The Predator (2018)

Just saw it.

Mess of a film. 5/10

Strangely enjoyable but not for reasons you would expect? Weird out of place jokes. incredibly clunky editing in parts. Characters that just are cliche and frankly weird.

Best Alien comedy film i seen in 2018 i guess.

The Pred Dogs, why... The I need to poop scene, impressive stomach control. Tourettes Soldier?? an unessacary evil bad guy

Jesus that review above is spot on for me lol

Yep the review is spot on for me as well. I watched it because of an unlimited card and on opening night the screen was less than 50% full. Had I paid full price I would have been miffed.

The film was just action with comedy thrown in. No suspense as said before. Shame that the predator has become a bit of a joke.

The whole thing around 'they come every few years'. Was said more that they were a menace to be handled rather than a terror. Also the climate change guff, only got 1-2 generations worth of life left on Earth..... Traitor predator is going to stop that.... by giving us a BFG!
This films is right up there with the worst I have ever seen. One word to describe it would be garbage.
Where to start

Upgrade predator
secret weapons for mankind
a kid that can learn their language in 5 minutes ect ect
dogs predators
those two guys shooting each other
all crappy gore scenes
the translation
hey here 7 minute head start
and how easy they killed the 211feet thing
the predator suit thingy LOL

they can create ships that can travel across universe with worm hole technology but they need some
kids genes hahhahah who comes up with this turd.


what terrible movie, its even worse then the new jurasic partk
Glad we didn't bother with Imax, this has possibly been the worst film I've watched this year so far. Nothing like the original didn't know what it wanted to be, no sense of tension with the exception of 30 seconds near the start.

So many issues with this that just don't make sense,
kids on the spectrum resulting in him being a genius at alien systems, there's no way Olivia Munn's character could've caught up with the ship running through the forest and the ending just felt like a slap in the face oh here's the sequel bate.
i forgot one very important point

when the predator jumped in the back of a van and kills few people and the
grabs the guys hands and makes a thumbs up gesture with it WTF is this crap
whoever directed this movie should get fired really cant make movies.

I would have done a better job than this garbage

killer hunter alien dogs becoming friends with humans :confused:

what is going through their mind when they wrote this comedy?
I'm a humongous Predator fan so take that into account with what I'm going to say next -

This garbage, unlike the original, will NEVER be remembered in 20 years, with people endlessly quoting it etc. I mean it's an OK-ish at best "Space Monster in the Suburbs" type film where, if it had a different "monster", it'd be worth say about 5-6/10 but as a MoFo'ing Predator film, will this be something that people are watching in 20 years time like I still do with the Original and Predator 2??? Not a chance - it's hot garbage like AvP2!

It's a very "2018" film and I'm sorry to say that modern big budget "action" film screenwriters just seem to be awful and can't write a simple yet solid screenplay for action flicks any more (1). They seem more interested in destroying the "canon" created by the previous films by adding new, unnecessary and contradictory crap into their film while trying to make everything a joke by adding comedy every 10 seconds, whether the film needs it or not.

Plus modern actors picked for action films just don't seem to have much/any charisma at all (2). I mean Arnie/Sly etc can't act for toffee but they have charisma up the wazzoo compared to Boyd Holbrook etc and it's been the same for all the "modern" sequels/rebooks etc like Robocop, Total Recall, Terminator Genysis, Alien Prequels etc - a mix of poor stories which poop on the canon set-up by the originals and/or poor actors who can't compete with the acting ability of Arnie and/or Sly etc!!!!!

However, as mentioned at the top, I'm a huge Predator fan so I know I'm judging this much more harshly that someone not really invested in the Predator Lore/Universe but, with something as "special" as the Predator, I just hate seeing the franchise reduced to spitting out "Straight to DVD" quality films despite the huge budget.

(1) - Low budget writers seem to have it right with John Wick as a great example, keep it simple yet solid.

(2) - Jason Momoa is probably one of the only modern actors I think has a "charisma" similar to the stars of the 80's but he's a very rare exception. Maybe cinema needs some larger than life uber Alpha Males again but I just don't see that happening in Hollywood anymore. I mean Arnie is older than the Crypt Keeper yet he still gets dragged back into Terminator films because of his charisma, what does that say about modern "action" stars?
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i forgot one very important point

when the predator jumped in the back of a van and kills few people and the
grabs the guys hands and makes a thumbs up gesture with it WTF is this crap
whoever directed this movie should get fired really cant make movies.

I would have done a better job than this garbage

killer hunter alien dogs becoming friends with humans :confused:

what is going through their mind when they wrote this comedy?

Haha. Sounds more like a parody of a Predator film rather than an actual Predator film. He really should have included Xenomorphs from Aliens as well and made into a third AvP film. This film sounds just as dumb and stupid as the two AvP films, so would have fit right in.
Some funny lines in the film and the tourettes guy was vaguely amusing. Overall though it just seemed to be just a ton of low brow jokes slung into an action movie. The entire last third of the movie was reshot, i'd love to see the original footage if this is what they consider to be better.
Haha. Sounds more like a parody of a Predator film rather than an actual Predator film. He really should have included Xenomorphs from Aliens as well and made into a third AvP film. This film sounds just as dumb and stupid as the two AvP films, so would have fit right in.

Well the AVP 1 spear was there as an easter egg
I had mixed feelings about this movie. Watched it the 2nd time and sadly it wasnt any better. Huge Predator fan and what i just watched was a very pale shadow of the originals. Where was the suspense, the tension? AvP was better than this and thats saying something. The comedy was cringing at times and didnt work. Had a pretty good cast and was totally wasted tbh.

For me

The whole story revolving around the Kid Rory Mckenna fell into the same trap and mistake as Iron Man 3 and others. It may work but most movies dont pull it off. Terrible choice imo. What on earth was that shoe horn ending with the Anti Predator weapon. Must have been on drugs if they thought that would work. It was more like a B movie than Predators.

Everyone is raving on about Shane Black, yes he was in the original but people forget he didnt direct it. It was John McTiernan. They should have got a proper director. If this was meant to revitalise the franchise then i think it has done the opposite. Not quite as bad as The Last Jedi but it wasnt brillant either. Predators was 100 times better than this car crash.
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Saw this last night with 3 friends. The cinema had a total of 10 people in our 8pm screening (including us) :o

- Over the top comedy
- Lack of dramatic tension
- Convoluted story
+ good amount of action
+ gore wasn’t cut out
+ lots of predator tech

They should have kept the story simple. I would have done this... Traitor pred comes to earth to pass on tech to humans for reason x. Big pred hunts him down and fights him with resistance from soldiers.

The autistic child, pred dog story was nonsensical. As was the mecha pred ending which was lolwut stupid.

If they’d shown more pred in the lab stuff and made it more suspenseful then I’d have been happy but we literally see the captured pred escape within 5 mins of seeing the lab and the first visit from the main woman scientist. A bit of backstory and testing of the blood/body tissue showing how they'd reverse engineered some aspects of their subject would have been cool.

It tried to do too much instead of focusing on what a good pred film needs. Suspense, purpose and a cat and mouse fight. The only proper fight the traitor pred had involved him getting whipped in 2 minutes :rolleyes:
In a list of best to worst, where does this fit?

Currently, my list is...

Predator 2

I’d say after AVP1 but before requiem. Pretty much a tie with AVP1 if you prefer action over suspense.
Watched it in IMAX last night. Thankfully Tesco vouchers meant to I didn't need to really pay for our tickets. Honestly as a "Predator" movie it is absolute garbage of the highest order. Although I did laugh at this movie quite a bit and the action in places was decent. Just wish it didn't have the bloody Predator name attached to it.

Shane Black has just completely ripped up the cannon of the series with the most stupid bs. How the **** is he allowed to that? :| You can tell the film must have gone through about 15 edits at least. Whole sections of conversations that are clearly talking about something we haven't seen because it's all been cut.

So yea where to even start. Why do they keep adding these hybrid Predators that are all roid raged up. It's infuriating. Apparently there are friendly Predators now trying to help the humans, even though when he woke up in the Lab he went on a complete killing spree (LUL)

No explanation why the Predator didn't kill Olivia Munn's charachter in the Lab. Oh yea and after watching the Predator gut everyone in the Lab within minutes. She decides to hunt a predator on her own with a dart gun. LOOOOOL. Not only that, the effects of the dart gun are so weak that when she shoots herself in the foot, she takes ages to actually go down. So yea, how the **** was this supposed to have any effect on a Predator?

We barely got to see the Predators tracking stuff and being cunning / sneaky. It's all just in your face action. Predators using their shoulder cannon constantly even though in the first 2 movies, the Predators are all about the thrill of the hunt, using their blades to get up close and personal.

Roid rage Predator has decided that an Austic kid is a true warrior worth capturing so he can take his spinal fluid and inject into himself to become even more badass? WHAT?

Really cringe translating of the Predator speech. Having the kid crack the Predator language and the Predator technology in about 5 minutes because he's autistic and that's what autistic kids can do.

Power Ranger space alien Predator suit being left by a friendly Predator at the end of the movie. OH **** RIGHT OFF.
They re-shot the entire third act, hence why there are threads that go nowhere.

Don’t disagree with your spoilers though. Disappointed was my reaction.
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