The Playstation 3 controller

If the launch games don't look significantly better than the current Xbox360 games then I can't see anyone can justify paying twice as much for the PS3. Unless of course you're well off and already have a decent HD setup...

Joystiq had a play on the new controller and said the tilt control feels like an after thought to replace the rumble and that it didn't work that well in Warhawk because it wasn't very well setup.

I want to bitch about the core and premium deals. For $100 less you miss out on about $200 worth of goodness. Poor.
MS and Logitech...PC not console, Nintendo were the first to implement such things in a console and since we are talking about consoles there isn't much point in debating anything else!
mrk said:
MS and Logitech...PC not console, Nintendo were the first to implement such things in a console and since we are talking about consoles there isn't much point in debating anything else!

UPDATE: Thanks to actionjax25 for reminding me of Le Stick, a motion sensing controller for the Atari 2600 and Atari 800 that dates back more than 20 years. Aside from looking like a bomb detonator, this thing used mercury-filled sensors. I totally remember using this stick to play those classic Atari games. So while some of you may argue that the Logitech and Microsoft controllers are PC and not console oriented and don't count...the Le Stick was a true console-first. BTW, it really sucked.
well not really, we're talking specifically about the controllers so i dont think it matters what they are plugged into. same concept difference application. They're still controllers.
ALthough not as advanced as the wiis controller which I read can detect it's position relative to the games playing environment in a 3d sort of way
A step backwards in my eyes. Sure the DS2 was a decent controller, but it just isn't good enough anymore. The analogue sticks are just not in the right place for optimal use.
No rumble either? They've got to get that sorter right? I mean, I know it doesn't make or break a game, but I'm sort of used to it now...

Still, can't wait for the next wave of consoles!
Burned_Alive said:
If this is what retails then its a great move by sony, it really didnt need changing the ps2 controller is perfect.
It's not. Whilst it's not bad, it's painful to use for long periods of time as the analogue sticks are in the wrong place.
It's nowhere near as good as the Xbox360 controller. Saying that, it's miles better than the boomerang.

Still, it's lazy designing.
Soooooooo... they are still stealing the ideas of others.

Weebull said:
Charging the battery I'd imagine. Clever idea too, since I guess it means you could use any standard USB charging cable and a PC instead of the PS3 if needs be.

So USB charging nicked as well.
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punky_munky said:
They could have gone for some proper force feedback in the analogue sticks, that would have been cool.

Would snap your thumbs off :D

The positioning of the analogue sticks has always been wrong IMO. They were afterall, a bolt-on to the original PSone pad to counter the N64's analogue stick, so it just shows that minimal thought went into making them.
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Did anyone ever use the old Microsoft Sidewinder Pad with tilt feature? It was one of the crappiest features ever! I can't see it becoming an amazing feature on the PS3.
the best thing about the motion sensors is, its not what the controller is about, its just a wee 'also'
The Wii's needs to be better as its the basis of the console and just about every game in it, but at least the PS3 controller is a controller first and foremost.
And i doubt it will be too far off the full range of detection with the eyetoy capturing space also.
And i for one love the DS2, never had any issues with it and have played it for hours and hours straight.
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