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The Opteron Skt 939 Overclocking thread !!!!

I'm getting Richdog's 144 CAB2E - was hoping for 2.8 but looking doesn't look like I'll be getting it anywhere close :(

Will have to aim for 2.6 :( oh well.

Looking through the XS forums a bit mixed - I'm not after pushing it to the limit, here's hoping 2.8 is reachable after all.

On Richdog's advice I bought a P1A 120mm Panaflo to replace my Akasa amber 120mm fan :)

Might buy an adaptor and have it over the chipset or mosfets. think they could do with additional cooling. I just hope my Akasa 460W PSU is up to the job otherise i'll fork out for a new PSU :(

Hmmm . thinking about it I have some steel 240V 120mm Papst fans at home hehe ;)
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well i did some "cba suicide attempts" at 1.7v i managed 345HT - 3105Mhz :D

manages sandra benchies but not pi

at the moment its left at 360HT 8.5 (3060) @ 1.6v doing a 32mb pi run

that will do for me for today, ....thats me out
danza said:
I get my CAB2E tomorrow, and also a new Epox EP-9NPA+ mobo. What kind of HT (stable) can I expect from this mobo?
I have an Epox EP-9NPAj SLI, it also lacks the firewire and additional raid (still has raid on board). I clocked it fairly rapidly up to 315fsb and been running at this for a month. Im running 2 * 512Mb, 1 * 256Mb bh-5, 210fsb 22262. Its been excellent apart from when I added the 4th dimm - was almost error free in memory test with reduced timings, but I didnt even load windows up in the end with 4dimms. Ofc this could just be the CPU.

Not tested higher than 315HT but I will soon when I get my 144.
Darth Sidious said:
Yeah nuke it Jimbo!

( Ican give u a little of my force lekky if u like?)

Hmm, well it's still being weird.

I left it priming last night on 2.9 Ghz and 1.7v (burning in) and it managed that no problems.

Reboot this morning to change HTT to 328 (2.95 Ghz) and I get a BSOD as soon as Windows boots.

This is one weird chip. 2.8 Ghz on default, then 2.9 Ghz on 1.50 volts, then nothing more?

Kesnel said:
I foudnd that my CABNE scaled poorly on air.

Could do 3Ghz no problem at 1.475v, however it would only do 3.05Ghz on 1.65v. Could not get 3.1Ghz on air at all. :confused:

3Ghz on air is amazing mate!

Just got my system together, Opteron 144 CABNE 0540 BPMW

Yet to clock anything as I ain't had time, tonights the night!
my 144 is arriving today, but i'm looking after my 19month old daughter who doesn't seem to share my enthusiasm for overclocking (yet). I'll have to wait until i put her down for her nap at 12ish before i get cracking. I'll post the stepping when it arrives though, can't work out whether i'd be better off with a cabne or a cab2e
merkin51 said:
Have we got anyone out there overclocking on an Asus A8N-SLi board?
I will be tonight mate. Opteron is out for dispatch today, and providing my gf doesn't sleep through the door bell (has happened in the past) I should be good for a bit of tweakage tonight. Got a CABYE 146 on the way, rest of spec in sig... oh and a 480W TAGAN 2FORCE T480-U22 in the post with the Opteron.
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merkin51 said:
Have we got anyone out there overclocking on an Asus A8N-SLi board?

Yup, running mine on A8n-SLI Premium wih latest release BIOS. Granted, I am just burning in at 2.6ghz, but no issues at all so far. Initial temps were high as it idled at 40 degrees, but now it's had a chance to bed in I'm idling at 35 under XP-120. When I get home tonight, it should be ready for 3gig.

Wakinglimb said:
I will be tonight mate. Opteron is out for dispatch today, and providing my gf doesn't sleep through the door bell (has happened in the past) I should be good for a bit of tweakage tonight. Got a CABNE 146 on the way, rest of spec in sig... oh and a 480W TAGAN 2FORCE T480-U22 in the post with the Opteron.

Fantastic stuff, your rig is identical to mine except the RAM, can't wait to see what you get :) I take it yours is the standard A8N-SLi (not deluxe or premium)?
theboyrob said:
3Ghz on air is amazing mate!

Just got my system together, Opteron 144 CABNE 0540 BPMW

Yet to clock anything as I ain't had time, tonights the night!

Mine was a CABNE 0530APMW, so 3Ghz was expected. ;)

I was simply amazed by how poorly it scaled; for an increase of 50mhz I needed to increase the voltage 0.175v.

I'd be very surprised if anyone managed to get 3.1Ghz or above stable. It's rare to see such speeds on an FX using air cooling. If I remember correctly one of the only steppings I've seen do around these speeds on air is the CAB2E 0531RPMW FX-57, which is why my hopes were high for these 144 CAB2Es.

Seems to me like the CAB2Es maybe benefit from a spell under the prommie, provided they don't have the cold bug that is (like the FX-57 CAB2Es). Fingers crossed. :)
JKD said:
Yup, running mine on A8n-SLI Premium wih latest release BIOS. Granted, I am just burning in at 2.6ghz, but no issues at all so far. Initial temps were high as it idled at 40 degrees, but now it's had a chance to bed in I'm idling at 35 under XP-120. When I get home tonight, it should be ready for 3gig.


Excellent stuff! Do you know how high the Premium's HTT can go? I've heard the Standard and Deluxe struggle to get above 250, but I'm hoping someone can prove me wrong on that front.
Primed my CABYE 146 last night,only for 6 hours though . 10x300 using 1.55v seems to be stable now :D (Passed the 6 hours anyway)
Temps are 34C Idle 46C Load
Can do 290x10 at more or less stock volts,but then needs a bigger voltage jump for anything around 3Ghz.

Anyway ,could'nt be happier.I would have settled for between 2.6 & 2.8Ghz

I am running at 260 now no issues. Have also had 270 but I've not felt the need to go higher (yet).

Once burnt in this evening I will be trying for 280-300 htt, so I will be sure and let you know.

I also have a basic A8N-SLI, but it's in its box ready for the MM but I can't remember if I ever ran that at 250 or above. I've got a feeling that I never bothered.

Back on topic - will report back tonight if Premium (and my 146) does the business at 280-300 htt.
Merkin51, yes mine's a standard one. Had reasonable success with my Venice running at 2350ish, so hoping for at least 2600 - 2800 from my Opty.
I haven't touched the overclocking game since my Celeron was overlocked 50% from 300Mhz to 450Mhz about 5 years ago. Those were the days!

Anyway, my current system is:

Athlon XP Barton 3000+ @ Stock
Asus Nforce 2 Ultra m/board
X800 Pro flashed to XT AGP
1024Mb of unmatched generic ram (1 x 512Mb PC2700 & 1 x 512Mb PC3200)
400W generic power supply

I ordered a 144 Opty from OCUK yesterday and I am going to get the following to accompany it:

Zalman 7000Cu cooler (EUR 32)
Asrock 939Dual M/board (EUR 66)
1 x 512Mb PC3200 generic memory (EUR 53)
Fortron Blue Storm 500W power supply (EUR 68)

The questions I have are the following, bearing in mind that I only want to get the processor to 2.7Ghz (FX57 speeds):

1) Is it worth buying the Zalman or would the stock cooler be sufficient?
2) I can get Corsair Value ram CAS 2.5 for the same price, is it worth buying 2 of these instead?
3) Any other suggestions are welcome.

I do not want to spen much more than £200 (EUR 300) on these 4 things.
I am mainly a games player so having high SuperPi results or another 50 on 3Dmark is not a big issue for me.

Thanks for the help.

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