The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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The videos on that Tiktok don't feature Andrew Tate from what I could tell, then the link takes you to a website and as far as I can tell it has 1 video featuring Andrew Tate but nothing else associated with him. You said he's targeting kids on Tiktok and has several accounts, yet this could be literally anyone's account and doesn't features him at all. There's nothing to suggest it has anything to do with Andrew Tate. Please stop spreading misinformation, it's just a constant thing from you.

Community notes now notifies people who have liked, replied to or retweeted a post if the post gets community noted, so this should go some way to keeping people happy (just kidding, they just hate Musk).

Did you not click on the link on that TikTok to his website? LOL he owns the company. Hmm who is that speaking on the front page... Oh its Andrew Tate

We scroll down the page and who is that speaking to Mena, 34, New revenue: $2k+/month Oh its his douchee younger brother. This has replaced Hustler University on social media as those accounts got banned.

Did you not click on the link on that TikTok to his website? LOL he owns the company. Hmm who is that speaking on the front page... Oh its Andrew Tate

We scroll down the page and who is that speaking to Mena, 34, New revenue: $2k+/month Oh its his douchee younger brother. This has replaced Hustler University on social media as those accounts got banned.

Okay, so we've gone from he's targeting kids on Tiktok, to he has several accounts on Tiktok, to 'I found this one account that seems to be associated with him' but it isn't posting videos of him or targeting kids. Glad we cleared that up.
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Okay, so we've gone from he's targeting kids on Tiktok, to he has several accounts on Tiktok, to 'I found this one account that seems to be associated with him' but it isn't posting videos of him or targeting kids. Glad we cleared that up.

He had several accounts on TikTok, they've been banned but clones with almost identical names exist with maybe a few hundred followers. So he was on there with multiple accounts and it is a platform dominated by kids, we know lots of kids watched his content on there. I'm pleasantly surprised they banned him. Now he is just running a scam site aimed at adults for their £, if someone is stupid enough to fall for that stuff that is on them, I couldn't give a damn.
He had several accounts on TikTok, they've been banned but clones with almost identical names exist with maybe a few hundred followers. So he was on there with multiple accounts and it is a platform dominated by kids, we know lots of kids watched his content on there. I'm pleasantly surprised they banned him. Now he is just running a scam site aimed at adults for their £, if someone is stupid enough to fall for that stuff that is on them, I couldn't give a damn.

I don't think it is a platform dominated by kids, the demographics don't show that at all. The largest user group is women aged 18-24 unsurprisingly. Kids still watch his content on there, it's kind of a relief that the next generation aren't all rainbow flag waving blue haired softies.
rainbow flag waving blue haired softies
lol the latest boogie man that weak minded are told to fear.

are these blue haired monsters in the room with you right now? do you see them in your nightmares or just imagine them all walking the streets out having fun tearing up the streets doing normal things without your control on them
I don't think it is a platform dominated by kids, the demographics don't show that at all. The largest user group is women aged 18-24 unsurprisingly. Kids still watch his content on there, it's kind of a relief that the next generation aren't all rainbow flag waving blue haired softies.

Actually it does. For some odd reason the vast majority of age demographics on tiktok only every talk about "adults" and yes the 18-24 accounts for 37.3% of "ADULT" users of tiktoks. it takes some hard work to find info on how many kids use it . There are between 1.1m and 1.4m under 13s using tiktok in the UK (14% of all children) . They arent even meant to be on Tiktok and account for 10% of all users. The biggest demographic are 13-18 which account for 25.1% of all tiktok users. So children are by far the biggest demographic accounts for 35% of all tik tok users and much bigger than the next group of 18-24 users at 25%. But yeah its more girls/women at 60/40 split
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I don't think it is a platform dominated by kids, the demographics don't show that at all. The largest user group is women aged 18-24 unsurprisingly. Kids still watch his content on there, it's kind of a relief that the next generation aren't all rainbow flag waving blue haired softies.

The new generation is always different to the last Roar, that is their job, they change society, society doesn't evolve if it stands still and the older generation rarely like what the younger generations do/think. Just accept you aren't young anymore, you are fast approaching middle age, your gen had their chance to change things and they likely did but their time to do it is done, just as mine is long done. You sound like my grandparent when I was a kid "oh the kids of today, bla bla bla".

And it is the platform kids use more than any other. And most of those 18-24 were children when TikTok became popular.
Actually it does. For some odd reason the vast majority of age demographics on tiktok only every talk about "adults" and yes the 18-24 accounts for 37.3% of "ADULT" users of tiktoks. it takes some hard work to find info on how many kids use it . There are between 1.1m and 1.4m under 13s using tiktok in the UK (14% of all children) . They arent even meant to be on Tiktok and account for 10% of all users. The biggest demographic are 13-18 which account for 25.1% of all tiktok users. So children are by far the biggest demographic accounts for 35% of all tik tok users and much bigger than the next group of 18-24 users at 25%. But yeah its more girls/women at 60/40 split

65% of the platform is adults then based on the rough data we have, so it's not dominated by kids, even if there are a lot of kids on there. Not that I ever use the platform but I doubt Andrew Tate would probably make a top 10 list of the things kids shouldn't be viewing on Tiktok.
Its always difficult to really get insights into these types of company. They try hard to hide the important data.
Eg they quote users, but active users?
Then try to ignore very young users since they are usually not supposed to be there.

Stats seem to indicate youngsters spend a lot of time on Tiktok, and not many other platforms so based on time consumed they are probably the largest consumer as a group.
I hear they basically only use titktok as well, where as most adults will be probably more inclined to Facebook and / or twit-x due to age and popularity of those being used by their friends.

What was interesting however was their income from adverts. I wonder if part of Musks twit-x issue is that. With tiktok now being really big you are probably getting some of the revenue that would have gone to twit-x being diverted to tiktok.
Combined with some of Musks decisions, its probably going to be even harder than I thought to draw that ad revenue back to twit-x.
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Combined with some of Musks decisions, its probably going to be even harder than I thought to draw that ad revenue back to twit-x.
I don't see how he gets that revenue back, it feels like Twitter is becoming less relevant rather than more. It would take a total change of direction to reverse the trend and I just can't see that happeneing!
I don't see how he gets that revenue back, it feels like Twitter is becoming less relevant rather than more. It would take a total change of direction to reverse the trend and I just can't see that happeneing!

We're simply being presented with the perception that Twitter is "less relevant", yet there's a US election next year and the only relevant place of discussion will be Twitter; just like any issue of importance. Twitter isn't going anywhere and Elon will make it bigger and more successful because he has the resources and desire to do that.
We're simply being presented with the perception that Twitter is "less relevant", yet there's a US election next year and the only relevant place of discussion will be Twitter; just like any issue of importance. Twitter isn't going anywhere and Elon will make it bigger and more successful because he has the resources and desire to do that.

That is some great blind faith you have there. Has he made it bigger and more successful since he bought it? Revenue down, app usage down. There is an election every 4 years, if he is relying on those to keep Twitter relevant he isn't the genius you think he is. Numbers aren't going in the right direction are they.
That is some great blind faith you have there. Has he made it bigger and more successful since he bought it? Revenue down, app usage down. There is an election every 4 years, if he is relying on those to keep Twitter relevant he isn't the genius you think he is. Numbers aren't going in the right direction are they.
There definitely was some truth in saying twitter is here to stay. They could be said a year ago. Twitter is very quick with news, it's mostly text based so easy for news companies to quote a post rather than share videos etc. It's understandable why twitter is the place where news breaks. The issue is, Elon himself is solely responsible for making everyone want a better alternative, which is essentially the old Twitter back.

As news companies look to alternate sources, such as if threads manages to get itself together, all of a sudden the repeated mention of twitter stops. And then twitter is the brand people know and is very quotable and unique in that everyone knows what someone means when they say they tweeted/saw something on twitter. The brand arguably was worth more than the service.

This stupid x name is just rubbish. People still don't call it that, people don't refer to it by anything other than some form of twitter.

Imo twitter should be doing more than it currently it. That allies tofay and last year/2 years ago. The potential of twitter hasn't been fully realised.

Elon however is the exsct opposite person to make it reach its fill potential. Begging for MAGA lot to come back, unbanning profiles like trump and begging for his attention. These are not the actions of a man confident in what he has but someone in a weak position desperately trying to win users.

And then this idea that someone will book their taxi, do banking, buy food all through twitter is just the most stupid one of them all.
That is some great blind faith you have there. Has he made it bigger and more successful since he bought it? Revenue down, app usage down. There is an election every 4 years, if he is relying on those to keep Twitter relevant he isn't the genius you think he is. Numbers aren't going in the right direction are they.

Yes, it's more successful, it no longer censors legitimate views. As a user I couldn't care less what Twitters revenue or app usage is, why would that matter to me? I care that it's a fair place that people can use to freely exchange views. I know you don't like that, you would much prefer that we had the CNN/MSNBC world view on repeat where ever we look. Fortunately Elon Musk has the finances to run in the way he wishes, long term I'm sure he'll make it more successful, everywhere else will just be beholden to the standards of Disneys HR department.
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What makes me laugh - someone links to a post on Twitter, open the link and the page has so many missed opportunities - no ads, no teasers of why you might want to use Twitter beyond reading that post, no teasers of advantages of having a Twitter account (beyond a small line mentioning personal timeline which someone who doesn't use Twitter might not even have a clue what that is), several features just show as "unavailable", instead just tries to beat you with a stick to make an account if you try do anything. Elon utterly fails and to admire Elon as some still do is to love failure :s

EDIT: Also if you click through to the account of the person who made the post, about 70% of the time it tries to force you to login and the other 30%, for no apparent rhyme or reason, takes you to an old version of their page with posts from randomly either 6 months or older or 12 months or older...

EDIT2: The best bit is if you are half-clued up about the internet you can still get a full read-only, ad-less, experience of Twitter anyhow, without having to deal with the ******** policies and changes that have been made under Elon.
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I'm just not sure making a basic Twitter should require some hard sell when it's completely free lol. If you don't have a Twitter account currently it's out of stubbornness or sheer inability to use technology
Wow the insightful interesting smart posts are just falling out today. Thanks for clarifying that it's not hard to make a twitter account.

Now try keep going with that thought. Try hard and think. I'll get you started "it's super easy and free to sign up to twitter, and yet people still don't"
I couldn't care less what Twitters revenue or app usage is, why would that matter to me?
Of course you don't. The numbers are going down. Of course you can't care that daddy's 44 billion website is losing users and losing ad revenue. I guarantee you'll be first to care when you find any hint that it's increased one month. All of sudden you'll find that you do care. Remember when everyone was sharing about how hate has increased on twitter, and you quickly replied about a stat showing that this was good because user interaction was going up for poor daddy else ns website? Remember that? You did care then.
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