The Predator (2018)

He also wrote the original Predator so it could be good!

I hope they decide to make it an 18 and ditch the CGI effects like the CGI blood etc for real practical effects.

He did, but being to write doesn't mean being equally capable of directing too. Tony Gilroy wrote all Bourne films, but directed Legacy as well, which was the worst Bourne film by some margin. David Goyer has written some good films, but he also directed Blade III, which was total ****.

Yeah considering they will no doubt try to shoot it as a 15 cert too

Nothing wrong with 15 rating. You can get away with a lot in a 15 today. Many of the old 18 rated films would be a 15 if released today, including Predator.

I don't understand why there are so many people that seem bothered about whether these type of films aren't released as 18 rated. I can understand if the film was likely to be a PG13 rather than 15, but to be concerned that it's only going to be a 15?

It's as if people don't understand that what film makers can put in a 15 rated film today, they would never have gotten away with 20 years ago. Films such as these, I'd be more concerned with whether they are actually going to be any good; unless of course, some people rate how good a film is simply by how much violence is in it? :confused:
I've just finished my marathon. Ranked favourite to least favourite....

  1. Aliens
  2. Predator
  3. Predator II
  4. Alien
  5. Predators
  6. Alien 3
  7. Prometheus
  8. Alien Resurrection
  9. Alien Vs. Predator
  10. Alien Vs. Predator Requiem
Some of the above I have placed as really appreciate the lore or writing/cinematography, others are simply guilty pleasures of mine and have a fond place in my heart. The list would be far different if you asked me to list them based on their technical merits.

At 34 years old, I grew up with the classics and eagerly anticipated the various sequels. The problem is that the modern sequels and or re-makes, for any movie, just don't seem to capture the magic (warts and all) of the originals. Take Predator 1 or Aliens for example, I simply cannot imagine that type of film being produced nowadays.

Two random things I'd like to add;

  • Did anyone see the comments from Ridley Scott saying he always considered Blade Runner to be part of the same universe, I find that interesting and believable.
  • Trivia from IMDB on Predators, the other alien lifeform on the planet, the humanoid one, was in fact a nod to how Predator was originally going to look before it was redesigned by Stan Winston. It looks terribly B-movie and so glad we have what we have now.
  • I find Alien Vs. Predator Requiem to be the darkest movie ever, as in, filmed terribly (along with directed, written, paced and everything else badly)
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He also wrote the original Predator so it could be good!
He did not.
The original was written by brothers John and Jim Thomas. Shane Black was brought on to review their script and potentially do rewrites/refinement, which never happened in the end, so they cast him as Hawkins.

Word is this will be a direct sequel to P1, so all subsequent films can be left alone, as this only concerns the events and characters in the first one. Branching off, if you like.
I've just finished my marathon. Ranked favourite to least favourite....

  1. Aliens
  2. Predator
  3. Predator II
  4. Alien
  5. Predators
  6. Alien 3
  7. Prometheus
  8. Alien Resurrection
  9. Alien Vs. Predator
  10. Alien Vs. Predator Requiem

That's quite a marathon! I'd probably rank Alien at the top - the first half is a close to perfect a movie has ever been for me - and Aliens and Predator close seconds. I didn't mind Alien 3 either (well, and maybe Predator 2, in a guilty pleasure kind of way). The rest can all die by fire as far as I'm concerned though! Prometheus manages the rare feat of not only being ****e, but in also making other great movies in the series worse simply because it exists.

What baffles me a little is how poor the AvP movies were. They really didn't need any work doing re. plot or setting. Everything was there for the taking. Put humans on a planet were Predators are hunting Aliens. Job done. Would have been awesome. But they clogged the movies up with pointless fluff and contrived scenarios. I have no doubt, even with zero script writing experience, that I could knock up something infinitely better in a single day. Bah humbug!!
That's quite a marathon! I'd probably rank Alien at the top - the first half is a close to perfect a movie has ever been for me - and Aliens and Predator close seconds. I didn't mind Alien 3 either (well, and maybe Predator 2, in a guilty pleasure kind of way). The rest can all die by fire as far as I'm concerned though! Prometheus manages the rare feat of not only being ****e, but in also making other great movies in the series worse simply because it exists.

In retrospect I think I've been unfair to Alien, I'd move it up a notch or two. Agree the introduction of sub-par sequels or reboots to seem to detract from the universe

What baffles me a little is how poor the AvP movies were. They really didn't need any work doing re. plot or setting. Everything was there for the taking. Put humans on a planet were Predators are hunting Aliens. Job done. Would have been awesome. But they clogged the movies up with pointless fluff and contrived scenarios. I have no doubt, even with zero script writing experience, that I could knock up something infinitely better in a single day. Bah humbug!!

Absolutely agree, what a terrible waste. I wonder if they ever consider rebooting the concept, especially with new Predator and Prometheus in the works.
I really enjoyed Predators. Thought it was up there with the first one.

The bit where the Russian guy is unleashing the minigun on the dog hunter thing about 10 feet away and seemingly missing most of the shots was a bit wtf worthy. Several thousand rounds a minute and somehow it still gets that close to him. :eek:
Predator 2 is an awesome film in my opinion. It opened up the franchise. Introduced new innovative weapons, hinted that the Yautja hunted a multitude of different prey by revealing multiple vision modes as well as a look at a trophy wall.

We got a better feel for how it chooses it's prey while also elaborating further from the original movie why it spares lives (kid with toy gun and pregnant police officer). This really helps set it apart from mindless monsters in other films.
I always enjoyed Predator 2. It doesn't have as many perfectly set scenes as the first but I liked the setting. Also it set more rules for the Predators lore than the first. I remember being wowed at the reveal of the bucaneers pistol that meant they had been hunting here for centuries :D I was about 10 mind...
I really enjoyed Predators. Thought it was up there with the first one.

I didn't dislike it either. Had Arnie and Apollo Creed been in the roles played by the the guy from Kong and Laurence F. then it would have been an epic sequel. The Kong guy was quite badly mis-cast IMO.
I didn't dislike it either. Had Arnie and Apollo Creed been in the roles played by the the guy from Kong and Laurence F. then it would have been an epic sequel. The Kong guy was quite badly mis-cast IMO.

Adrien Brody? Biggest nose in the business :p

Care of Family Guy:[IMG]

[B][COLOR="Cyan"]** Please do not hotlink - EVH **[/COLOR][/B]

I read on IMDB that the directors wanted to mix it up and rather than the beefcakes in Predator I, look to use more athletic builds. Despite that - yes I still struggle to get over them using Brody. He is a little too clean cut to be believable as a bass ass merc.
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So predator 2 never happened then according to whats been said about this immediately following the original.

Well that's a shame - out of all them Predator 2 is my fave, I prefer it to the the original. As for AvP though - I want the 2 hours of my life back. :mad:
Well that's a shame - out of all them Predator 2 is my fave, I prefer it to the the original. As for AvP though - I want the 2 hours of my life back. :mad:

Have they actually said that? Predator 2 took place a long time after the first in terms of timeline. Surely this new one will just slot in without invalidating the 2nd?
I love the lore of both franchises and will watch everything with Alien and Predator in it.

Having said that AVP and AVPR were a little hard to swallow. It has been a while since I have watched them and don’t intent too any time soon.

On the whole I liked Predators and Adrien Brody as the main dude but there could have been a lot of improvements in the movie elsewhere. Other movies I can watch on repeat without too much of an issue.

Main issue for me is that both creatures have been overexposed. It no longer has any horror elements anymore, making it pure action which limits what they can do unless they evolve it.

And now they are talking about adding in StarTrek into the fold so no idea what will happen there.
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