The price of cinema tickets

12 Feb 2006
I just checked my finances from 2023.

Stafford Odeon Luxe.

Mario Bros - £21
Mission Impossible 6 - £20
Indy Jones 5 - £18
Wonka - not sure as someone took me and they paid

It has definitely gone up in price as I remember paying £10 for Ralph Breaks the Internet in 2018. Aladdin live action, Frozen II and James Bond No Time To Die were all £10 or £11 at the same cinema. James Bond was post-COVID as well.

Luxe is the premium odeon no? Which is also fairly new afaik. It's unfair to compare these to cinema tickets at other normal venues, especially as they are actually at record low prices. £5 is extremely low and that's odeon. It's so low I feel it's priced like this to bankrupt cineworld and then they will go back to a profit making amount.
18 Oct 2002
West Midlands
I've got a massive wedge of old cinema tickets from the 90's, no idea why I kept them but I found them when sorting through the loft at my Mum's house - will have to see what the prices were like, I think they were mostly UCI and WB.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
94 and 99 are recognised as two of the best years ever for cinema.

I am sure people of certain age would say that about the 70's (Star Wars, Godfather, Taxi Driver, One over the Couckoo's Nest, French Connection, Apocalypse Now) and 80's (Terminator, T2, Die Hard, Full Metal Jacket, The Shinning, Empire Strikes Back, Bladerunner)

I could go point is, we tend remember the good films, forget the bad and at certain age range in a person remembers those movies fondly, usually from around their teenage years to mid 20's.
5 May 2017
Our Vue is cheap at £5.99 and still viable to go to the Cinema as all the seats and screens were done up.
Only go to the Everyman if something decent is out and with my partner.
26 Oct 2007
Death Star or Mount Doom, it depends on the day.
I am sure people of certain age would say that about the 70's (Star Wars, Godfather, Taxi Driver, One over the Couckoo's Nest, French Connection, Apocalypse Now) and 80's (Terminator, T2, Die Hard, Full Metal Jacket, The Shinning, Empire Strikes Back, Bladerunner)

I could go point is, we tend remember the good films, forget the bad and at certain age range in a person remembers those movies fondly, usually from around their teenage years to mid 20's.

T2 was 90s and it was the better of the two.

I'm an early 80s child. So I can count some of the 80s and 00s. I've seen a lot of film from other eras. 90s for me is still the best. I do agree what you're saying in part.
It used to be worth going to the cinema 20 years ago or so when tv screens were at the largest 32 inch and low definition. Now tvs are 50 inch plus and wide screen, you get in cinematic experience in your own home in HD it's really not worth it, going through the hassle of queuing and loads of annoying people shouting at the screen and paying over the odds for snacks and drinks. Also pausing while you use the bathroom so you don't miss bits.
10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford
Luxe is the premium odeon no? Which is also fairly new afaik. It's unfair to compare these to cinema tickets at other normal venues, especially as they are actually at record low prices. £5 is extremely low and that's odeon. It's so low I feel it's priced like this to bankrupt cineworld and then they will go back to a profit making amount.

Yes Luxe is the premium version, but I was quoting the same cinema from 2018 to 2024 as I haven't used any other cinemas in that time.

Seems like cinema prices have been on the up according to this Beeb article. Inflation is still affecting the entertainment sector and hotels.

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