make it bigger and more successful because he has the resources and desire to do that.
You do realise less relevant doesn’t mean irrelevant? Twitter was hugely successful and market dominant you don’t loose that position overnight it takes time to really screw it up before you fade into obscurity say hello to my friends Nokia and Blackberry if you ever see them around!
Engagement is Twitter's life blood at the end of the day - and that only properly happens when people have accounts.

Twitter is the one which wants people to make accounts, and there are always going to be people who've not used Twitter before and don't have accounts. Sure making an account is easy but people won't necessarily do so and/or just be put off by the way Twitter tries to beat them with a stick for no actual good reason. (EDIT: Also doubly so - if we take your side of the argument there is no reason for Twitter to make it so difficult for people who don't have an account...)

Personally I don't have a Twitter account due to the silly games they play - and can fully use the site read-only wise without hindrance better by using other sites which strip the **** out for me. That does however mean I'm engaging less with the site so not a useful user for Twitter when I could very well be and engagement only helps Twitter, in fact as above it is its life blood.

Perhaps it's a fair criticism and they should do more to advertise the benefits of creating an account, however there's really so few barriers into creating one I think it's probably a tiny amount of people who'd need convincing of the benefits of signing into a Twitter account. Also it's basically industry standard that you have limited access to the platform if you aren't signed in, if I'm not signed into Instagram on my PC then it'll let me view a few posts them prompt me to login, Facebook is also pretty locked down if you aren't logged in I believe.
Requiring an account for basic read functionality shows a complete and total lack of understanding for why the platform was successful.
Agreed I’ve never had an account on Twitter but would often click links on here or news sites and then browse the comments and generate a load of ad views for twitter now I simply don’t click through. Why don’t I have an account? I guess I’ve never had a need before as I didn’t want to post or follow specific things and now I’ve realised browsing the comments wasn’t actually that great.
Yes, it's more successful, it no longer censors legitimate views. As a user I couldn't care less what Twitters revenue or app usage is, why would that matter to me? I care that it's a fair place that people can use to freely exchange views. I know you don't like that, you would much prefer that we had the CNN/MSNBC world view on repeat where ever we look. Fortunately Elon Musk has the finances to run in the way he wishes, long term I'm sure he'll make it more successful, everywhere else will just be beholden to the standards of Disneys HR department.

You measure success in extremist views being more available and promoted by paying $8 a month at the cost of less users and less app use? That is some business plan and a great way to ruin a platform. Its not going to die overnight, people are too invested in the instant news but all they are waiting for is a real alternative to come along that gives them that and the next thing, what ever that might be. Then they will peel off and it will just become an echo chamber like Parler, Gab or even Truth Social if it still exists then.

I never watch CNN, I never watch MSNBC or Fox or any other news station. I can't remember the last time I watched BBC News channel, maybe when there was some huge breaking story and I put it on iplayer. Haven't watched BBC news at 6 or 10 for years, the format holds zero interest.
There definitely was some truth in saying twitter is here to stay. They could be said a year ago. Twitter is very quick with news, it's mostly text based so easy for news companies to quote a post rather than share videos etc. It's understandable why twitter is the place where news breaks. The issue is, Elon himself is solely responsible for making everyone want a better alternative, which is essentially the old Twitter back.

As news companies look to alternate sources, such as if threads manages to get itself together, all of a sudden the repeated mention of twitter stops. And then twitter is the brand people know and is very quotable and unique in that everyone knows what someone means when they say they tweeted/saw something on twitter. The brand arguably was worth more than the service.

This stupid x name is just rubbish. People still don't call it that, people don't refer to it by anything other than some form of twitter.

Imo twitter should be doing more than it currently it. That allies tofay and last year/2 years ago. The potential of twitter hasn't been fully realised.

Elon however is the exsct opposite person to make it reach its fill potential. Begging for MAGA lot to come back, unbanning profiles like trump and begging for his attention. These are not the actions of a man confident in what he has but someone in a weak position desperately trying to win users.

And then this idea that someone will book their taxi, do banking, buy food all through twitter is just the most stupid one of them all.

Oh I don't think its going to die any time soon. Its very venerable to another platform coming along that offers the same instant news + something new, whatever that might be. No platform is above becoming less relevant, Facebook is only used now it seems through habit and just as a way to stay in touch with friends. Its hey days are long behind it. I'm sure it will be with us for years and it has IG and other platforms to keep it relevant. Hopefully Congress will grow some balls and force the break up of companies like Meta and Alphabet.

It seem to me that Elon is trying to force it to his will but he is famous for his lack of understanding of humans. It sounds like what happened with early Paypal when he was there and was blowing money chasing his "X" platform when the real money making was there in Paypal. The board had to sack him as his obsession was in danger of ruining the company. There is no board to sack him now. I'm sure his Saudi backers are very happy for their money being used to promote social division in the US and West in general, its a bargain and a few $b is pocket change for them. Just as long as he makes sure nothing gets over promoted that undermines their regime. Free speech only counts where in some places, in others Elon immediately bends to their will.
You measure success in extremist views being more available and promoted by paying $8 a month at the cost of less users and less app use?

It's fine, you ideologically don't value free speech. I get that. If you don't understand why free speech is an important part of a functioning Democracy then it's beyond me at your age to educate you. You can just blanket anyone who claims to value free speech as some far right nutter.

That is some business plan and a great way to ruin a platform. Its not going to die overnight, people are too invested in the instant news but all they are waiting for is a real alternative to come along that gives them that and the next thing, what ever that might be. Then they will peel off and it will just become an echo chamber like Parler, Gab or even Truth Social if it still exists then.

There won't be an alternative because every other platform will censor your views. So all the interesting people and relevant debate will stay on Twitter, it is the only platform that won't bow down to advertisers.

I never watch CNN, I never watch MSNBC or Fox or any other news station. I can't remember the last time I watched BBC News channel, maybe when there was some huge breaking story and I put it on iplayer. Haven't watched BBC news at 6 or 10 for years, the format holds zero interest.

The BBC is mostly fine and usually not a bad place to get the news from.
It's fine, you ideologically don't value free speech. I get that. If you don't understand why free speech is an important part of a functioning Democracy then it's beyond me at your age to educate you. You can just blanket anyone who claims to value free speech as some far right nutter.

There won't be an alternative because every other platform will censor your views. So all the interesting people and relevant debate will stay on Twitter, it is the only platform that won't bow down to advertisers.

The BBC is mostly fine and usually not a bad place to get the news from.
Twitter doesn’t really do free speech though as it unequally promotes certain posters and posts, if it was really such a bastion of free speech you wouldn’t be able to pay to shout over everyone!
Twitter doesn’t really do free speech though as it unequally promotes certain posters and posts, if it was really such a bastion of free speech you wouldn’t be able to pay to shout over everyone!

Exactly and it should lose its section 230 protections now it chooses what content it promotes. Any platform that does that should lose its protections.
It's fine, you ideologically don't value free speech. I get that. If you don't understand why free speech is an important part of a functioning Democracy then it's beyond me at your age to educate you. You can just blanket anyone who claims to value free speech as some far right nutter.
Its not free speech. In many cases its promoted speech, extremist views on both sides are promoted for $. That isn't free speech.

There won't be an alternative because every other platform will censor your views. So all the interesting people and relevant debate will stay on Twitter, it is the only platform that won't bow down to advertisers.

Of course there will. If platforms that promote extremist views are so popular why are all the ones that do it so unpopular? Why is app use dropping with Twitter? If Elon was improving it and making it more attractive for people those figures would be going up. Its a niche site really compared to other social media sites anyway. I'm not sure why you think the debate can't/won't move elsewhere, plenty of big sites have declined when an alternative comes along.
Twitter doesn’t really do free speech though as it unequally promotes certain posters and posts, if it was really such a bastion of free speech you wouldn’t be able to pay to shout over everyone!

That isn't how free speech works though, Elon Musk has the most followers so his speech is also unfairly promoted, is everyone else less free than him? Or Obama, or any other celebrity with millions of followers?
Its not free speech. In many cases its promoted speech, extremist views on both sides are promoted for $. That isn't free speech.

Of course there will. If platforms that promote extremist views are so popular why are all the ones that do it so unpopular? Why is app use dropping with Twitter? If Elon was improving it and making it more attractive for people those figures would be going up. Its a niche site really compared to other social media sites anyway. I'm not sure why you think the debate can't/won't move elsewhere, plenty of big sites have declined when an alternative comes along.

What are these extremist views that you see promoted? Twitter does have rules around speech, mostly I'm referring to legitimate political views.
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