The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Time for a little Alfa-love... (sorry, pretty boring, but pretty cool cars :cool:)




Pictures of Alfas can never be boring, and I know I have quoted the pics again and I don't care! :D

Nice work :)
try bumping the iso up a bit and increasing the f-stop up from 1.8 to get a bigger DoF to keep the shutter speed reasonable. It'll get more of the face in focus but still have nice blurring behind. :)

Thanks :)

What sort of f-stop would you suggest? I'm not really sure when I should be using a low f-stop or high..
Thanks :)

What sort of f-stop would you suggest? I'm not really sure when I should be using a low f-stop or high..

for the cat I'd probably try to bump the fstop up to 5.6 may get away with 4 though. You'll get to know when to use a high or low f stop when you snap away. I had a useful quick guide from a photo mag months ago. e.g or landscapes use around f16 to ensure a bigger DoF so more is in focus. Things like catching sports events a lower value nearer to f2.8 will help freeze the action to keep things nice and sharp. should help things along as well ;)

Not too good at taking photo's I admit. I want a lense with a better Zoom capacity. Principaly I want to paint over my future photos like Gerhard Richter.

My girlfriend (middle) and 2 of her friends before a night out :)

(Girl on the right is out of focus, but I was actually well on my way to being drunk whilst taking this photo, so f/stops weren't my priority that night :p
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