The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Was quite pleased with this and then saw Mint Sauce had just shot one very similar!!

I just recently found my charger for my D70- haven't used it in over a year. Weather has been rubbish so not been able to get out for some new shots. Got this one of my cat though:


ISO was a little high.
Not bad all Wedge, in fact pretty good for your first time.

Thanks Joe, nothing ground breaking i know... but i was plesently suprised whilst reviewing them :)

Im going to have a proper look over them over the next couple of days and see what i can do within Photoshop.
Thanks :) not really a HDRer but find it works quite well on cars on sunny days to control highlights and shadows!
I'm sure I posted the original here some place, but can't find it.

Inspired by seeing use of Factalius plug-in over on the TP forums, I tried it out myself on one of my light painting attempts.

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I'm sure I posted the original here some place, but can't find it.

Inspired by seeing use of Factalius plug-in over on the TP forums, I tried it out myself on one of my light painting attempts.


That's fantastic, excellent work!
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