The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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The idea that someone, especially an exec would be encouraging people NOT to wear high vis gear on sites with heavy plant equipment is utterly insane to me.
Most of the time such people know the basic reason for it, and know how hard the company (and themselves potentially personally) can pay the price for staff not wearing such things if needed.
Reminds me of his attitude with covid and wanting to keeping his factories open
Yep and this is someone people claim is a great humanitarian. He doesn't give a ****

And a great father too it seems.

Which space craft rocket combination would you say was safer than Dragon Falcon 9 then?

As it is the Soyuz has a similar level of safety, 2 failures in similar number of missions.
More crew losses but Falcon does a lot of unmanned.

Thing is the number of missions is in reality too low to really equate.
When your talking missions in the low hundreds, just 1 failure suddenly bumps up the failure rate significantly.

Its more a point of principle. Hes rushing for Mars, right now those suffering from this are on the ground.
Since there isn't really anyone in space. I would expect the casualty rate to jump when actual true space type events on the road to mars take place.
Hes probably concerned about value as well. People are cheap and rockets expensive.
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As it is the Soyuz has a similar level of safety, 2 failures in similar number of missions.
More crew losses but Falcon does a lot of unmanned.

Thing is the number of missions is in reality too low to really equate.
When your talking missions in the low hundreds, just 1 failure suddenly bumps up the failure rate significantly.

Its more a point of principle. Hes rushing for Mars, right now those suffering from this are on the ground.
Since there isn't really anyone in space. I would expect the casualty rate to jump when actual true space type events on the road to mars take place.
Hes probably concerned about value as well. People are cheap and rockets expensive.

I've said it before but Mars anytime soon is a pipe dream for humans. There is a reason we stopped going to the Moon, its expensive and there is nothing there for us. Mars is even more expensive, dangerous and there is even less there for us. Maybe NASA sends some humans there in 20 years but it will be just like the Moon landings, purely to say they did it and for the science.

the title is a bit click bait, its an interesting video.

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I've said it before but Mars anytime soon is a pipe dream for humans. There is a reason we stopped going to the Moon, its expensive and there is nothing there for us. Mars is even more expensive, dangerous and there is even less there for us. Maybe NASA sends some humans there in 20 years but it will be just like the Moon landings, purely to say they did it and for the science.

These are just stepping-stones to being able to make use of our solar system - there are all types of resources in abundance out there.
How it started -

How its going
That one was a black wrapped prototype someone took to a car event so this would be more accurate and up to date:

How it started -

How it's going -

I did wonder at the time if that Tesla guy took the black one out to troll people with before a 'real' one appears shortly after and get positive reporting as a clever marketing ploy. Looks like I was right. :D
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Looks lovely. Can't imagine what using one of those in the UK would be like, especially taking them to a car park. In America though I bet that are great to own. I can't however see them being used as a working truck a great deal though I imagine that isn't the market they are going for
How it started -

How its going

Maybe those damm lazy Tesla workers need a few less limbs and bright safety wear.
Apparently Elon's been talking **** again.

Oh. This again. I guess I can repeat myself. 300 series stainless, which Elno confirmed the ct is made of, has an expansion coefficient of more than 10 microns per degree celsius. Meaning every piece made exactly on tolerance at 20 C will be out of tolerance at 21 C. This is a simple Google search. Additionally, if your tolerances are that tight, what happens when it gets below freezing, or up to 110 degrees?
Apparently Elon's been talking **** again.

Ignoring the fact that the thing looks like an absolute monstrosity, but that's my subjective opinion.

Also I heard this morning that there's a clause in the buying contract that you can't sell the truck to anyone else in the first year without giving Tesla the right to buy it back first...
How it started -

How its going

Maybe those damm lazy Tesla workers need a few less limbs and bright safety wear.

And when you buy a new Cybertruck now, you have to sign a waiver which says you are not allowed to re-sell the vehicle within at least 1 year, if you do re-sell Tesla will permanently remotely disable the vehicle. Ha!
Ignoring the fact that the thing looks like an absolute monstrosity, but that's my subjective opinion.

Also I heard this morning that there's a clause in the buying contract that you can't sell the truck to anyone else in the first year without giving Tesla the right to buy it back first...

It'll be to stop resellers, despite what people here think there is a massive demand for it. Tesla want legitimate customers to get the trucks, not people just looking to make a quick profit.
It'll be to stop resellers, despite what people here think there is a massive demand for it. Tesla want legitimate customers to get the trucks, not people just looking to make a quick profit.

So instead Tesla make a quick buck by buying it back at a lower cost than you bought it, then selling it on again at a price much higher than list price, after clocking the mileage.

I'm far too cynical for my own good...
So instead Tesla make a quick buck by buying it back at a lower cost than you bought it, then selling it on again at a price much higher than list price, after clocking the mileage.

I'm far too cynical for my own good...
Yeah and it's a bit shady to say what I can or can't do with something I have bought.

I do get it though, resellers area a pain and legit customers won't normally want to sell within 12 months. Perhaps tesla should offer very favourable prices if they are forcing the customer to return it to them.
So instead Tesla make a quick buck by buying it back at a lower cost than you bought it, then selling it on again at a price much higher than list price, after clocking the mileage.

I'm far too cynical for my own good...

Tesla apparently has 1.2 million orders to fulfill on Cyber trucks, resellers are a legitimate issue
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