The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Not posted anything for a while, due to lack of ispiration, case in point ......

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Wow wedge, that's a lot nicer than mine! I'm still experimenting though, it's my first dandelion shot :)

Oh i dont know, i think yours is as good mate ;) Im going to try focus stacking the same subject.

god wedge, cant belive you can actually see each individual strands on it. Whats settings did you shoot? Crazy stuff man :D

Ive got some others too, ill try and post em ;)

Exif is embedded, but D90 + Tamron 90mm Macro, used a tripod and a ghetto snoot for my SB600 (cant remember power settings i was changing as i went but 1/4 and below) + shuttle release.

# Exposure Time (1 / Shutter Speed) = 1/200 second ===> 0.005 second
# Lens F-Number / F-Stop = ƒ/6.7
# Exposure Program = manual control (1)
# ISO Speed Ratings = 200
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here is my first photo that i am vaguely happy with. I haven't done any pp as im not sure what to do!!


opinions welcome.

edit: just noticed it looks a bit flat in my browser - looks completely different as my background :s

Really nice photo, shame the thing in the water does spoil it a bit. Idealy you need a RAW image to really change the colours, exposure etc. If i managed to get a photo like that I would have been pleased, tried to get a sunset 4 times last week and it amounted to nothing! The one day it was good I was in the middle of a pc build I had to finish. :(

I took photos of the moon the other day, harder than I thought to get a good photo. Even with a tripod my lens not quite good enough to get what I wanted, I like your photo especially if you haven't edited it. Photoshop has ruined photography in a way, in the old days you took a good photo or a bad one! very hard to rescue. I prefer to have photos than need very little work it's like an airbrushed model or celeb in a magazine if you go too far the pictures not genuine.

It's a better picture than my background. :)
Borrowed a mates graphics card for a couple of days so thought I'd pop a photo i took a couple of weeks ago at my mates wedding in here.



I'm not for hire for wedding photography :D
Talking of skin smoothing, I just did this for a laugh.

This is an out of camera shot of a girl I photographed. Pretty bad skin.


This is after 2 minutes in a program called Portrait Professional Max. Now, I know it's completely overdone (I selected the most ludicrous settings on purpose), but I thought I would post it because I find it quite amusing how fake you can make people look.


The software is actually pretty good if you take your time, and don't get too carried away with some of the settings because as you can see it does let you go a bit too far :p

It even changes the shape of their head if you want it to :eek:

Before and after 8 pints. :D
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