The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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SpaceX was certified by NASA for crew transportation in November 2020
Why did you not volunteer to be a passenger then? NASA - Need Another Seven Astronauts. And before any **** wades in, I was a friend of Rick Husband when he worked at Boscombe Down!
Why did you not volunteer to be a passenger then? NASA - Need Another Seven Astronauts. And before any **** wades in, I was a friend of Rick Husband when he worked at Boscombe Down!
You think they have a shortage of volunteers and desperately need me?

They probably don't accept people who in the last few years was at a GP saying they felt like they were having a mental beakdown either
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As for SpaceX being successful for starship, even NASA says it's not

NASA has had to delay the next moon landing because Starship has so far failed to demonstrate any of the 8 milestones it needs to. Some milestones were scheduled to be met by April 2023 - like putting Starship in orbit, and it's now December 2023 and they have not achieved any NASA milestones

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how is that even comparible?
SpaceX was certified by NASA for crew transportation in November 2020

oceangate was an experimental vessel approved/certified by no one.

It was mostly a cheap joke rather than a serious comment.

But most of the difference here is down to regulation (something Elon rails against). Had ocean going subs been regulated like space rockets, the Titan disaster wouldn't have happened.
It was mostly a cheap joke rather than a serious comment.

But most of the difference here is down to regulation (something Elon rails against). Had ocean going subs been regulated like space rockets, the Titan disaster wouldn't have happened.

Elon rallies against regulation? He was the one calling for regulation of Ai. He spoke about this in the interview he gave, he's only been against out against a tiny number of the literal millions of rules his companies adhere to.
As for SpaceX being successful for starship, even NASA says it's not

NASA has had to delay the next moon landing because Starship has so far failed to demonstrate any of the 8 milestones it needs to. Some milestones were scheduled to be met by April 2023 - like putting Starship in orbit, and it's now December 2023 and they have not achieved any NASA milestones

Is there even a space suit for the moon missions yet? Artemis 1 was 5 years late. The HLS contract was only let in 2021. But somehow it's going to be SpaceX's fault they reach the moon late. Starship may be behind schedule required for Artemis but most this was baked in by the Congressinal funding forcing Nasa to choose the cheapest and most elaborate solution. The pace of Starship development has been extremely quick by any modern standard, it feels like the irrational Elon hate just has to spill over into SpaceX too. :confused:
it feels like the irrational Elon hate just has to spill over into SpaceX too
I don't feel the spacex dislike, but I get why people have lost patience and benefit of doubt and even just coming at anything Elon related with a view of positivity, as Elon has caused people to dislike him.

It's like a comedian. If they come out on stage and tell everyone to go f themselves and thanks for making them rich but they don't care about the audience. If they then say a good joke, it may be thst no one laughs.

Who's fault is that? Most people are intelligent enough to see why the audience has a been view now of the comedian, no matter how funny their material singled out on its own may be.
Not sure why Musk doesn't present evidence of the manipulation strategy MassiveMedia employed to obtain nazi threads adjacent to disney/apple/ibm&co's advertising, which caused the advertising draught.
Algorithmic echoc hamber amplification was a known foible .... and ? having a Nazi expressing a partiality for Disney movies, sounds like a corner case.
Not sure why Musk doesn't present evidence of the manipulation strategy MassiveMedia employed to obtain nazi threads adjacent to disney/apple/ibm&co's advertising, which caused the advertising draught.
Algorithmic echoc hamber amplification was a known foible .... and ? having a Nazi expressing a partiality for Disney movies, sounds like a corner case.
Isn't the issue, not that ads may be placed next to Nazi content, but it's shown that the person in charge is such man baby that they won't deal with it properly? The evidence for that is there from Elon.

Elon is so bad at PR now, advertisers u imagine fear how he will deal with the next negative pr and so currently boycott.
Not sure why Musk doesn't present evidence of the manipulation strategy MassiveMedia employed to obtain nazi threads adjacent to disney/apple/ibm&co's advertising, which caused the advertising draught.
Algorithmic echoc hamber amplification was a known foible .... and ? having a Nazi expressing a partiality for Disney movies, sounds like a corner case.

Manipulation? Hitting F5 15 times after following certain accounts is hardly manipulation. Advertisers aren't leaving becuase of that, they are leaving because there is much more such content on Twitter and its owner and Chief Twit is promoting anti-semitic tropes and advancing conspiracies like Pizzagate. I can't imagine why these companies that spend billions on their image would not want to be associated with such thing :confused::confused:

The reason he doesn't present it is because he doesn't have it. He isn't even using one of the big firms he has on retainer to sue them. Can you imagine the depositions of advertisers before the trail, did you suspend your advertising on Twitter because of this bit of journalism or becuase the owner was tweeting anti-semitic tropes and telling you all to "go **** yourselves!"?
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Elon rallies against regulation? He was the one calling for regulation of Ai. He spoke about this in the interview he gave, he's only been against out against a tiny number of the literal millions of rules his companies adhere to.
He's spoken in favour of regulation where it suits him (and in this instance, completely coincidentally in a way that would slow down established competitors whilst he orders his programmers to start working on one).

Meanwhile he's actively encouraging people to ignore basic safety rules (and IIRC complaining about paying the fines from "minor" breaches) because he doesn't like the deliberately "highly visible" bright colours as they're "ugly" that go with things like "hi vis vests" and "danger zone" markings on the floor, you know those useless regulations that were put in there just because some petty bureaucrat thought "it'd be nice to have some bright colours around the work place" and not because those colours and marking were chosen very specifically so that they made hazards obvious to the human eye by standing out.

Then there are the safety breaches at Tesla factories and SpaceX that are very definitely actively harmful to workers and against the national rules but he's willing to pay the fines and use company security to help shut down whistleblower and people that speak out about it (IIRC he's got welders at Space X doing "precision"* welding in tents without the required masks to protect their lungs).

Or the way he sacked vast swathes of Twitter staff without any regards for the laws under which they were employed, let alone their own contracts (some of those decisions were very public and resulted in a extremely public humiliation for him as he realised that there were iron clad contracts that were about to cost him tens of millions), and the "regulations" he's really not liking at the moment are the ones that require Twitter to do things about it's content where it is illegal in not just individual countries but in some cases pretty much everywhere (shame he fired most/all of the people involved in dealing with that content, and pulled twitter out of various industry groups where they shared information on trends in it, and strategies for dealing with it effectively).

It's like a lot of stuff with musk, he's for it when it works in his favour, he's against it if he doesn't like it personally, it inconveniences him, or it helps someone else but not him.

*I'm no genius, or welder, but i'd argue it's very hard to get a good weld (or even just of repeatable quality), let alone one up to say Nasa standards in an open sided tent in a dusty environment, but what do I know, I've just talked to welders, read some articles, and watched enough documentaries to understand that the key to good QC is getting the conditions repeatable and eliminating as many contaminants as possible so you don't build a dozen of something only to have 10 of them fail inspection, or for them all to have random flaws due to contamination from external materials.
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Walmart is the latest brand to tell Elon to go f himself or buy someone a horse so that they'll do it for him


Edit: sorry I should say "Walmart is the latest company to blackmail Elon"
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